Cassidy Brooks Despises Parties - Novicepeanuts (2024)

Chapter Text

The sounds of the birds chirping flowed through the open window with the cool breeze.

“Mmmmhm..” Cassidy groaned through her sleep, groggily opening her eyes and peering down at her new boyfriend. With a smile, she kissed the boy on the forehead and gently played with his messy hair. Her eyes closed themselves as she rested her head back onto the pillow, continuing to run her hands through Evan’s hair.

With a loud ring and strong vibration of her phone, Cassidy paused her actions and lazily reached for her cellular device which laid on the dresser next to her.

*Girrrlllzzzz: 1 notification*



Group chat; Everyone online, Susie, Charlie, you


Blossom: mornin

Blossom: you’re up early. What for?

Bubbles: wellllll, I wanted to know if everyone wanted to go to the mall with me? I know Cass still needs some more clothes, and you need some utensils for your apartment, right?

Blossom: I do..but we have a pretty important test tomorrow? Shouldn’t we study for today and go out another time?

Bubbles: yes we should, but that’s no FUN. Plus, I seriously think Cass is reeeeaally running out of clothes. I’ve seen the same yellow shirt for a while…


Blossom: speak of the devil.

Buttercup: 🖕^2

Blossom: girl are you going to actually type orrr?

Buttercup: it’s 8 in the goddamn morning. I was doing something!

Bubbles: what’re you doing at 8 in the morning????

Buttercup: SLEEPING.


Buttercup: because of you…

Bubbles: awww does the grumpy pants need a kiss to brighten her mooood?

Blossom: lol

Buttercup: I’m going to tag along for the sole purpose of whooping your ass Susie.


Bubbles: going*

Blossom: kids it’s too early for this.

Blossom: anyways

Blossom: I guess I’m down if everyone else is, but do remember to get some studying in Susie! I can’t allow you both to be failing.

Bubbles: yes moooom

Bubbles: wait why didn’t you call out Cassidy?!

Blossom: because unlike you Cassidy always attends studies with Evan and I.

Buttercup: aka; because I’m a genius.

Bubbles: I just know she’s laughing to herself behind her camera

Buttercup: Cassidysh*teatinggrin.png

Bubbles: LOLLLL

Blossom: guys can we get back on track please…? Susie, what time do you wanna go?

Bubbles: I'd say around 12:30 should be good? It gives time for Cassidy to be with her booooyfriendd!

Buttercup: can we extend it an hour? I’d like more time if that’s what we’re doing.

Blossom: lol

Bubbles: omg Cassidy are you finally admitting to your crush on him?

Buttercup: hold on.

Buttercup: you knew?

Bubbles: I thought you could tell…

Bubbles: we knew the ENTIRE TIME.

Blossom: I mean..are we not going to talk about yesterday?

Blossom: They were all up on each other trying to get out of the car

Buttercup: shush.

Bubbles: you two would look adorableeee You should ask him out

Buttercup: well

Buttercup: funny story

Buttercup: we may or may not have started dating last night.


Cassidy silently watched as her phone vibrated in her hand frantically, the name of the group chat flashing across the screen.

Oh’s too early for this….but swiping decline would just lead to another call…’

So she placed her index finger on the green symbol and swiped left.

And Cassidy’s sensitive ears were met with an ear-piercing squeal…


“AUGH! My ears!!!”

“HUH??!! W-WHERE AM I?!”




“WHAT THE f*ck?!”


“This h-has to be one of my w-worst mornings….” The boy complained, listening to Charlie go on a tirade about how irresponsible they were for going through the motions of intimacy before marriage, and even before fully tying the knot in the beginning.

“I know right?” The beautiful girl beside him said, trying her best not to move her lips.

“I can hear you both talking!” Charlie glowered. Her angry monologue seemingly never-ending, even Susie stayed quiet as Charlie tore into the couple.


“Alright hon, I’ll be out for a while! I have to go shopping and get grilled by Charlie all by myself…” she sighed.

“Goodbye! S-Stay safe.” He tiredly waved, cleaning the dishes Cassidy used to make the couple breakfast.

He watched as his roommate-turned-girlfriend exited the room and gently closed the door behind her.

Turning his head, Evan focused his attention back on the dishes in front of him. The silence of the apartment swallowed him whole. The sound of the doorknob rattling again drew his attention back as he watched his girlfriend sporadically reenter the room.

Locking eyes, he stared at her with a puzzled face, as she jogged up towards him and planted a sloppy kiss on his right cheek. Turning and quickly jolting out of the room. Her blurting bye was the last thing he heard before the door was harshly closed.

He put a palm to his cheek, feeling the heat and the tingly feeling of Cassidy’s lips. His blank stare turned into a doofey smile. The boy’s entire surroundings brightened as he reached for his clunky headphones, connecting the wire to his phone as he put on his playlist. The sounds of energetic percussions with quiet whirlwinds followed in pursuit, along with a subtle piano rhythm in the background filling his ears as the singer hummed to the beat before beginning to sing.


Cassidy let out a quiet whine, basking in her own cringe as she rode the bus down to the mall. They agreed the rendezvous point to be the incredibly large JCPenney, it stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison to the rest of the smaller stores in the open plaza.

The girl wore her favorite long-sleeved yellow crop with a black vest and loose black overalls, along with her black boots with several gold-colored Velcro straps. The white flower hairpin she was gifted by Evan stuck neatly in her hair, keeping her long bangs out of her eyes. Her face was still red at the success of her delightful wish to make kissing on the cheek a normality.

She wanted to text her boyfriend multiple times, the thought alone making her miss him even more as she wished she could have stayed home with the boy. It was a Saturday, it wouldn’t have killed her to politely decline!

But she also knew not only did she need clothes, and she’d be lying if her time with her girls wasn’t fun.

She watched her phone vibrate, a picture of Evan sleeping appearing as her background, a new text from Susie showing up on her notifications.

Susie to you: girl to girl, leave it to me to help you out ;D

Susie to you: Charlie’s too motherly for this subject!

She read the texts, the mischievous voice of Susie narrating her words as they played out in her mind.


Cassidy had a faint idea of what Susie was talking about…knowing her it had to do with something on the explicit side….

A small smile rose on Cassidy’s face, her excitement rising as she counted the minutes until she saw her friends, and the hours until she got to see her boyfriend.


While Cassidy was out, It became a cleaning day for Evan. a thing he would typically do with her, but he had to improvise today as summer break was soon to start and he knew game nights were coming in the following weeks along with the hot weather.

He had begun making progress with laundry, bringing both his and her basket down to the communal laundromat the building offered.

Someone really has to clean out this place too…he thought to himself as he examined the cluttered room. cobwebs surrounded the entire premises, the washing machine and dryer showing their age by the amount of accumulated dust littered over them.

He wished badly that he could bring this stuff down the street, but it would be much more of a hassle, and something about bringing Cassidy’s clothing places without her permission made his stomach churn. The thought of him even losing something as small as a sock amplified the distasteful feeling much more.

After hauling the clothing into the washer the boy went back to his apartment, his head slowly moving along the music in his ears.

He focused his attention next on vacuuming as he paused his music and watched a YouTube video of an up-and-coming sequel game he favored. The video features a man in green methodically explaining the possible timeline of the game franchise, trying his best to make the first and second games consistent even though they didn’t show any signs of being related.

He chuckled to himself as he tried to think along with the man, putting his phone back into his pocket as he allowed the nerdy scientific rambling of time loops and immortality to fill his ears.


Before he knew it the boy managed to clean the entire place to his heart’s content. He sighed to himself as he fell onto the couch, prying his phone out of his pocket and exiting to his Home Screen. His background of Cassidy freaking out on a park swing set makes him laugh. (She saw a huge opossum in broad daylight)

He checked his long list of notifications; A reminder for his upcoming 19th birthday, family updates from his older brother, old chastising messages from Charlie, recent texts from Gabriel, Jermey, and Fritz, updates on his addictive single-player mobile game, and a low battery notification.

The boy unplugged his big headphones, pulling them down onto his shoulders as he checked his texts. Responding to Fritz, and the rest of the boys’ question if they were all still hanging out tomorrow with a yes, before he plugged a long charger cord into his phone.

He closed his eyes with exhaustion as wished to be reunited with his lover, the loneliness of the quiet room giving him solitude but also the desire to see her again. He still finds it hard to even wrap it around his head that she liked him just as much as he liked her. He barely had experience with friends before college, yet in his second year he managed to get a girlfriend, with her being THE Cassidy Brooks. his best friend, his roommate, his shining star in his used-to-be bleak world.

Ever since he met her everything’s been phenomenal. He gained a group of friends who were genuine to who they were, and he gained an idea of what a real relationship that didn’t include him being used was like.

When he was in grade school, and his parents were still together, his peers would constantly egg him for money and to be liked; he gave it out. And even then he never managed to feel close to anybody…

His parents were the richest family in the Utah area, and they had a habit of really bad flaunting. Hell, their uppity behavior is somehow what brought them together in the first place! he’s confused to this day about how they managed to divorce and still compete about money. His father was the owner of an up-and-coming company based around children’s entertainment, along with the owner of a robotics empire. His mother was a phenomenal lawyer and co-owner of his father’s intellectual properties.

Safe to say; money wasn’t going away any time soon. Each child of his parents was spoiled rotten, especially his sister Elizabeth. Which is what led to the family falling out…

On Elizabeth’s 14th birthday, she asked for an incredibly expensive car, and as usual, his father wanted to get it for her. ‘Anything for my baby girl’ he’d remember his dad saying. His mother didn’t agree, saying it was a waste of money as it would just tax them until she could even drive, which led them into another one of their usual drawn-out and violent fights. Glass being thrown as if it was paper airplanes, screaming as if they were deserted on some random uncharted island and so much hate that hell would be able to use them both as a pair of brand new solar panels.

He remembers going to his older brother’s room and listening to him play video games with his friends as he got to sit on his bed next to Elizabeth who would often look like nothing was happening.

It would always be silent on those nights. Even if the Afton siblings were playing a board game, it was silent. No more +2 for not saying UNO during game night, or gloating when someone won in Scrabble.

And before he knew it his brother was gone. He started his college journey and left Evan and Elizabeth by themselves. With one child gone and the other being spoiled by their father, Evan eventually stopped speaking entirely. His voice was only being used when it was necessary, but never without reason. This caused him to be estranged from his family. he still loved them, and they still loved him, but he no longer knew how to approach them….he had no genuine bonds, no confidants, and the ones he had with his family strained his interactions with them.

Friends only on the surface….

family only on the surface…

Content only on the surface…

the boy never expected much out of anybody anymore.

But…now look at where he is….

He looked back at his phone, its sensors reading that he was staring as it automatically turned back on. Meeting eyes with his motionless phone wallpaper; his girlfriend’s unfocused and still screaming face making him chuckle to himself.

He gained genuine bonds, gained a genuine lover, he became happier as time moved on.

In the tranquil environment, Evan laid down his head. wrapping his arms over his chest as he lightly smiled, imagining himself holding Cassidy’s body close, as his eyes started to gain weight. Eventually returning to slumber as his body relaxed more and more.


“Susie, are you mentally stable? Because I REALLY don’t think so!” Cassidy whispered and yelled, her embarrassment evident as she was pulled into the fitting room section in the JCpenny.

“Girl, I’m trying to help you,” Susie smirked, as Charlie waited outside in the changing room lobby, rolling her eyes as neither of the two girls was whispering nearly quietly enough.

“Can you two keep it down!” She grimaced, her voice strained as her frustration and embarrassment seeped into her whispers.

“Sorry..” the two girls in the changing room replied unanimously.


“C’mon, he’d like it!” Susie whispered, her voice as low as possible as she didn’t want to expose what she had planned to Charlie.

Cassidy glared at the black lacy underwear Susie held in her hands, her cheeks reddening at the memory of what happened last night and its possibility of repeating. She would’ve long declined by now if Susie’s idea wasn’t decently clever, not that she would ever admit it.

“…Fine. I’ll just try it on for now…I-I’m not agreeing to this though….” Cassidy whispered, snatching the pair of underwear out of Susie’s hands. avoiding eye contact throughout the exchange as she knew Susie’s gloating smile would embarrass her even more.

“So what…just put these…things…on?”

“Put them on, and then text me and I’ll teach you a trick I learned with Jerms!”

“…O-Okay..” Cassidy said. Her uncertainty rose as she started removing her comfortable clothing.

“At least let me leave first!” Susie whispered laughing, leaving before Cassidy could get in arms reach and strangle the girl.

“Oh, I was just about to check on you two. Is everything okay?” Charlie asked, her relaxed expression betraying her words of worry.

“Everything’s fine, we just have to replace some of the clothes we got, we got some of the sizes wrong.”

“But all of those are her size…?” Charlie responded, her confusion apparent as she slouched forward and her eyebrows furrowed.

“Jeez…I seriously need to teach you both about fashion…some clothes you want to be fitting perfectly, some you might want then to pop by having them tighter or loser” Susie sighed.

“Yeah I don’t get it, but if that’s what she needs.” Charlie shrugged.

“How about we get you some clothes too? All you ever wear is baggy hoodies yet you have the best proportions out of all of us.”

“Don’t flatter me.” Charlie said laughing out loud to herself. Shooing Susie’s compliment away.

“I’m serious!”

The pair walked out into the sea of hanging clothes, Susie searching for nice clothing, waiting for her cue from Cassidy to return to her dressing room.


“Susie, you think this green sweater looks nice?”

“I think you’re in the men’s section Char-Char”

“That’s not a yes or a no.”

“You prioritize comfort a bit too much….”

“Imma take that as a yes!” The girl beamed draping the sweater over her elbows as she continued rotating around the selection.

Susie sat on the soft sofa watching Charlie lazily flip through the clearance aisle, the long wait starting to get to the both of them.

“Jeez, what’s taking this girl so long…” Susie huffed.

“Well, you did give her a lot of clothes,” Charlie answered, not taking her eyes off the baggy sweaters as she pointed towards the pile of new clothes Susie picked out.

“I guess….” Susie sighed. The sudden vibration in her phone alerted her that Cassidy was ready. darting back up from her seat, she made a beeline for the girl’s fitting room.

“I’ll be back, Cass texted me!”


Susie hurried off the couch, lightly jogging through the white corridor to Cassidy’s door.

With a quiet sequence of knocks, Susie was quickly pulled into the room with a disorienting amount of force. Shaking her head and focusing her eyes again, Susie met her eyes with Cassidy’s.

“Oh. My. Goodness! You look great Cass!” She squealed. “I’m sure Ev will appreciate his early birthday gift because of Moi.”

“Just hurry this’s cold.”

“Fine fineeee, I gotta say girl, you got some nice hips.” Susie winked as she playfully flirted with her friend. Smirking at Cassidy’s intense flushed glare.

“I’m telling Jermey to keep your dumbass away from me.”

“Oooo speaking of Jerms, I should probably do the same for him too…he’s such a hard worker~…but back onto you!”

Susie held her hand out expectantly. “Do you know how to properly take a selfie?”

“No…?” She responded, obviously confused. “What do you mean ‘properly’…?”

With a loud sigh, Susie gently pulled the phone away from its owner and set it to picture mode.

“Oh yeah, this camera’ll do perfectly…”


the rapid sounds of Evan’s phone going off woke the boy up from his peaceful slumber. He tried to ignore it at first, but if someone was messaging him this many times something had to be up.

With a low groan, Evan reached his arm out, trying his best to stay asleep. After a few seconds, he finally managed to locate his phone and bring the small device to his tired face. Regretting it immediately as the poor boy accidentally hit the on button, the brightness of his phone burning into his eyes.

“Agh!” A short yelp ran from his mouth as he dropped his phone.

If this is the boys spam calling me again I swear I’m going to murder someone…

The boy rubbed his eyes in annoyance and rapidly blinked, finally able to process his surroundings and see clearly. In frustration, he picked up his phone from the floor and turned it on.

His notification table read that Cassidy texted him 8 times and 1 missed call.

O-Oh No?!

The boy’s heart sank. Guilt overtakes his emotions for being frustrated when it was only his girlfriend trying to reach him. He hated that he was taking as long as he was to respond.


The boy’s train of thought came to a screeching halt when he opened his messages with his beloved girlfriend. His face heated up rapidly and his throat started to feel hoarse. His voice was near nonexistent as he could barely even muster a sound.

His eyes met with 7 blurred photos and 1 message: “See you later~”

The flirty tone sent waves of some unknown feeling down his veins.

He couldn’t see much, but he could see her silhouette in contrast to the white walls and 1 singular mirror behind her. Through the blurry pixels he could see only black, white, and what he assumed was her pale skin.

His shaky fingers gently tapped one of the blurred photos, the photo enlarging, and a ‘view once’ warning stood in front of the picture. Holding his breath, the boy hit accept and watched as the picture rendered.

A detailed photo of Cassidy sitting down on a white bench, clothing with tags sloppily moved out of the way. Her eyes avoided the camera completely as her figure was being captured. Her body only being covered by a pure black lacy bra and a black thong.

The boy almost threw his phone across the room at record-breaking speed, but instead, he shut off his phone and placed it face down on the couch hastily. A hand went over his heart as he checked his heartbeat. Using his other hand he pinched his left cheek hard, quickly wincing in pain.

N-not a-a-asleep!

The boy’s legs closed themselves slowly as he felt an uncomfortable amount of heat spread through his entire body.


The boy sat up straight and motionless as he peered out into outer space. his focus moving towards the memory of Cassidy’s sitting body. W-Why I-in t-the world is she h-half n-naked?!

The boy could feel even his breathing become hot, now manually controlling his breathing to not have a heart attack.

His eyes slowly moved down to his phone, his mind silent as he looked at the device hungrily.

In a desire to look at the photo again, Evan’s arms hastily reached for his phone. His body movement was so wild that he clumsily juggled his phone in his hands trying to open it back up.

Regaining his composure, the boy firmly held his phone. with a newfound determination, he opened the device up and looked at the eye-catching photo again, Inspecting all of Cassidy‘s beautiful features. Her furrowed brows with the bandaid still covering the end of one, her body’s scars and adorable blemishes, her blushing face, her frown, her slim yet slightly curvy figure, her endearing yet awkward posture. taking everything in made Evan feel an unusual amount of euphoria, his privates feeling the most amount of heat than anything as waves of heat continued to soar through his body.

He gently swiped left, his face reddening even more as he stared down his phone. His mouth quivering as he watched Cassidy’s blurry pose change with the picture.

Hitting accept to the ‘view once’ notification unlocked a new pose, this one more seductive than the last.

Cassidy was on the floor, the floor being covered by the large pile of clothing he had seen earlier. She was on all fours, her derriere positioned up as her lower body curved upwards. A large part of her butt was visible due to the pose, and her mouth was covered by her arms as they sat in front of her face. Her balance relied on her forearms and knees and this time she looked directly at the camera, her black eyes glaring harshly at what’s now his eyes as he looked at the picture.

Her piercing glare activated Evan’s lust even more than her bashful avoidance in the last picture. Now with hitched loud breathing, the boy swiped again, violently hitting the accept button on the new picture.

This time it was completely different, instead of someone else holding the phone and taking the picture, it was in selfie form, Cassidy’s left hand holding the phone. Her mouth was open as she looked down at the camera, her glare much softer than last time in contrast to her much more severe blush. The camera pointed up from her groin and…hand.

Evan couldn’t believe his eyes, the picture graphically showed Cassidy’s fingers inside the thong, and the only thing he could assume was…what he did last night.

The boy’s hand slowly snaked its way onto his erection, lightly gripping the fabric of his shorts as his breathing became more and more erotic.


The startling sounds of the apartment’s doorbell ringing almost caused Evan to scream out loud, his head turning so fast towards the door that he almost caused himself whiplash.

“Yo yo! Hey Ev it’s me Jermey! Susie asked me to check on you. Are you okay buddy? I brought Fritz and Gabe with me just in case we needed to knock the door down.” A voice spoke, completely muffled, yet understandable.

W-wha..o-oh-oh c-come on?! G-G-Go a-away?! I-I-I-I L-Love you g-guys b-but now i-isn’t a good t-time?!

The boy panicked as he internally noticed his condition. He had a crazy boner, he could barely breathe, he was incredibly red, HE HAD A BONER. There’s no way he could open that door without humiliating himself?! He quickly contemplated just leaving them unanswered, but if Fritz was there that door would undoubtedly be broken down. (It happened before when Evan and Cassidy both got the flu a few months ago)

He thought about texting the group. That thought ended in his door being broken down.

He thought about answering but not opening the door? Weird jokes, and then his door going bye-bye.

He thought about calling the apartment security? The security is an asshat, he’d probably help break down the door.

He thought about pretending he didn’t hear them? f*ck that’s practically kissing his door goodbye…

He thought about just opening the door as he was? …no.

The boy internally screamed, not only was he rudely interrupted, but his panicking only got worse as he started quietly laughing to himself.

Swallowing his pride Evan decided to give a try to the opening the door idea….it’s going to happen either way right? And there’s no way he’s having no door at night with Cassidy around.

He stood up from the couch, his knees wobbly, and every part of his body felt uncomfortable. I-I h-hate everything right n-now…he bitterly thought to himself


He peered at his bathroom…an idea came to his head. T-this is gonna be embarrassing….


‘I’m so ready to punch this door down’ Gabriel signaled with his hands. The quiet boy smiled.

“Same! We have to make sure he’s okay?!” Fritz exclaimed worried, his deep voice cracking multiple times from worry.

“I’m sure he’s fine? I mean he hasn’t replied in a while…”


Silence filled the hallway as the boys looked at each other…

“Yo, we have to break this door down.” Jermey said, his voice strained as he looked at the door with paranoia.

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” Fritz yelled, charging up a strong punch along with Gabriel.

“H-h-hey guys…” a voice quietly whispered as the door opened.

“AUGH” the small voice screamed in pain as he was struck right in the face by Fritz’s punch.

“OH sh*t!!”


Gabriel quickly kneeled down and supported Evan’s head as the boy’s face was extra red from the punch.

“Ow…” he groaned, his hand rubbing his cheek with vigor as he stifled back tears. “T-the hell was t-that for?!” He asked, frustration pouring out his mouth. He looked up at the circle of kneeling down dudes, specifically Fritz who looked as worried as a mother.

“I’m sorry bud, we were about to knock your door down to check on you.”

“My bad…I was the last to agree.”

‘It was kinda funny’ Gabriel spoke with his hands. His sign language being weakened due to his laughing state.

“Dude stop laughing, Evan just got his sh*t rocked! By Fritz of all people!” Jermey yelled.

“Well, I gotta say, your durability has been improving! Taking that hit and still being as lively as this is pretty impressive.” Fritz said, clenching his fists, smiling ear to ear.

‘Is training all you think about?’ Gabriel asked sarcastically.

With a loud and dramatic sigh, Evan forced his body to go limp and closed his eyes, trying his best not to snicker through his performance.

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Fritz and Jermey cried in misery.

“Okay okay but seriously, Susie called and told me to check on ya. You okay?” Jermey said, breaking character as he put on a more serious face.

“Y-yes. I-I’m f-fine…j-just uhm..a-a bit sick..” Evan replied, faking a cough, as he wrapped his towels around his body even tighter than before. ‘This is humiliating…’ he mentally grimaced.

‘That’s rough buddy’ Gabriel signaled, Helping him up along with the others.

Dusting Evan off from the floor the 3 boys stepped back, giving the smallest one some space.

“W-well s-since I’m s-sick a-and everything, y-y-you guys s-should probably head h-home. I-I don’t w-want anyone else g-getting sick.” Evan said, giving a gentle smile and playing up the kindness to the max so that the boys wouldn’t suspect anything else was up.

“No way man, we can’t just leave you here sick? Where’s Cass? She sick too?” Fritz asked.

“Nah, she’s out with Susie, she even said hi when Sue called.”

“Oh, then we have to stay?! Cassidy rarely ever lets us do boys' night! I even brought UNO!” Fritz excitedly yelled.

“Okay, first of all, you brought UNO because you wanted to beat Cassidy in it…not for a boys' night.” Jermey interrupted, his expression showing off how fed up he was with Fritz’s UNO rivalry with Cassidy.

‘You really have to let that go. She won fair and square’

WHAT THE f*ck?!

Friendly bickering filled the hallway as Evan watched his brilliant plan to get back to his alone time go up in flames. The complete opposite of what he wanted was brewing right in front of him.

N-No! I-I’d love a boy’s n-night any other time t-than now…I-ITS N-NOT EVEN NIGHT!

“G-guys! A-again I’m sick!” He lied, faking a sneeze through his own dialogue just to try and sell the sickness bit even more.

‘Yeah and Cassidy‘s not here to help you dude, I have a mask on me, if anything I can stay and those two can go home. I’ll make you a soup.’

“Normally I wouldn’t argue, but Fritz had a good point, Cassidy rarely ever lets us do a boys' night! With Evan sick, we kill two birds with one stone.” Jermey excitedly says while walking into the apartment room.

“We nurse our buddy back to health and have a boys' night at the same timeeee!” Fritz added, merrily following Jermey into the apartment.”

Evan and Gabriel were stuck in front of the door, looking at the two dudes in the apartment room making their way to the kitchen singing an impromptu song about soup.

Tapping Evan on the shoulder to make sure he didn’t have to repeat himself, Gabriel apologized in sign language.

‘At least they mean well, right?’

Evan could only nod his head and sigh, his internal voice weeping tears of sadness as it cried and wished for his alone time to come back to him.

‘We’ll fix ya up in no time though.’ He signaled, walking into the room clapping his hands setting a rhythm to the admittedly horrible yet catchy soup song Fritz and Jermey made.

“Ugh……” Evan sighed, being the last to enter his apartment and shutting the door behind him.


“I’m so f*cking embarrassed right now!” Cassidy hissed at Susie. The trio walking through the plaza’s maze of a food court. Charlie sipping on a fruit punch from some random fast food restaurant, and Susie eating a veggie pizza from the cheapest parlor she could find.

“I’m confused…so a random dude was ogling Cassidy in the fitting room?”

“Y-yep!” Cassidy quickly responded.

In order to hide what the pair conducted they told Charlie a pretty long lie. Such a lie it made Cassidy question how many times Susie has made up bullsh*t on the spot just to tease Charlie and her.

“It was ridiculous Charlie! He was probably so stunned that he couldn’t even think of words to say!” Susie said, emphasizing certain words.

“Y-yea but it took h-him so long!!” Cassidy replied.

“Girlie trust meee! You’re fine!”

“It felt weird!”

“….I’m so sorry…you guys should’ve called out to me. I would’ve helped you guys jump him!” Charlie interjected.

..we jumped him?” Cassidy whispered, obviously not remembering all the plot holes in her partner-in-crime’s bullsh*t lie.

“HA-HA-HAAAA-OF COURSEEEE!” Susie grimaced, her voice making angry fluctuations that not even Charlie’s heard before.

I’m going to start ruining Susie’s lies more often if it pisses her off this much…

“Well..whatever, It’s getting late you guys, want to get food and then start going home?”

“Do you still have leftovers at the house Char?”

“Yeah I think so?” Charlie replied, scratching at her chin as she looked up towards the sky trying to picture what their fringe looks like in real time.

“If I eat now I think I should pick up Evan some food. Imma call him, see what he might want- y-yea imma call him!”

A quiet sigh escaped out of Susie’s mouth, as Charlie simply nodded her head.


Evan watched as the boys dragged him into a long UNO game, he thanked the angels that his antsy behavior wasn’t being picked up by the others.

Probably because they were too busy yelling at each other…

“YOU CANT PUT A SKIP ON A +4 DIPsh*t!” Jermey yelled, slamming his hand on the kitchen island with a passion.



‘YEA ITS A SKIP f*ckFACE’ the symbol Gabriel chose for f*ck face being a middle finger right in front of Jermeys face.

“OHHH-HO-HO-HOOOH!! IM ABOUT TO SHOVE THAT +4 SO FAR UP YOUR ASS!!” Jermey laughed out, getting up off of his seat.

‘I WANT TO SEE YOU TRY!’ Gabriel replied, standing up in his seat as well.

“G-guys r-relax, I just c-cleaned!!” Evan exclaimed, trying his best to mediate the two idiots arguing.

“Shove two.” Fritz added

“W-why are you like this.” Evan hissed lowly.

“He took my cards like 3 times. I wanna see 2 cards go up Gabe’s ass at the least.”

‘7’s AND 0’s ARE FAIR GAME.’


Evan tried to stop himself from sighing at the ensuing chaos going on at the kitchen’s island as he rubbed his temple.

He loved his friends, and he’d be lying if he didn’t find this entertaining, but the only thing he wanted right now was to go back to what he was doing before they came in! There’s seven-or-so photos, he only saw three! He felt as if he went any second longer without seeing Cassidy’s body he was going to break!


“Pause! Someone’s phone is ringing.”

“O-o-oh…t-that’s mine!” Evan replied, his memory of what was currently on his phone showing up vividly in his head. His face reddened and heat spreading further at the thought.

Evan excused himself from the table as his guests quieted down. Scurrying his way to his couch where his phone rested, Evan watched as the Caller ID read Cassidy’s name with some hearts next to it.

With a quick slide to the accept button, Evan tried to make words but could only stutter horribly into the phone.

His “hey” hardly being able to be heard through his nervous stuttering


“I told you so!” Susie whispered, being met with a bashful glare from Cassidy.

“H-hey hon! U-Uhm…oh! The reason I called, right! Uhm I’m at the P-Plaza right now, a-and we just talked about food? W-want any?”

“She even sounds like Evan with all that stuttering.” Charlie joked, earning a hearty laugh from Susie.

“I’m going to kill you both!” The girl glowered, obviously not seeing the fun in her expense as her cheeks brightened even more.


“O-oh! U-Uhm n-no, Jermey, and t-the others c-c-came by and ordered U-Uber Eats!”

“Yeah we have leftovers!!” Fritz screamed, assuming it was Cassidy that Evan was talking to.

“We forced him to not pay, we treated him out for once!!” Jermey yelled.

“G-Gabriel s-says we need t-to buy soup..” Evan said, filling in for his silent friend.


“Was that Fritz?” Cassidy sighed. Forgetting that Susie sent the boys over as unknowing spies to check on Evan.

“Why am I even asking, I know his voice…” she sighed, interrupting her own words.

“Can you put me on speaker hon?” Cassidy asked, her voice a bit more annoyed sounding than before.


The boy walked from the couch to the kitchen island, pressing the speakerphone button.

“Y-you’re on s-speaker!”

“I am?”

“Hey Cass!”

“Yo CassCass!”

“G-Gabriel said hi!”

“Hey, boys! Jermey, I know Susie called you earlier, hey again. Quick question though! May I ask why you’re all still in my and Ev’s apartment?”

Everyone in the room could feel Cassidy’s sternness and anger,as if they had already made a grave mistake.

“Lil’ buddy was sick, so we came in to nurse him up!”


“Yea! He was super red when we first came by, wrapped in towels and everything.”

“Ohhh, Super red you say?

“Gabe said tomato-like!” Jermey chuckled, much to Evan’s disapproval.

Good to know, I’ll nurse him up real good, don’t worry. Anyways, I’ll be back in around 40 minutes hon. Toodles!”

The sounds of staticky rustling wind came to an end, silence filling the room as Evan watched all the eyes turn to him.



“Hon’ short for honey, buddy?”


“. . ."



“Oh my g-god…” Evan sighed, putting his hands over his cheeks and ears to hide his flushed face.


Cassidy pulled out the keys to the apartment, opening the door swiftly to see her boyfriend sitting at the kitchen island alone, staring into her eyes with a passion.

With a large smile, the boy hopped off the chair and hurriedly walked to Cassidy and gave her a large hug, helping her bring in her bag.

The couple didn’t need to use words to express how much they missed each other, even if it was for only a few hours of a day. With a loving silence, they helped each other get situated in comfort.

Hand in hand the couple walked back to the kitchen island, with Cassidy sneaking glances at the time.

6:40 pm



“I love you.”

“I love you t-too.”

The couple shared an appreciative smile, still holding each other’s hand.

“Do you remember last night?” Cassidy asked, her cheeks flushing pink as she stared forward aimlessly.

“Mhm, I-I had a g-great time with you.” The boy said, his love showing with every word as he continued to stare

“Well, I just wanted to say thank you for staying with me.” She said whilst smiling, turning her head back to his and rubbing her thumb in circles on Evan’s palm.

“T-the pleasure was all m-mine! I’m so honored t-that you want to date me.” He replied, his hand going over his heart as he kept eye contact with Cassidy, that same determined look that made her heart soar with joy.

“Thank you~” Cassidy started, removing herself from her seat, and going towards the couch. Leaving the boy alone to question what she was doing.

“Good, your phone’s at 100~” she whispered, looking back at the boy with a different type of smile.

She walked back slowly, placing the phone down on the table behind the boy. Her arms rested on his shoulder as she turned the disc seat back toward the kitchen island.

“Open the phone~” Cassidy whispered, her elbows now resting on his shoulders as she held the table. She took a few steps closer and rested her chest on his back. Her mouth lining up with his ear. His wild strands were blown away with a small gust of wind from Cassidy’s mouth.

The boy smiled back, realizing what his girlfriend was getting at as he leaned his head back and placed a small kiss on her lips. With one arm Evan lifted his phone from the counter, and with his other, he rested his hand on Cassidy’s cheek.

The boy smiled like a lovestruck imbecile as he opened his phone for the couple to see.

“Let’s see the rest of the stuff I sent you~ I checked again and you didn’t see all of it~”

The boy didn’t bother to speak, he didn’t feel as if he needed to. All he wanted to do was follow the orders he was given, and that he did.

Quickly he went back to Cassidy’s direct messages and opened her blurry pictures back up. Ignoring the way that Cassidy’s elbows were removed from his shoulders and instead laid themselves on the sides of his rib cage, her hands now on his lap massaging his thighs.

Evan took a second to look back at his girlfriend who instantly stopped all her motions, her face replicating a deer in headlights as she blushed. Avoiding her eyes from his unusually smug smile. He leaned back into her small chest, giving her another kiss as he moved them both back to the table. Cassidy’s face now resting on his right side where his neck and right shoulder blade began. Her eyes focused not on the phone, but on his pants.

She could tell when he saw the next photo, his body language changing from confident and smug to squeamish. His thighs closed themselves as his eyes opened wide. The boy quickly dropped everything, removing his hand from her cheek placing it to his mouth, and placing his other on top of Cassidy’s hand.

“That was the fourth one right~?” she whispered, closing her hands in on their target. “Was I fully naked dear~?”

She looked up from his bulge and met eyes with him, his brows furrowed as he blushed furiously. His smile turned upside down in surprise, she quietly laughed to himself, allowing her seductive facade to loosen and kiss her lover on his cheek.

“Y-you’re bold.” He said, still looking at her.

“I know~” she chuckled, putting her seductive face back on.

“Look at the rest hon~” she gently whispered again, her palm applying gentle pressure on his forming erection. His one free hand made her work for what she wanted as he playfully held her hands together.

“Mm.” He hummed, using the hand that used to be on her cheek to pick up his phone.

The picture showed his girlfriend completely nude, selfie-ing herself from a high angle, a smirk on her face showing how much more confident she got with the camera than before.

“Susie taught me how to do this, she said happy birthday~”

The boy, still unresponsive, felt Cassidy’s hands move close to the hem of his shorts.

“I have more in my phone, i only sent what I thought were the best ones.~” she whispered.

The boy took a second, staring at the naked image before swiping to the next photo, accepting the warning that he could only see it once.

The next picture was of Cassidy bending forward away from the phone, her butt taking up most of the picture. He looked hungrily at the picture version of her dripping lips.

“Did you know that a phone can take a picture by itself~?” She whispered, her voice louder than the last time as she won their under-the-table tussle. Both of her hands feeling up his erection.

Cassidy used one hand to wrap her fingers around Evan’s member, and the other to pull down parts of his pants and free his shaft.

The girl started slow, moving her hand up and down gently, only tugging on occasions to make sure he stayed focused. Her free hand moved to Evan’s mouth as she egged the boy on to keep going.

With a swipe to the left and an accepted notification, Cassidy instantly started gaining speed with her hand. The boy took advantage of his voice being muffled to let out multiple stifled breaths.

The girl shifted her hands, her dominant resting at the top while her other rested at the bottom. Her hand gently caressed the tip with her palm.

Waves of shocking electricity passed through his body almost every rub, his composure breaking little by little whenever it happened. Evan turned his head slowly, meeting eyes with his girlfriend. Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip as she smiled, she must’ve been enjoying herself a lot.

The boy no longer bothered to look at the phone, instead focusing all his attention on the girl behind him.

He had to find a way to subdue her or their night would end soon and disappointingly…

With quick thinking Evan hastily moved both of his hands back to her cheeks. Taking advantage of Cassidy’s adorable surprise, the boy nibbled gently on her hand, causing her to instinctively release his mouth from being muffled. With most of his body freed, the brunette quickly stood up and smashed his lips against his girlfriend’s. Prying her hands apart with all his might.

The couple stood in the middle of their apartment room, arms wrapped around each other in a tight hug as they shared a passionate kiss. With a quiet release for air they locked eyes again, laughing to themselves as they realized what they were doing.

“You r-ready?” Evan said, his cheeks radiating a light pink.

“Ehe, yea. I’m ready to dance.” She giggled. Hands in tow as they spun each other around, bringing their lips together again for a reunion.

In the middle of the kiss, the girl snaked her arms through the boy’s top, bringing it over his chest and flinging it to the floor.

“Hey!” He laughed through the kiss. “You h-have overalls on!”

“Fair~ want help gettin’ it off hon?” She snickered.

“N-no I got it~”

Turning his girlfriend around, he swiftly unclipped her overall straps, pulling down the clothing from her shoulders to her ankles with Cassidy excitedly kicking them off across the room.

“Y-you still have t-those on?!” Evan asked, surprised to see a black thong wrapped around Cassidy’s hips.

“Well, it’s not like I could give them back!? Poor things were a mess!”

A loud sigh came from the boy’s mouth, chalking it up to another petty theft from Cassidy. He’d have to go to the JCpenny and pay them for what was taken.

“Dear, focus on what’s in front of you~” the girl cooed, swinging her hips to the side in a slow manner, almost as if she was trying to hypnotize Evan.

With a light eye roll, the boy moved in closer, touching his chest with hers before he gave her another kiss. His tongue parted her lips as he gently asked for entrance. Allowing him in, the two passionately wrestled for dominance. Light sighs and groans filled the room as the heat from their hearts electrified the kiss.

Getting more and more excited, the couple’s feet gained minds of their own as they tried to locate anywhere they could lean on to continue their lustful desires. Finding what they only assumed to be the couch the pair allowed themselves to fall on it, both of their eyes closed as they kept going.

Taking a break for air Cassidy raised herself off of Evan’s lips, being on top of him she straddled herself on his stomach. With loud pants she hastily tore off her shirt, throwing it aside just like the other garments before diving back in for another passionate kiss.

Evan could feel a pool of liquid start to pour out on his stomach, it was warm just like her. He felt weirdly proud to be able to get her this wet. Breaking the kiss again on this side Evan looked up at his girlfriend, a deep blush adorning his cheeks.

“I…I saw something recently…i-is it o-okay if I t-try it?” He asked, making sure he had the A-okay to continue before moving on.

“Of course…just be gentle.”

Cassidy was surprised when she felt Evan’s hands hold her hips. moving along with his lead, she watched as he moved her lacy thong over, releasing her drenched loins from its enclosure. She flushed a deep red as she watched him place himself down at her lips, the feeling of his warm breath sending shivers through her spine. She rolled her eyes back in bliss as his tongue slowly started licking her puss*, earning a loud whine of ecstasy from his darling girlfriend.

Her cry startled the poor boy under her, stopping his tongue and looking up at her with worry. He yelped in surprise when she grabbed at his hair and pushed him back down. “K-keep going!! D-don’t stop!” She lustfully demanded, gently sifting her hand through his ash brown locks. Her other hand was placed under her bra as she roughly toyed with her nipple.

Obliging to the girl above him, the boy firmly gripped her hips, holding her steady to continue what he was doing before.

He couldn’t see much except the view from under her, but he was able to hear Cassidy’s rampant moans of pleasure, each moan making him more excited to go further even though his jaw was starting to hurt from licking her womanhood so vigorously. It was a lot of fun for him, his girlfriend was moaning and a mess, it was a beautiful sight for him. PLUS, now she was the squeamish one, payback’s a bitch as they say.

“Ah~ F-f*ck!~” she moaned while jerking her hips forward and accidentally causing Evan’s tongue to go inside her folds. “Ahhha~” she groaned, her head jerking back as she moaned harder and harder. The boy continued moving his tongue around, licking and drinking all the dew she produced as she got closer and closer to an org*sm.

“K-keep g-going!” She moaned, riding the boy's face as her hips violently moved back and forth, getting Evan’s tongue deeper and deeper and probing at her G-spot.

Safe to say it didn’t take long for her body to spasm out an org*sm for Evan to consume happily. The girl’s mind went blank for her first one, drool leaking out of her mouth as her plump butt sat limp on the couch. Her heavy pants being the only sound in the room, slowly she started moving away from his face, a line of sticky white fluids breaking off Evan’s adorable lips. His big eyes peered at her with worry all over. “Y-you o-okay?” He asked, standing his chest up, immediately being stopped by Cassidy as she gently pushed his body back onto the couch. “You……you’re not done…” she groaned between heavy pants. He could tell she was fighting off her exhaustion, her body was moving incredibly sluggishly.

“H-hey, I-it’s okay! I j-just like seeing you happy…” He worriedly explained, moving his body back up as he wrapped his hands around Cassidy to keep her stable, her eyelids drooping more and more as time went on.

“I…I want….to….”

“Shhhh, i-it’s o-okay” he laughed, leaning his face in for a kiss but being stopped by Cassidy weakly putting her hand over his mouth.

“Not…not with that mouth” she sheepishly chucked, staring at him with love through her almost passed-out eyes.

Playfully the boy had made multiple kissing sounds and motions as he weakly tried to close the distance between him and his girlfriend. Her loud laughs and multiple “stop it’s” rejuvenated his heart as he watched his girlfriend fall onto his shoulder and eventually close her eyes.

With a snicker the boy grabbed her wrist, giving a gentle kiss to the back of her palm before getting up and quickly scurrying to the bathroom to freshen up.


“Hyuph!” The boy breathed, picking up Cassidy with light difficulty and heading to her bedroom, gently opening the door and moving to her bed. Laying her down and grabbing extra sheets from her closet to wrap her in. Giving her a proper kiss on the forehead before he turned around and started going to the living room.

“S….stay….” She quietly whispered. Her hand moved out of the covers and weakly in the direction of the door.

With a gentle smile, Evan nodded his head, “I-I k-know. I-I’ll b-be back, don’t w-worry.” He whispered. Leaving the room to go clean and change his clothes.

When he returned he heard Cassidy’s light snores, telling him to be quiet and that she was finally sleeping. With a quiet giggle he snaked his way into her bed, his nimble movements not waking her up in the slightest. “G-Goodnight love” he whispered, lightly kissing Cassidy’s pink lips as he eventually reached slumber for himself.


Evan was never the type of person to wake up early, his hermit instincts kept him in bed until 3 on a normal day. he remembers one day being so sleepy that he passed out from studying around 2 am, and woke up to Cassidy calling their mutual friend Gregory, a rowdy boy he roomed with in freshman year, frantically asking him if it was normal for him to still be asleep at 7 pm. He still laughed to this day at her multiple flustered light punches directed at his poor shoulder.

So it confused him heavily why he was awake at 6 am, the darkness from the night prior not even fully leaving the new sky. He groggily looked around, his eyes leaving the clock and scanning his surroundings. His confusion rose when he spotted his girlfriend lying down on top of him and staring at him intently, her eyebrows furrowed as she sported a light frown.

“G-good morning…” he weakly said, wrapping his arms around her waist as he fought off sleep by shaking his head and blinking rapidly.

“Hmph!” Was her only response, a slight blush forming on her cheeks.

“…D-did I d-do something w-wrong?” He asked, a deep pit forming in his stomach as his heart lowered. Worry already filled his eyes as he feared that he disappointed his girlfriend or even worse; broken a boundary she had.

“…yes and no.” She responded, poking him in the head as her expression softened, portraying to him she wasn’t genuinely hostile with him.

“…..I-I’m sorry…” he said, removing his hands from Cassidy as he tried moving back, not being able to due to the bed rest.

“It’s okay, it’s just…”

Her face reddened, her eyes turned away from his as her mouth was left agape, struggling to find the next thing to say.

“I-I….i-it…you…it’s just….” She stammered, her face reddening more at the embarrassment.

She felt a soft hand rest on her head, she looked up at the owner of the hand and saw his face. The poor boy was filled with worry and confusion, she could see how watery his eyes were as if he was one catastrophic phrase away from crying, and yet…he still decided to try and give her comfort and support. She mentally cursed herself out for making such a thing so big to him.

Steeling herself she started again, her mouth opening as she copied Evan’s determined look whenever he confessed something adorable to her.

“Y-you’ve never came!”

She watched as Evan’s face went from confused to bashful. His embarrassment became apparent by the second.


“You’ve never came!” She repeated, this time with more vigor.

“It’s so unfair for you, I start our sessions, and every time I really do want you to come! b-but I-I get super excited a-and well….finish first…” the last part of her declaration ending with an embarrassed whisper.

“I-I…I want nothing more right now than to…t-to be pleasing you! Right here, I-in my bed! Right now!”

She stared down the boy, his face being so flushed he was almost all red. His mouth opened and closed in shock as his wide-open eyes stared back at her.

“ it okay if I please you? I-I don’t want only me to be the one satisfied our entire relationship..” she pleaded.

“I-I….uhm…o-okay…” the boy was so surprised he could barely make out proper words…his member at full mass due to her…interesting declaration.

The room was already hot, and Cassidy smiled, moving her body up for the covers to fall and reveal that she was only in her underwear from last night. With one of the most gentle smiles he’d ever seen she slowly moved out of the bed and slid off her white-stained panties. Picking them up and throwing them in her hamper, with her black bra following suit. Evan couldn’t help but stare at her thin back and her heart-shaped ass.

She was unusually antsy. her silence, and scurrying around with her eyes down telling him that he needed to speak up and reassure her.


“O-oh! Y-yes? Is there anything y-you would like?”

“C-calm down love, e-everything’s okay. I didn’t even notice u-until you told m-me. D-Don’t force yourself into a-anything.”

She stared at him for a minute, her stiffness leaving her body as she felt a large weight leave her shoulders, she smiled again. A more smug version of her loving smile appeared on her face. “Thanks, hon, you always know what to say.” She praised, holding his cheeks and kissing his forehead.

“So this means we’ll continue later, right?” He asked, his innocent smile making her blush.

“Nope~” she simply replied, her passionate eyes looking him up and down as she bit her bottom lip in hunger. “If anything, you made me more excited~” she whispered.

The girl hopped back into the bed, curving her back to accentuate her butt and chest. She sat on his covered erection, feeling it harden under her puss* as she smiled, hot lustful thoughts filling her mind as her imagination ran wild. She placed another hot kiss on the boy's face, leaving a trail of saliva on his cheek as she licked him. With a sultry giggle leaving her mouth, she grabbed both his hands and brought them above his head, holding them in place so he would feel even more trapped than he was right now. She felt his dick twitch from under her in response, making her breath out a moan once more as she removed one hand and placed his chin in her palm, and kissed Evan on his lips again, wasting no time at all in stuffing her tongue in his mouth and licking his mouth clean. She partially wished the taste was more…fresh, but she didn’t let that stop her from swirling her tongue around in his mouth.

The boy sighed in pleasure as she violently kissed him, licking his mouth to her satisfaction while using her hips to ride the boy’s covered-up erection.

“A-Ah~…” he moaned out, even his moans getting swallowed up by Cassidy’s lustful hunger.

With a loud pop, the girl released Evan’s lips from hers, immediately moving onto his pants and pulling them down with a desperate desire to satisfy them both. His erected member stood up and waved itself to Cassidy as it twitched rapidly from the girl’s teasing.

Without words, the girl immediately slammed her face down and opened her mouth for Evan’s dick. stuffing all that she could down her inexperienced throat, not being able to handle the experience of something going that far down her throat, she immediately sprung up and coughed out saliva. coating his standing penis in hot liquid.

“S-slow…d-down.” He pleaded between pants.

Seeing his open mouth gave her an idea, she remembered reading about a certain sex position that would help them both get experienced using their mouths! In her wild excitement, the girl lifted her legs, turning her body a full 180 and resting her butt in front of Evan. Far enough to where he didn’t have to use his tongue if he didn’t want to, but close enough to where he wouldn’t be forced to struggle if he did. After all, it was all about him!

Cassidy on the other hand, glared at his shaft, the tiny bit of fear at the possibility of being bad at sucking him off stopping her from enveloping his penis with her mouth.

“AH~” a loud moan came from Cassidy’s mouth, her groin a bit extra sensitive as it was still recovering from Evan’s oral assault. A sinking feeling spawned in her stomach, an inkling of worry about her finishing too fast and not being able to finish him off before he made her cum again motivated her to stuff his dick in her mouth.

The advice from Susie repeated in steps in Cassidy’s mind.

Grip the bottom of the shaft with both hands…stick out your tongue…push teeth back….up, down, up, down…jerk the bottom…’

She tried her best, it was hard to get used to at first but she managed to get the hang of it as she managed to stop Evan in his tracks and force him to be a moaning mess. She smugly smiled as she bobbed her head up and down on his dick, his hands grabbing at everything around him making her even more aroused as he would fiercely grab her hair, panic, and then let it go. It made her feel hot and reminded her who her adorable and kind boy was.

“I….I love you!” She blurted out, her entire confession sounding messy and inaudible as she halfway choked on his dick mid-sentence.

But as corny and cliche as it was he responded with the same phrase (at least as best he could through both licking her puss* and moaning).

Moans were the only thing the two could hear, the sounds of their lovemaking being oppressive to their ears. Somehow managing to turn each other on even more.

She felt the feeling of Evan’s shaky licking some to a pause, his body writhing around in her bed as she continued to suck him off. His groans distracted her from all the sighs that he was close.

“C-Cass…C-Cassidy!” He cried as a warning, tears starting to fall from his eyes from the amount of pleasure and heat. The feeling of a flood rose to his penis as he tilted his head back and released into the mouth of his girlfriend.

It must’ve surprised her a lot as she instantly raised her head off his penis and coughed up loads of his org*sm, sporadically wiping at her face. He wouldn’t admit but it made him feel rather guilty for making her experience that, and made him want to look into foods that would make…that stuff… taste better for her since she had to spit it out so violently.

“f*ck! UGGHH!” She groaned loudly, hostility brimming out of her words instead of lust. Violent coughs left her throat as she gripped her neck for support.

“I-I-IM SORRY!” He cried, panicking from under her.

“Huh?- OH! Wait no, nononono, I’m not mad at you! I’m mad at me! I-I wanted to try s-swallowing it like how you did yesterday…sorry for making you think otherwise.” She laughed, turning her head to show him how much of a mess he made out of her. Cum dripped out of her lip and hot tears ran down her face from her violent coughing spree.

“Oooo! Actually,” she started, rolling over his body and bringing each other face to face instead of the 69 position, “if you feel like you’re cumming, just yank at my hair twice to let me know!”

“Y-yank at your hair…?” He panted out, the feeling of his first org*sm from somebody else’s hands weighing down on him.

“Yeah, a good pull baby~,” she said, her voice steaming with lust.

“Oh~? Is someone tired~?” She sighed, cupping Evan’s cheeks with her palms as she blew a kiss to his lips. His tiredness now showing from how sluggish his body became.

“N-No! I-I can s-still k-keep going!”

“You can?~ Show me~.” She said, lining up her entrance with his penis, her knees laying on the bed on the outside of each of his legs as she straddled him.

“W-woah!!” He screamed, the sight before him made his dick whine in desire, but his logical side prevailed over his instincts. “C-Cassidy a-are y-y-you sure?” He asked, holding her by the hips to make sure she didn’t go into this just because of lust.

With a giggle, Cassidy looked back at her partner, Her cat-like eyes peering into his big round, and soft eyes. With a gentle smile, she nodded her head, a bead of sweat running down her head as she put on her bravest face.

“W-wait, at least h-hold my hands before you go down,” Evan said, smiling at Cassidy as he outstretched his hands for her to hold. Cassidy looked at his hands as if she was a baby getting gifted a new toy, her hands slowly moving into his interlocking fingers.

“Ready?” She asked, smirking to build up her confidence.

“G-Go slow.” He smiled back.

Without a loud release of pent-up breath Cassidy slowly lined herself up and moved her hips down on Evan’s co*ck. The feeling of his stiff member pushing through her walls was incredibly uncomfortable, pain soaring through her nerves as she clenched her teeth and tightened her hold on Evan’s poor hands.

D’not f*cking move until I say so…” she grimaced through her teeth.

Y-y-yea!” He obliged, his face reddening a little more at her violent tone.

With a few deep breaths, Cassidy slowly started moving her hips up and down, humping his dick as she let out multiple wet moans. “O-okay, a-ah~…a-alright…” she groaned, a horny smile rising on her face as she gained speed.

“Ah~” “mhn~”

The couple moaned in unison, kissing occasionally to feel even closer. Evan gripped her hips and increased her speed, pushing her up and down with even more force. The girl laid her head onto his thin chest as she moaned into his body.




The girl giggled at his inability to properly make out words, the sounds of their sweaty bodies making constant contact filling his ears, and the heat of the room getting to his head.

“Mmhm!~” Cassidy sighed happily, her loins feeling out the rushing spasm of a blank org*sm. Her body jittering in place as drool pooled out of her mouth.

“F-f*ck me more~!” She pleaded, her voice slow, and drenched in lust. She locked eyes with her boyfriend, his teary eyes making her heart jump. Immense pride flowed within her as she watched his head lean back from the pleasure.

Cassidy removed herself from the boy’s stiff member, turning her body around to a reverse cowboy as she placed it back in. The heat became familiar and addicting to her.

She felt his hands grab at her breasts, cupping them as the fingers played roughly with her nipples, extra stimulation running to her brain. Leaning back into the pleasure the girl fell onto her lover’s chest as he continued pumping his hips, one of his hands reaching down to her cl*t and ferociously rubbing in circles.

Loud and beautiful moans spat out of Cassidy’s mouth, her speech becoming nearly incoherent as she moaned out her demands. “Harder!” “Faster!” “Just like that!” “Right there!” “f*ck me!”

Evan’s never seen a better sight, his eyes never leaving Cassidy‘s back as he used his left hand to pry at her swollen nipples. His right hand was drenched in dew as he rubbed her puffy cl*t, her sensitivity from multiple org*sms so recently showing as her hips bucked and jerked around wildly.

He’d never seen Cassidy in such a light, she was typically rowdy and energetic, or if she was alone she was composed and methodically silent, but begging for him and screaming like a banshee in his ears was new, and it felt so good too. Like opening a new book for the first time and feeling the crisp pages and smelling the fresh book smell. Like getting a new phone and watching the battery last from sun up to sun down without issue. He was so happy, these nights he shared with his only love remained unforgettable.

His happiness almost made him forget about the gushing feeling in his member, he roughly pulled down on her loose hair strands, pulling two times as he remembered the warning Cassidy gave him. Watching her rolled-back eyes gain focus and spring up pushed the boy past his breaking point, his eyes shutting into pitch black as he let out a wet cry, his hips bucking as he felt cum spilling from the tip.

The boy’s exhaustion took over his body as he fell back limp onto Cassidy’s soft pillows, his poor body so sluggish he thought he was paralyzed for a moment. His ears ringing as he shook his head quickly trying to regain his senses.

The boy looked up, Cassidy’s heart-shaped ass sat completely still on…oh

“….d-did…..did I-I…did I w-warn you in time…?” The boy asked in between loud gasps for air.

“…y-yeah, I-I’m so sorry it’s completely my fault, I-I should’ve moved quicker.” She apologized, turning her face and showing him how much shame boiled in her eyes. He’d never seen her look so apologetic, it almost made him cry to see her so torn. “I-it’s o-okay!” She said, her left hand rubbing her opposite arm in embarrassment. “I-I….bought some stuff while I was out..” she admitted, a hint of pink rising on her already incredibly hot cheeks.

“W-Will you be okay using I-it? i-it won’t have any bad effects o-on your body right?” she breathed out a response “N…nope, it’ll just make sure nothing happens…”

“…Yaaaay…” he snored, raising his hand in the air as a last move before he passed out on her bed.

“….This is so gonna stink up my room Ev…can we at least clean first…?”

Her lack of response from the boy told her all she needed to hear, giving up easily as she fell next to the boy and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into her chest as she kissed his forehead.

“You’ll tell me if you had fun, right~?” She tiredly asked, her eyes closing softly as she rested her lips on his head. The last thing she felt was his body shifting closer to her as he wrapped his arms around her. Snoring out a response, almost as if he was trying to say yes from his slumber.

With a light giggle, the pair fell asleep, their naked bodies providing ample heat and comfort as the time flew by.


“Hmmm…” Cassidy groaned. Her hazy eyes peered at the clock by her bedside.“2 pm…” she groggily muttered, laying in bed and trying to probe her memory for information. Coming up with nothing she pushed all her thoughts aside to look at the boy who was snuggled up in the middle of her breasts, making her quietly laugh to herself as he looked so much at peace.


The word peace repeated through her head as she quickly focused hard on why peace of all things would be triggering something within her hazy mind.


‘What…what day even is it?’



Shivers scurried down Cassidy’s body as she stiffened upwards in panic. Her body jerked involuntarily waking up Evan. “W-wha?!” He yelled, rubbing his eyes as his peaceful sleep was interrupted by surprise.

Cassidy without words scrambled for her phone, turning it on instantly and letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

“OH MY GOD, H-HOLY sh*t A-ARE YOU O-OKAY?!” Evan screeched, his eyes widening

“I MISSED MY FINAL.” She screamed, despair running all over her pale face as she scrambled around her bed, tripping on clothes as she tried to run out the door.

“Y-YOU W-WHAT?!!?”


“H-H-Hello p-pr-professor…” Evan meekly said, waving his fingers as he walked into the large assembly room. Pushing his big headphones down to his shoulders as he tried to ‘act normal’.

“Oh, good day to you Afton. You know you missed my class today, right? Your class is taking it tomorrow, and you missed a pretty big review. Everything okay?”

“Y-y-yea- well, a-actually n-no..?” He nervously responded, giving a deep breath before he continued. “C-Cassidy g-got sick, she w-was throwing up and s-stuff.. I think she g-got food poisoning…I-I was taking c-c-care of h-her! I-Is it o-okay with y-you if she takes t-the test when s-she recovers?” He lied, trying his best to convince the perceptive teacher in front of him.

“Oh, that’s what happened? You should’ve sent an email to me Afton, I had her marked absent and almost failed! Yes, I’ll permit her to take the test another day.” The young professor chuckled, fixing his glasses up with his finger so that they didn’t fall.

“T-thank y-you!” He bowed, frantically trying to escape the situation he was in.

“No-problemo kiddo!” He chuckled. “Oh wait, before you go!” He started, reaching his hand out to the panicking child who was nearly out of the class. Not knowing how many heart palpitations he was making the poor boy suffer through. “You and Cassidy….is there something going on between you two~?” He smugly asked, covering his mouth as he snickered.

The boy’s red face and wide-eyed stare told the young professor all he needed to know. “It’s common to want to protect your lover!” He laughed, giving a large thumbs up to the kid, “Do your best okay? You two seem perfect for each other!”

“T-thanks..” the boy whined, running out of the door and melting from embarrassment.

“She owes me s-so much for this!” He scowled, placing his hands over his cheeks as he ran back to his car where she sat smugly playing with the window. Waving her little phone as she showed off his caller ID.

“Thanks, hon~” she whispered into the phone, her voice playing through Evan’s headphones.

“S-shut up!”

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.