Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (2024)

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2 Days Ago #16


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My Dad bought me my 1st camera. He shot with a Rolleicord & a Nikon.

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2 Days Ago #17


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I started with an Exakta, but when I bought my first "modern" SLR I got a Pentax MX because it was cheaper than the Nikon FM or the Olympus OM1n. I was only interested in mechanical cameras that worked without batteries so Canon A series was out... Though I did own a FTBn and a Pellix later on.

2 Days Ago #18



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Instamatic (when I was 10, shared with my mom), then the first serious camera I bought myself after college was the Rollei 35LED, beautiful little camera I loved. But when i went ILC it was Pentax. But that camera (MX) got stolen out of my studio and I never replaced it with another 35mm camera (although I had a waterproof Minolta for fishing)---I moved on to large and medium format until digital came along.

2 Days Ago #19

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I started with a point and shoot 127 camera working my way towards 35mm film after I saw what quality it delivered (went through the "robot" 35mm format stage for those who remember it; square frames but 35mm film).

At some point I fell in love with SLR tech, being that multiple lenses and through-the-lens viewing was possible. That took me to a Practica since Pentax was way out of my budget reach at the time. My mom and dad bought me that camera and a few lenses as time went on. I always had my eye on Pentax, however after seeing and holding one.

Later, when my personal finances improved and my Practica was in failing health, I jumped to Pentax with a PZ-1p and that was my main camera until the K-1 came along. With features similar to the PZ-1p but so much more to offer (and the fact that I could use all the lenses I had so far acquired), the K-1 was a natural progression for me.

Now I'm hoping my K-1 outlasts me which has every indication of happening, but even if it doesn't, the Pentax K-1 line of cameras will. All this doesn't mean I don't shoot with other cameras, but I consider those cameras "special use cameras" whose features determine when I use them as opposed to my K-1. So, you might consider me a Pentax person who cheats on the side from time to time.

2 Days Ago #20


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1970's - 1980's
My earliest memory (1970's) was my dad's Canon AE-1 (film) camera. I have fond memories of him using this camera through the 1980's to document family life with 5 children traveling the US to visit major attractions (mostly parks).

1990 - 2000
My next exposure to a camera was my girlfriend (future wife) who brought with her a Canon AE-1, which she did not use (and still has not used) that much. Shortly after we were married (1991), my wife and I purchased our first film point-in-shoot film camera (Olympus IS zoom) for casual photos, which we liked and used a lot during this decade.

The next camera in my life was in 2000 when my wife and I purchased a small point-in-shoot Sony digital camera that took the proprietary memory stick media, which we used to capture family life with two children of our own.

2010 - 2020
Around 2010, we "upgraded" our Sony digital camera with the small Nikon P5100 point-in-shoot that offered manual mode and a hot shoe for an on camera flash and two accessories that attach to the lens for wide angle and telephoto. I still have and use the Nikon P5100, it is still quite capable of capturing nice photos.

2020 - Present
A decade later (in 2020), my wife and I purchased "proper" digital cameras. She purchased a Canon 77D DSLR and I opted for the Canon M5 (mirrorless). Brand loyalty runs strong in my spouse. Since 2020, my fascination with photography exploded and I have acquired a used Nikon D300 in great condition (gifted to me by an acquaintance who didn't need it), several "backup" Canon M-mount MILC cameras, the least expensive full frame Canon MILC, and more recently the Pentax K200D and Pentax K1-II. Photography interest is still going strong. During the past year, I have used the Pentax DSLR's far more frequently compared to the Canon and Nikon cameras. However, I still enjoy using the Canon MILC, the Nikon P5100, and Nikon D300 and use them when I feel that the lenses I have for them are better suited for the task.

Last edited by DrHood; 2 Days Ago at 08:05 AM.

1 Day Ago #21



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Not the first camera I owned but the first SLR from each of these camera companies . . .

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The Canon Canonflex was as spectacular a failure as the Nikon F was a success!

1 Day Ago - 1 Like #22


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I think I was 10 years old when I was given possession of my dad's Heiland Pentax; an H2 I think. He worked for Honeywell and could always get very good deals on Pentax products, and had purchased the H2 many years before. I got the hand-me-down when he bought a brand-new Spotmatic (in '68 or thereabouts). The H2 came with a 55mm lens, and I don't remember if it was an f/1.4 or f/1.8. I got a separate handheld meter, but quickly learned to guess exposure through the "sunny 16" method, and opening up from there.

I think it was '73 when Honeywell offered an incredible package deal on an SP500, complete with a 55mm/f2.0 and fitted leather case. I used that camera and probably miles of Tri-X as a high-school newspaper and yearbook photographer. I later (in '77?) found a used 135mm/f2.5 (the later version with the 6-element design and the 43812 number on the back of the Auto/Man slider) which quickly became my most-used lens.

I used that SP500 for years. Unfortunately I was living over a hardware store in my last years of school and a fire started in the basem*nt that burned down the building. We got out along with our cat, and the floor burned out from underneath the closet in which my photo gear was stored. When it fell into the basem*nt it was submerged in fire hose water for 3 weeks. I went over when they demolished the remaining walls and stopped the backhoe when they hit the strata of our closet, and scrambled down into the hole to start throwing things out for salvage, and found my photo gear. Took it out (filled with stinking water from stuff that shouldn't ever be burned) and started to try to clean them. Basically they were rinsed with clean water, drained, and set out in the hot sun to dry. Amazingly, the camera and kit lens made it, and so did the 135mm. I kept using those for decades afterwards, but only for travel snapshots.

The urge to take photographs (rather than snapshots) had been completely dampened in me by the fact that all of my negatives and prints had been destroyed in the fire.

I dabbled my toes into the digital world in 2006 with a Pentax Optio 50L (which we still have, despite being dropped off the stairs midway up a fire tower), and liked it so much I bought a Pentax K100D in 2007. One of the reasons for staying with Pentax was the capability to re-use the old M42 lenses; I bought a Pentax M42-to-K-mount adapter with the camera. As it turned out, I didn't start using the adapter for a long time.

A couple of years ago I got back into taking photographs, and quickly found the limitations of the K100D (6 MP being the major one) and found a couple of used K20D bodies for a very reasonable price. I've got a couple of very nice used lenses for them, and the K100D is now the semi-permanent home of the adapter, and I'm using my old Takumar lenses since I love the 3D effect and color rendering of them.

I joined the forum last year and am amazed at the depth of knowledge, and willingness to share it, of the members here. Thank you all, and the forum administrators, for keeping my capabilities for using the Pentax gear alive.

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Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (49)

1 Day Ago #23


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I was trained on my dad’s Minolta’s....but switched to Pentax SFX when I did buy my first camera when I was 20 or so....

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1 Day Ago - 1 Like #24


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Kodak up to 1975, Pentax from 1975 onward.


1 Day Ago #25


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Minolta X300, X500, XG-M
... the x500 was such a wonderful camera!

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Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (75)Originally posted by surfar

Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (77)

A look back in history


BTW at about 6:00 of that vid, he states correctly that the Ricoh Singlex used a modified Nikon mount but incorrectly identifies "a little pin somewhere" made the difference. Actually, it was due to opening A being bigger in the Singlex then the opening B in the Nikon that allowed Nikon lenses to fit the Singlex and not allow Singlex lenses to fit the Nikon.

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1 Day Ago #27


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My first true camera was an Agfa Optima Sensor Electronic flash. I loved it! An excellent camera. Program mode. Manual ISO. Built-in flash. And a very good fixed lens with zone focus of focus by distance scale. And a very clever rewind system. Still unique today!

My first SLR was the Pentax P30 with a Takumar A28-80. And I’ve stayed with Pentax ever since. Why change a winning team?! Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (83)

1 Day Ago #28


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My first store-bought camera was a Kodak Ektralite 10 (it replaced a home-made pinhole).

I bought my first SLR in 1982 with money I saved from my part-time job... a K1000 with 50mm, 70-210 (Toyo Optics?) and a tiny Sunpak flash (and a bag) for $229 IIRC.

I still have the K1000, but I did upgrade to a SuperProgram to get auto exposure and then in college to a PZ-20.

First digital was a Kodak DC20 in 1996 (shot the olympics with it until I landed on it and smashed it... the PZ-20 survived since I broke its fall...)

Digital came in 2003 in a more useful sense with the Nikon Coolpix 4500. Man, that thing was awesome...

I got a K10 in 2007 as a graduation present to myself for finishing the dissertation... then a K-01 when the kid was born...

I pre-ordered the K1 when it came out, and I paid for the upgrade to the MKii in 2018, and I won a KP here, which I use probably more than any of the others... that thing is superb...

The PZ-20, Nikon 4500, and K-01 have all been passed on to family members, but I realized about 15 years ago that all the cameras I wanted in my youth were dirt cheap, so I have a mildly ridiculous collection of cheap film stuff that I try to keep working happily. Most of that is between WWII and 1970, but there are a couple before and after.

Weirdly, I only have one Olympus (the XA), one Canon (a Bell-and-Howell Dial 35), and one Minolta (Himatic 7s), but three Graflexes.
The lack of Canons surprises me the most, but I've never got on with their ergonomics. I like a couple of the Minoltas, but I don't need another lens lineup to care for Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (90)
I do have a couple of Nikons (F, N65, Nikkormat FTn) and some lenses. The Nikons seem to have the best ergonomics outside of Pentax, so I seem to like those better... the F is great fun... and I'll get another FG next time I see one cheap enough...
I have a couple of Kodak Retinas and Retina-adjacent cameras, which I really enjoy, and I just (foolishly?) got my third Argus C3 to get the wide angle lens...

So outside of Pentax, maybe Nikon and Kodak?


1 Day Ago #29


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Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (91)Originally posted by TwoUptons

My first store-bought camera was a Kodak Ektralite 10 (it replaced a home-made pinhole).

I bought my first SLR in 1982 with money I saved from my part-time job... a K1000 with 50mm, 70-210 (Toyo Optics?) and a tiny Sunpak flash (and a bag) for $229 IIRC.

I still have the K1000, but I did upgrade to a SuperProgram to get auto exposure and then in college to a PZ-20.

First digital was a Kodak DC20 in 1996 (shot the olympics with it until I landed on it and smashed it... the PZ-20 survived since I broke its fall...)

Digital came in 2003 in a more useful sense with the Nikon Coolpix 4500. Man, that thing was awesome...

I got a K10 in 2007 as a graduation present to myself for finishing the dissertation... then a K-01 when the kid was born...

I pre-ordered the K1 when it came out, and I paid for the upgrade to the MKii in 2018, and I won a KP here, which I use probably more than any of the others... that thing is superb...

The PZ-20, Nikon 4500, and K-01 have all been passed on to family members, but I realized about 15 years ago that all the cameras I wanted in my youth were dirt cheap, so I have a mildly ridiculous collection of cheap film stuff that I try to keep working happily. Most of that is between WWII and 1970, but there are a couple before and after.

Weirdly, I only have one Olympus (the XA), one Canon (a Bell-and-Howell Dial 35), and one Minolta (Himatic 7s), but three Graflexes.
The lack of Canons surprises me the most, but I've never got on with their ergonomics. I like a couple of the Minoltas, but I don't need another lens lineup to care for Were you a Pentax or Canon man/woman? - Page 2 (93)
I do have a couple of Nikons (F, N65, Nikkormat FTn) and some lenses. The Nikons seem to have the best ergonomics outside of Pentax, so I seem to like those better... the F is great fun... and I'll get another FG next time I see one cheap enough...
I have a couple of Kodak Retinas and Retina-adjacent cameras, which I really enjoy, and I just (foolishly?) got my third Argus C3 to get the wide angle lens...

So outside of Pentax, maybe Nikon and Kodak?


Kodak boxes in my youth (not mine). Bought a Mamiya MSX 1000 in 1967 that I still own. 1978 graduated to Canon A-1 which I still own and use today.

Nikon S8100 was my first digital and it also still works fine but modern cell cameras blow it away.

On the advice of my son who owns a K-1 I recently acquired a good K-30. I still have a lot to learn!

1 Day Ago #30



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I started with a Pentax KX, then added an ME, and finally a K200D, now I am using a K1 and K3-III. Always thought that Pentax did for me what I needed. Never had one of the cameras fail on me.

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