July 20
356 BCE: In Macedonia, King Philip II and QueenOlympia gave birth to Alexander the Great. You can draw a straight line fromAlexander’s Hellenization of Asia Minor to Chanukah to Tisha B’Av, 70 CE.
70: During theSiege of Jerusalem, Titus, son of emperor Vespasian, storms the Fortress ofAntonia north of the Temple Mount. The Roman army is drawn into street fightswith the Zealots.
1031: Fifty-nine-year-oldKing Robert II of France, who “conspired with is vassals to destroy all theJews who would not accept baptism” and inspired mob violence against the Jewsincluding “the learned Rabbi Senior” passed away today.
1402: Duringthe Ottoman-Timurid Wars, Timur led the forces of the Timurid Empire to victoryover the forces of the Ottoman Empire led by Sultan Bayezid I at the Battle ofAnkara. This defeat could not have been a source of joy for the Jews living inthe Ottoman Empire. Bayezid had proven to be a friend of the Jewish people. “In1394 Sultan Bayezid invited the French Jews who were molested by King CharlesVI, to settle in the Ottoman Empire. They established communities in Edirne andthe Balkans. The French Kings had the habit of inviting the Jews to establishcommerce and borrowing money from them. However often, when payment was due,they expelled them; only to re-invite them when they needed further financing.”Bayezid died a year after the defeat.
1454: Thereign of King John II of Castile and León who overturned the Valladolid lawsthat restricted Jewish activities and adopted “a more tolerant attitude towardthe already battered Jewish population of Castile following the mass wave ofconversions” that had taken place from 1391 to 1415, came to an end today.
1588: As theEnglish prepared to meet the Spanish Armada, their fleet “tacked upwind…thusgaining the “weather gage” which would give the smaller fleet an edge in theupcoming battle.
1660: Miguelde Barria “the Spanish poet and historian “whose Hebrew name was Daniel ha-Leviand who was the son of a converso Simon de Barrios (Jacob Levi Caniso) andSarah Valle” set sail with “152 coreligionists for West Indies, specificallyTobago, where his wife died which led him to return to Europe.
1624(4th ofAv): Rabbi Abraham ben David of Lemberg passed away
1633 (13th ofAv): Rabbi Nathan Shaprio, a leading Kabblist from Cracow and author of MegaleAmukot passed away.
1660: Miguelde Barrios with 152 coreligionists and fellow-sufferers set sail for the WestIndies. Soon after his arrival at Tobago his young wife died, and he returnedto Europe. He went to Brussels and there entered the military service of Spain
1706:Shabbethai ben Joseph Bass who had founded printing business in Dyhernfurth, asmall town near Breslau which produced its first book, a work by Rabbi Samuelben Uri of Waydyslav in 1689, was forced to leave Breslau as a result of localhostility to Jews.
1729: In KingWilliam, VA, Captain Mordecai Abrahams married Sarah Levy today after whichthey had at least two children, Mordecai and Jacob Abraham.
1771(9thof Av, 5531): Shabbat Chazon; Parashat Devarim; Erev Tish’a B’Av
1774: JudithPolock and Savannah, GA native Philip Minis, the parents of Abigail Minis weremarried today in Newport, RI.
1775: At therequest of the Continental Congress, Jews fasted and prayed for the success ofthe colonies against the British, and to be spared from the "agony ofwar."
1778: In NewYork City, Rachel Heilbron and Haym (Chaim) Solomon who bankrupted himself tohelp finance the American Revolution gave birth to Ezekiel Salomon
1778: InSandersleben, Rabbi Joachim Heinemann and his wife gave birth to JeremiahHeinemann the German author whose secular jobs including serving as theinspector of a teacher’s seminary in Berlin.
1789:Philadelphian Solomon Bush, a veteran of the Continental Army during theAmerican Revolution wrote to President Washington today whom he addressed as“Your Excellency,” saying “Permit one who has fought and Bled in the service ofhis Country, with heart felt pleasure to Congratulate Your Excellency in yourlate dignified appoint [Washington’s election to the presidency] offering uphis sincere prayers to Almighty God for your health and happiness, and theprosperity of his Country…”
1789: SolomonBush, who was practicing medicine in London “notified President Washing of theseizure of an American ship from New York because the British alleged thatnumerous seamen aboard were natives of Britain.”
1790(9th ofAv, 5550): Tish'a B'Av observed on the same day that the first U.S. Congressadopted “The Act for the Government and Regulation of Seaman” which the firstfederal labor law.
1795: InBaltimore, Frances Etting, the Philadelphia born daughter of Michael Gratz andMiriam Gratz and her husband Captain ReubenEtting gave birth to Elijah Gratz Etting.
1797:Birthdate of German native and future resident of Detroit Hannah BachmanButzel, the wife of Moses Leo Butzel with whom she had three children includingFannie, Magnus and Martin.
1798: InCharleston, SC Rebecca Hyams, he daughter of Colonel David Maysor and SarahSarzedas and her husband David Hyams gave birth to Moses David Hyams
1800: Simonand Johanetta Levy gave birth to their third child Raphael Levy.
1808: Napoleondecreed that all Jews of the French Empire must adopt family names.
1808: Today inaccordance with newly adopted law, Samuel Marx Levi, the son of Rabbi SamuelMarx Levi became Samuel Marx when he adopted “the family name Marx for himselfand his siblings
1817: InEpinal France, Berr Marx Cerfberr and Marianne Cerfberr gave birth to journalist Maximilien Charles AlphonsCerfberr, the husband of Augustine Cerfberr de Medelsheim and father of GastonCerfberr de Medelsheim who “was attached in 1839 to the penitentiaryadministration in the Ministry of the Interior and inn 1848 held for a shorttime the position of commissary of the republic in the department ofSaône-et-Loire.”
1819:Birthdate of Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim the native of Frankfort-on-Main whowas the grandson of Gumpel, the banker of Hamburg who became a distinguishedjurist.
1820(9thof Av, 5580): Tish’a B’Av
1820(9thof Av, 5580): Judah Moses Ancona, the wife of Hannah Montefiore Ancona and thefather of Moses Montefiore Acona, who had been born in 1760 and “was part of aSephardic family which came to England in the 18th century” passedaway today after which he was buried the Sephardi New Cemetery in London.
1823: PiusVII, the Pope who rebuilt the walls of the Rome Ghetto and returned the Jews toits confines after they had been freed by Napoleon passed away today.
1823: AchilleFould married Harriot Goldschmidt at the Great Synagogue today.
1828(9thof Av, 5588): Tish’a B’Av observed
1829:Birthdate of Thomas Rowe one of Australia's leading architects of the Victorianera who designed the Great Synagogue in Sydney
1830:Birthdate of Francesca Janauschek, the Prague native who gained fame as 19thcentury character actress Fanny Janauschek.
1833: In Brno, Löbl Strakosch and Julia Schwarz to theirdaughter Aloisia.
1834:Birthdate of Jacques Errera, the native of Venice who was a successful bankerand the father of botanist Leo-Abram Errera.
1837(17thof Tammuz, 5597): Tzom Tammuz is observed for the first time during thePresidency of Martin Van Buren.
1837:Birthdate of Nena Frank Lewith, the wife of Edward Joseph Lewith with whom she had fourchildren – Hulda, Arthur, Josephine and Henry Lewith – who was buried inCharleston, SC when she passed away in 1907.
1839(9thof Av, 5599): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av
1839(9thof Av, 5599): Fifty-nine-year-old Charity Hays, the Bedford, NY born daughterof Esther Etting and David Barrack Hays and the wife of London, England nativeJacob da Silva Solis with she had seven children passed away today in New YorkCity.
1841: Rinah J.Ottolengui and Columbia, SC native Jacob I. Moses who had been married in 1839gave birth to Dr. Montefiore Jacob Moses, who married Rosa Jonas in 1863 andwith whom he had had seven children – Belle, Mary, Montrose, Walter, Edwin,Montrose (who was apparently named for his older brother who had already passedaway) and Eva.
1842: InLondon, Charlotte and Lionel Nathan Rothschild gave birth to their second sonAlfred Charles Rothschild, the first Jew to serve as “a director of the BankEngland,” a position which he held for twenty years.
1845: Nathanand Catherine Levy were married at the Great Synagogue today.
1847:Birthdate of painter and graphic artist Max Liebermann. "Liebermann wasone of the leading German impressionist painters." He painted in themanner of the Dutch impressionists rather than the French impressionists. Thismeant "he often painted people at their everyday tasks and explored theeffect of changing sunlight on colors and shadows." When the Nazis came topower in 1933, they included his works in their first showing of"degenerate art." He died in 1935 having been stripped of all hishonors and ordered not to paint. Eight years later his was wife committedsuicide. I must admit a prejudice. I like his works.
1849: InRussia, Chayim Ydel Aronin and his wife gave birth to Aryeh Leib Aronin, therabbi of Congregation Adath Israel in Sheboygan, Wisconsin who was “progenitorof the” Aronin clan in the United States that included Ben Aronin, “the ChicagoJewish community’s quintessential Renaissance Man,” a lawyer who “wroteJewish-themed songs and plays” and his cousin Sanford Aronin.
1852:Twenty-four-year-old Sarah Naar Cardozo the daughter of Dr. Daniel Moses LevyMaduro Peixotto and Rachel Lopes Mendes Peixotto and her husband Abraham Hart Cardozo gave birth to DanielHenry Cardoza, Sr. the husband of Clara Cardozo and the father of Daniel HenryCardozo, Jr. his first-born son.
1855:According to today’s “New by the Mail” column, “A Protestant lady in St. Louiswith seven children has joined the Hebrew congregation there.”
1856(17thof Tammuz, 5616): Tzom Tammuz is observed for the last time during thePresidency of Franklin Pierce
1858((9thof Av, 5618): Tish’a B’Av observed on the day that an all-star baseball teamfrom New York played their counterparts from Brooklyn in what would be thefirst game in the baseball rivalries between the teams from Gotham and Brooklynthat only ended when the Dodgers and the Giants moved to Los Angeles in 1958.
1859:Birthdate of German botanist and Zionist leader Otto Warburg whose familyoriginally came to Germany in the 16th century and who was “one ofthe members of the El Arish expedition, appointed by Theodor Herzl as theagricultural member of the team led by Leopold Kessler.”
1862: AsGeneral George B. McClellan turned into a disaster, August Belmont wroteThurlow Weed to express his view that the only way to effect re-union was bynegotiations if possible. He called fora cessation to the war effort because it was too costly in terms of human lifeand treasure. (Belmont was Jewish. McClellanand Weed were not.)
1863: Indescribing conditions in Memphis, TN, a year after it had surrendered to forcesof the Union Army, the New York Times reported that “There remains inthe city but a portion of the old citizens, the balance are vagabonding inDixie, or are carrying a musket in the Southern army, or have left their boneson the hundred battle-fields of the South. Their residences here have beenseized by the Government, and to-day the palatial dwellings of many an oldaristocrat are occupied by National officials, and the hordes of Jews, whofollow in the rear of an army, like wolves behind the hunters.” [Anti-Semiticreferences like this stand in stark contrast to acceptance of Jews as can beseen by the change in the law allowing Rabbis to serve as chaplains and thereality of the thousands of Jews who fought for the federals, some of whomreached the rank of general.]
1863: The 11thRegiment of the New York State which was commanded by Colonel Joachim Maidhofwhen it was mustered into federal service in 1862 was mustered out of UnitedStates service today.
1864: ColonelFrederick Knefler commanded the 79th Indiana Infantry at the Battleof Peachtree Creek, part of Sherman’s audacious campaign to capture Atlanta.
1864: Today,“at the battle near Peach Tree Creek” near Atlanta, GA, “Colonel Edward S.Salomon, the commander of the 82nd Regiment, Illinois Volunteers“performed a most gallant and meritorious part in repulsing the repeatedonslaughts made by the enemy” and “in the face of a furious raking fire, heldhis line for four hours” after which “the enemy withdrew from his front withgreat loss.”
1864: Afterthree years, Aaron Lazarus who risen from the rank of Private to that of BrevetCaptain in the 28th Regiment of United States volunteers completedhis enlistment while serving as the Regimental Adjutant
1865: LeopoldHoffman who had risen from the rank of private to Regimental QuartermasterSergeant in the 12th Cavalry completed his three year enlistmenttoday.
1865:Philadelphians Lt. Anton Goldschmidt, Sergeant Ephraim Rosenthal, QuartermasterSergeant Abraham Weinbach, Captain Leopold Meyer, Captain Jacob Herzog andSergeant Elias Reubenthal completed their service with the 113thRegiment of the Twelfth Cavalry in the Union Army.
1867: In St.Louis, MO, A.S. and Isabella Hill gave birth to Washington University graduateand Republican party member Louis P. Aloe, the “president of A.S. Aloe, Co,opticians” and the husband of Edith Rosenblatt with whom he had three daughter– Clara, Viola and Louise.
1869: “TheInnocents Abroad” Mark Twain’s travelogue describing his visit to Europe andthe Holy Land (including what is now the state of Israel) is published. For more about the famed American humorist’sattitude towards Jews see http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/twain.html
1870(21stof Tammuz, 5630): Forty-year-old French journalist Lucien-AnatolePrévost-Paradol the son of Léon Halévy passed away today in Washington, D.C.
1871: BritishColumbia joins the confederation of Canada. In 1858, the first large body ofJews arrived in British Columbia along with others seeking their fortunes inthe Fraser River Gold Rush. By 1863,there were enough Jews living in Victoria, B.C. to establish CongregationEmanu-El, now Canada's longest serving synagogue. Ten years after B.C. joinedthe confederation, the Jewish community would receive its next influx ofsettlers as refugees from Russian anti-Semitism settled in the Canadian West.
1872: BeatriceRachel Faudel, the daughter of Helen Levy and Sir George Faudel and thegranddaughter of Joseph Moses Levy married Phillip G. Henriques of GrosvenorSquare with whom she had one son born in 1894.
1873(25thof Tammuz, 5633): Rabbi Asron Gunizburg, the Austrian born son of MosesGunzburg, the husband of Caroline A. Kuh and the father of Virginia and ClaraGunizburg passed away today in Boston.
1874: InPittsburgh, PA, Mary Leavitt and Samuel Levin gave birth to Duquesne Collegeand University of Pittsburgh trained lawyer Leonard S. Levin, the husband ofStella Fink and assistant City Attorney in Pittsburgh for two years who was President of the Men’sSociety of Temple Rodef Shalom and second vice president of the NationalFederation of Temple Brotherhoods.
1875(17thof Tammuz, 5635): Tzom Tammuz
1875: In NewYork, Emma Goodman and Israel Stone gave birth Rosetta Stone, a teacher in theAntique Department of the New York School of Applied Design for Women and amember of the New York Section of the Council of Jewish Women who worked with“Jewish girls at the State Reformatory for Women and House of Refuge.”
1875(17thof Tammuz, 5635): Thüringen, Germany native Rosina Meyer Dreyfus, the mother ofIsaac Dreyfus and mother-in-law of Bertha Simon Dreyfus, passed away todayafter which she was buried in the Congregation Anshe Emeth Cemetery in PineBluff, Arkansas.
1876:Birthdate of German mathematician Otto Blumenthal. Blumenthal converted at the age of 18. He may have believed that he would find thepath to academic success a lot smoother as a Protestant. In the end, it did not save him from theNazis. Blumenthal died in concentrationcamp in 1944.
1880: In Osnabrück,Lower Saxony, Germany, Julie Rosenberg, the Westphalia born daughter of AbrahamBendix Weinberg and Frieda Sophia Weinberg and her husband Isaac Rosenberg gavebirth to Albertina Sophie Hedwig Rosenberg.
1881: It wasreported today that in Neu Stettin, at least 30 anti-Semitic rioters whoattacked the editor of the Neu Stettiner Zeitung, were arrested today.
1881: RabbiDavid Levy officiated at the wedding of Phil Lewinson of Darlington, SC toSarah Weinberg of Charleston, SC.
1881: “Jews In Spain” published today, reliedon information from the London Timesto report that “In Spain, Praxedes M Sagasta the President of the Council ofMinisters wrote to a prominent European Jewish author H. Guedalla that “article1 of the Constitution of Spain is the most decisive revocation of the edict ofbanishment against the Jews in the year 1492. Thus, all of yourcoreligionists who wish can come to Spain without any obstacle whatever…”
1882: “A GreatFire In Smyrna” published today described the conflagration that left 6,000people homeless including many of the city’s sizable Jewish population. The Jews are the primary agents “in thebarter and sale of merchandise from Asia, Syria, Baghdad and Persia.”
1882: Duringthe Freight Handler’s Strike, the strikers stopped providing food for theJewish and Italian workers whom they had convinced to honor their strike. Mr. Wolkawoech, the President of the JewishFreight Handlers’ Union reluctantly provided enough funds to cover the cost ofthe evening meal. [Yes there were RussiaJews among the striking workers as well as Russian Jews among what would laterbe called scabs.]
1883:Birthdate of Bialystok native and CCNY and Long Island College trainedophthalmologist Nathan Cohen.
1883: InHungary, as the trial of a group of Jews charged with killing a Christian girlcontinued, it was reported that a constable testified that he had tortured oneof the prisoners with thumbscrews.
1884: “Lamband Mint Sauce” published today described John Brady’s contention that thecustom of eating tansy (bitter) puddings and cakes at Easter was introduced bythe monk as a symbolic remembrance of the bitter herbs used by Jews at thistime of year. The monks included baconin their dishes “to denote contempt for Judaism.” According to Brady, the Jews “have contrivedto diminish the bitter flavor” or their tansy “by making a it into pickle fortheir paschal lamb.” From all of thishas come the custom of combing mint with sugar to create the mint sauce orjelly eaten with the leg of lamb. [This was based on information provided by anannual publication, Clavis Calendaraia.]
1885(8thof Av, 5645) Erev Tish’a B’A
1885: “Jews inParis” published today summarized a report by the Judische Presse thatdescribed the growth of the Jewish population in Paris. In 1789, there were only 500 Jews living inthe French capital. The numbers havegrown: 3,000 in 1806; 12,000 in 1842; 40,000 in 1872; more than 50,000 in1885. Jews are more active in thegeneral population as can be seen by the fact that the number of Jewishgenerals has grown from one in 1821 to five in 1878.
1886(17thof Tammuz, 5646): Tzom Tammz
1886: FarrerHerschell, 1st Baron Herschell completed his term in office as Lord Chancellorin Great Britain.
1887: Mrs.Betty Michaelis “began mandamus proceedings” before Judge Potter today, “inwhich she asks that the Henrietta Verien be commanded to restore her tomembership on the ground that her expulsion was not done according to law.” Thelegal action stemmed from a fight that she had with Mrs. Henrietta Loser, thePresident of the Henrietta Verein.
1887: LouisKeptlovwitch, a Jewish immigrant from Poland, who has been arrested on chargesof bigamy, was confronted by both of his wives – the one he married in Polandand the one he married in New York – today.
1888: Isaacand Lotta Alper gave birth to Abraham Joseph Alper, the husband of Lena ZionAlper.
1888: In FallRiver, MA, founding of American Brothers of Israel, a congregation that holdsservices daily at 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. that maintains a cemetery “southeast of thecity, near the Rhode Island state line.”
1889:Effective today, Coney Island’s Brighton Beach Hotel announces that it willcompletely exclude members of the “Hebrew Race” as guests. The hotel was following the policy adopted byMessers Cable and Breen the lessees of the New York establishment.
1890: Themanager of the Bank and Steamship Passage at 78 Canal Street and his solicitingagent Louis Silikowitz, were arrested on charges of having swindling theircustomers, most of whom were Polish and Russian Jews out money with which theyhad been entrusted to buy tickets for family members still in members.
1890: It wasreported today that Sol B. Solomon has raised $300 from the guests at the LongBeach Hotel to pay for the excursions provided by the Sanitarium for HebrewChildren.
1890: Aportion of the 12th annual report of the Sanitarium for HebrewChildren published today showed expenditures of $3,221 and a balance of $7,126“which is deposited in the seven leading savings banks” in New York City.
1890:Birthdate of Theda Bara. Born Theodosia Burr Goodman in a wealthy suburb ofCincinnati, Bara’s mother was Swiss and her father was a Jewish tailor. She wasknown as a "vamp" and one of the first "sex symbols" of thesilver screen. She passed away in 1955.
1891: “Mercyfor Russian Jews” published today described a relaxation of “the persecution ofthe Jews” by the government. Decreesexpelling Jewish artisans from St. Petersburg have “been indefinitelypostponed” and “and orders have been seen to the press” to have newspapers“refrain from publishing articles like to excite animosity against theJews.”
1891: “Theyoung man who had killed three Russians” during an attack on the Jewishcommunity near Veile, Russia” and several other Jews were scheduled to go ontrial today and when the expected guilty verdict is returned the Jews will beshipped to Siberia.
1892(25thof Tammuz, 5652): Eighteen-month-old Siegfried Bloch, the son of Leopold andKlara Bloch passed away today after which he was buried in his hometown ofEichstetten.
1892: As oftoday, the coroner has not made a determination in the cause of death of BehrIsraelson. Doctors claim he died of apoplexy but his Jewish neighbors claimedhe was clubbed to death by a policeman. The Jews would not let the coroner’sjury hear the case because there it had no Jewish members.
1893: Threemen who claim to be tailors and Russian Jews were arrested and charged withassault at the Essex Market Police Court based on evidence gathered AlterShapiro, the Vice President of the Hebrew Protective Society that showed themto be part of a ring that robs and tortures Jews living on the lower east side.
1893: TheMarshall, who had arrived at the apartment of Mrs. Sarah Goldstein at 181Orchard to execute the order of eviction gave her an extra day to seek relieffrom the courts since she said her six children who had measles were still toosick to be moved.
1894:Birthdate of Joseph Louis Felsenfeld, the Columbia University trained dentistwho practiced in Brooklyn and who lived at 909 Driggs Avenue in 1916 and 1917.
1894: Indefending the blackballing of Mr. Peixotto from the Republican Club as beingbased on reasons other than his being Jewish, Chairman Joseph M. Deuel wasreported today to have said that “There are probably fifty Hebrews who are ingood and regular standing in the club…There are Hebrews on the ExecutiveCommittee of the club and on the campaign committee.”
1895: “HebrewTechnical Institute Open” published described the school’s unique summer coursefor which 200 boys ranging in age from 12 to 15 have enrolled so that they cancontinue their education in the workshops, laboratories and drawing rooms ofthe facilities on Stuyvesant Street.
1895:Birthdate of Samuel Randolph Parnes, the native of New York City and WW Iveteran who was a textile manufacturing executive and trustee of the BrooklynHebrew Orphan Asylum.
1895: WolfSilverman was arrested tonight and “charged with an attempt to swindle theEmpire Life Insurance Company.”
1895:Birthdate of László Weisz, the native ofBácsborsód, Hungary, who gained fame painter and photographer LászlóMoholy-Nagy who like so many of his generation left his native land with therise of the Nazis, settling first in England before finding final refuge in theUnited States where he died in 1946.
1896:Birthdate of Rome native Ernest Ascoli who was deported from Drancy to KovnoGhetto on Transport 73 on May 15, 1944and died some time during that year.
1896(10thof Av, 5656): Nathan Greenstein the co-owner of clothing business on HesterStreet who was taken ill last month and hospitalized in Mt. Sinai passed awaytoday after which his chevre chadish Society of Human Wisdom of the City ofPinsk refused to honor its commitment resulting in a lawsuit in the FourthCivil District Court in New York.
1896:Birthdate of Brooklyn native and WW I veteran Samuel Salzman who attendedColumbia and was active in the Jewish community as can be seen in hisinvolvement with the Hebrew Orphans Asylum and the Federation of JewishCharities.
1896: It wasreported today that an ambulance had arrived too late yesterday to save thelife of Charles Liebhaber who had been ill for weeks but still insisted onobserving the fast for the 9th of Av.
1896: Herzl metwith the Association des Etudiants Israëlites Russes.
1897: Funeralservices were held today for Mrs. Julia Lauterbach, the widow of MosesLauterbach, at her home on East 58th Street followed yb burial atCypress Hills Cemetery. She was one ofthose who incorporated the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York, agroup which served as Vice President for 11 years.
1898(1stof Av, 5658): Rosh Chodesh Ave
1898: Amongthose serving with the 6th Missouri Volunteer Infantry when it wasmustered into service at Jefferson Barracks for service in the Spanish-AmericanWar were Captains John H. Goldman and Adolph J. Jacobs as well as MusiciansOscar Bennewitz and Lewis Bloch, Corporal William A Feigel and dozens ofprivates.
1898: SecondLieutenant B. Albert Lieberman of Kansas City was appointed to serve as anAssistant Surgeon in the 6th Missouri Volunteer Infantry.
1898:Birthdate of New York native and Cornell University trained research chemist,Nathaniel Fuchs, the husband of Jeanette Fuchs and the father of LucyBerkowoitz who “was credited with saving the Army millions of dollars duringWorld War II with the discovery of new method of manufacturing khaki dye” forwhich he received a citation from the U.S. Army.
1899(13thof Av, 5659): Seventy-four-year-old Charlotte de Rothschild, the Frenchsocialite and wife of Nathaniel de Rothschild passed away today.
1900: New YorkCity architect E.G. Cohen, the namesake for the E.G. Cohen Medal, mourned the death of his father, Jacob Cohen,the Savannah born wholesale grocer who became a leading cotton exchange broker who passed away on July 19 at his cottage inSullivan County, NY.
1900: NYU trained attorney Julius Henry Cohen, theBrooklyn born son of Elizabeth Wolf and Henry Cohen who while serving as“counsel for the manufacturers in the cloak strike of 1910” helped to createthe “Protocols of Peace” in the women’s wear industry married Ida Strasburgertoday.
1901(4thof Av, 5661): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon
1901: “TheJews” published today provided a review of the Volume One of The JewishEncyclopedia, “prepared by more than 400 scholars and specialist” under theleadership of managing editor Dr. Isidor Singer published The Funk and WagnallsCompany.
1902: In “IsYiddish A Jargon” published today, A. B. Rhine defended Yiddish against theclaim that it was a jargon and not language contending “a language derives itsimportance from its literature and in this respect Yiddish by no means inferiorto any of the minor languages of Europe” such as Danish or Norwegian whileadding that “as a matter of fact, Yiddish has ‘literary monuments’ of suchlasting value that they will outlive the language itself.”
1903: Herzlwrites to Leopold Greenberg (“an English Zionist and future editor of the Jewish Chronicle”) in London to dowhatever possible to revive the Sinai enterprise. This is a reference to offersby the British Foreign Office to allow Jews from Eastern Europe to settle in apart of the Sinai Peninsula known as the Brook of Egypt. Another, better known of these schemes, wasthe offer to allow Jews to settle in Uganda as a temporary Jewishhomeland. These desperate proposals cameagainst a backdrop of Pogroms in Russia and a general worsening of conditionsfor Jews in Eastern Europe. While Zionists in German, Austria and Britain werewilling to consider such alternatives, the Zionists of eastern Europe rejectedthem out of hand. Those living in thegreatest physical saw the spiritual danger in accepting anything less thanEretz Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people. In the man time Herzl wrote desperately,"We must indeed take East Africa, or at least the Charter, but we must notdeceive ourselves as to the fact that all the non-English Jews are against EastAfrica. I shall have to use a great deal of patience for it, whereas El Arishis popular." Herzl also prepares steps to approach Portugal for a Charterfor Mozambique, Belgium for a territory in the Congo and Italy for a section ofTripoli.
1904: InVilnius, Meyer and Dora Rogoff Goldsmith Stein gave birth to Julius Rogoff the husbandof Francs Rogoff Silverstein Giovanni who is not to be confused with Dr. JuliusM. Rogoff “the pioneer in scientific research on the adrenal gland.’
1904(8th ofAv, 5664): Eighty-two-year-old Marcus Goldman a German-born Americanbusinessman and entrepreneur who founded Goldman Sachs which became one of theworld's largest global investment banks passed away.
1905(17thof Tammuz, 5665): A month after the Russian fleet was annihilated by theJapanese bring on a crisis which would lead to a mini revolution in 1906,
1905: Today inYekaterinoslav (present-day Dnipro, Ukraine), was stopped by the Jewishself-defense group. One man in the group was killed.
1906: AntoineLouis Targe, a French officer whose investigations helped to establish theinnocence of Dreyfus was made an officer in the Legion of Honor.
1906: Dreyfuswas made a Knight in the Legion of Honor.
1906: In Baltimore,MD, Max and Annie Kowalsky Hurwitz gave birth to Dickison College graduate andDickinson School of Law trained attorney Solomon Hurwitz, the husband of MarthaLehrman Hurwitz with whom he had two children, Robert and Judi, and a member ofBethel Temple in Harrisburg, PA who was “senior partner the law firm of Hurwitz,Klein, Benjamin and Brown and the chairman of the 1964 Harrisburg Israel FundCommittee.
1907(9thof Av, 5667): Fast not observed because it is Shabbat.
1908: In aletter to the New York Times, WilliamMaude provides commentary on the antiquity of an ancient copy of the Book ofJoshua obtained by Dr. Moses Gaster in Samaria.
1909: GeorgeClemenceau, who was “more cognizant of Jews that the average politician orjournalist of the Third Republic” and who carried on an “eight-year battle inhis newspapers La Justice and L’Aurore to gain justice for Alfred Dreyfus,resigned as Prime Minister of France today.
1910: Jacob Marinoff, the Pinsk born son ofMeyer and Leah Maifnoff who was thefounder of the Yiddish weekly Der Graiser Kundes (The Big Stick) married EstherSalkowitz today.
1910: In theShaarei Chesed neighborhood of Jerusalem founded by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman PorushRabbi Chaim Yehuda Leib Auerbach, who was rosh yeshiva of Shaar HashamayimYeshiva, and Rebbetzin Tzivia gave birth to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, therosh yeshiva of the Kol Torah yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel
1911: In GreatBritain, the Home Secretary offered additional amendments to the Sunday closingclauses of the Shop Hours Bill.
1911: ArthurDavid Samuel who would die while serving as a 2nd Lt. in the BritishArmy during World War I married Mary Esther Jewell today.
1911: In NewYork City, the Jewish Morning Journal, reported that Turkish Government hadissued “orders to the Governor of Jerusalem to facilitate naturalization ofJews as Ottoman citizens.”
1912: Jewishimmigrants Clara (Hessner) and Joseph Boudin gave birth to St. John’s LawSchool trained civil liberties attorney whose clients included baby-doctorBenjamin Spock and Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame who was the husbandof poet Jean Roisman and nephew of equally famous and controversial attorneyLouis Boudin
1913: It wasreported today that “an analysis of the relations existing between the Jews andmodern capitalism will be published shortly by E.P. Dutton and Company underthe title The Jews and Modern Capitalism by German author Werner Sombert“who has devoted himself to” economic research.
1913: InPhiladelphia, Norfolk native Edward L. Brylawski, a member of the PhiladelphiaStock Exchange and Hortense Mendelsohngave birth to their fourth child Michael Brylawski.
1913: Wilhelm Frankl, theHamburg born son of Jewish businessman who was a World War I fighter acecredited with 20 aerial victories and earned Pour le Mérite, Royal House Orderof Hohenzollern and Iron Cross, l earned pilot'slicense number 49 today.
1914: AsEurope hurdles mindlessly through a series of thoughtless actions that willlead to WW I with all that that would mean for the world in general and theJewish population in particular, “Germany began mobilizing its Navy and toldshipping companies to bring their vessels back to German ports in a move thatwould avoid confiscation and help enhance its supply capacities.
1915(9th ofAv, 5675): Tish'a B'Av
1915: GeorgiaGovernor Harris “announced tonight that he would accompany the PrisonCommission” when it goes “to Milledgeville to investigate the attack on Leo M.Frank.”
1915: Today,following the attack on Leo M. Frank by a fellow prisoner,” Rabbi David Marxand H.A. Alexander, the attorney for Frank in his final battle in the courts”arrived at Milledgeville “to comfort Mrs. Frank who has been under great strainsince the attack on her husband.
1915: Todaythe Austrians conquered Russian controlled Lublin, Poland. This would appear tobe the realization of a deathbed prophecy by the Chozeh of Lublin (YaakovYitzchak Horowitz) came true. When hedied on July 15, 1815 (9th of Av, 5575) he said that 100 years fromthe day of his death, the Russians would lose their control over Poland.
1916(19th ofTammuz, 5676): 2nd Lt. Joel Jacobs who had been at the Perse School,Cambridge before the war was killed today while serving with the YorkshireRegiment.
1916:Alexander Protopopov, the Chairman of the Russian-American Chamber of Commercewho would express his belief that “the Jews will get equal rights in Russia”after he became Minister of the Interior met with Czar Nicholas II prior to hisappointment to that important position.
1916(19thof Tammuz, 5676): Eighty-three-year-old Algernon E. Sydney, not be confusedwith the 17th English political of the same name, passed away todayin London.
1916:“Following an appropriation of $400,000 for Jewish relief in Russia, the JointDistribution Committee of Jewish Relief Funds, which has distributed a total ofmore than $4,000,000 announced” today that a committee of five headed by RabbiJudah L. Magnes, Chairman of the Kehiliah, would soon be sent abroad “to studyconditions in the warring countries on the eastern front and investigate themethods employed in the distribution of the relief funds.”
1916(19thof Tammuz, 5676): Simon Lewis, a collector of old Hebrew manuscripts passedaway today at Spitalfields.
1917: DuringWW I and the Russian Revolution, in Minsk, Balta and Kherson “provincialorganizations including zemstvos, committees of soldiers and workmen and townexecutives” issued a “strong appeal to soldiers to ignore all anti-Semiticincitement to attack Jews.”
1917: TheUnion of Italian Rabbis was formed today in Bologna.
1917: InWarsaw, “at a meeting of the Municipal Council, anti-Jewish members charge thatJews gave the German and Austrian governments the idea that these twonationalities were the masters of Poland” and that “prominent Jews in Berlinand Vienna are using their influence against the Poles.
1917:According to a statement given to the Associated Press, “the disaster thatbefell the Armenian nation is now being meted out to the mixed non-Turkishpopulation of Syria and Palestine” including the Jews in Jerusalem.
1918: DuringWW I, Louis Henry Cohn of Brooklyn took part in the fighting along the OurcqRiver in France that would last for five days.
1918:Pediatrician Sophie Rabinoff who was part of the “first American ZionistMedical” sent to Palestine by Hadassah in 1918” was photographed today inLondon.https://jwa.org/media/sophie-rabinoff-in-uniform
1918: Plansare going forward at Camp Upton on Long Island for the consecration of “an arkdonated by State Supreme Court Just Irving Lehman” in the military camp’snon-denominational chapel.
1919:Birthdate of Shlomo Zalman Auerbach an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, posek, and roshyeshiva of the Kol Torah yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel. “Auerbach was the firstchild to be born in the Shaarei Chesed neighborhood of Jerusalem founded by hismaternal grandfather, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Porush, after whom he was named.”
1919: Dr.Rudolph I Coffee, the former director of the social service department of theIndependent Order of B’nai B’rith in Chicago and the current Rabbi at TempleJudea in Chicago “preached today in the Methodist Episcopal Church” in Chicago.
1919: At ameeting of the Municipal Council in Warsaw, “anti-Jewish members charged thatJews gave the German and Austrian Governments the idea that two nationalitieswere the masters of Poland and of using the influence of prominent Jews inBerlin and Vienna against Poles.”
1920:Birthdate of Lev Aronin the native of the Soviet Union, who becameInternational Chess Master in 1950.
1920:Birthdate of Detroit native Byron Lester Krieger the foil, saber and épéefencer, first inspired “by his English teacher Beatrice Merriam who“represented the United States in the Olympics in 1952 in Helskinki and 1956 inMelbourne”
1920: As theFrench sought establish their control over Syria, King Faisal who had expressedthe belief that Zionism was not inimical to the interests of the Arabs, sentword that he was submitting to French General Gouraud’s ultimatum that hedisband his army and submit to French authority.
1921(14thof Tammuz, 5681): Benjamin Bennett Levy, who won the Congressional Medal ofHonor during the Civil War, passed away today.
1922: InVilna, the administrator of the city’s Jewish Hospital, Solomon Kagan and hiswife Leah gave birth to Saul Kagan the refugee from Hitler’s Europe who “wasthe founding director of the Conference on the Jewish Material Claims AgainstGermany.” (As reported by Paul Vitello)
1922: InOradea, Romania, Chaim Meir Hager, “the fourth grand rabbi of Vyzhnytsia(Viznitz in Yiddish), the village in the Carpathian foothills in what is todaywestern Ukraine” and his wife gave birth to Mordechai Hager, the rabbi who ledthe “Viznitz sect” which settled in Kaser, an “upstate New York village.” (Asreported by Joseph Berger)
1923: Sadie(née Schindler) and Philip Sendak, a dressmaker gave birth to children’s authorJack Sendak the brother of Maurice Sendak.(As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)
1924:Birthdate of Ann Gilbert. Born in Szydlowiec, Poland, Ann was a Holocaustsurvivor. She spent over four years in concentration camps and was liberated inApril 1945. She married Fred Gilbert (Felek Gebotszrajber) on Jan. 2, 1946, inScwabisch Hall, Germany. Ann was a consummate homemaker, an accomplishedseamstress, and devoted to her family. She and Fred lived in Cedar Rapids from1949 to 1986, where she was an active member of Temple Judah and in thecommunity. She was a lifetime member of Hadassah. From 1986 to 2003, Ann andFred lived in Los Angeles, where she was a much sought after seamstress to filmand motion picture stars. Ann and Fred were also very active in the survivorcommunity. They were regular speakers at the Simon Wiesenthal Center-Museum ofTolerance in Los Angeles. She and Fred lectured frequently about theirexperiences. In 2003, she and Fred returned to Cedar Rapids to be near to Lena.Ann remained a constant source of inspiration until she passed away in 2008 atthe age of 84.
1925: “Dr.Joseph A. Rosen returned on the Leviathan of the United States Lines today froman extended tour through Russia, the Ukraine and the Crimea, after expending$800,000 for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in settling inthe Crimea and the Ukraine 20,000 Jews on farmlands since December 1922.”
1926(9thof Av, 5686): Tish’a B’Av
1926:Sixty-five-year-old Charles S. Spiegelberg, the Santa Fe, N.M. born son ofBerta and Levi T. and Spiegelberg the husband of Lydia M. Spiegelberg passedaway today in Manhattan.
1926: Maxwell“Mordecai” Abbell, the Lodz born son of Morris and Freida Abbell who owned achain of hotels and office buildings, and his wife Fannie Abbell gave birth totheir daughter Nahami Abbell.
1927:“Representatives of the Jewish population of the city of Homel protested to theSoviet authorities regarding the treatment of Jewish cemeteries by the Red Armywas has constructed stables on the oldest Jewish cemetery in that town.
1927:Birthdate of Barbara Rose Berman, the Bronx native who gained fame as “BarbaraBergmann, a pioneer in the study of gender in the economy who herself overcamebarriers to women in the world of academic economics.” (As reported by NelsonD. Schwartz)
1928: InBrooklyn, Isaac Solow, a bricklayer and Jennie (Brill) Solow gave birth toManhattan real estate developer Sheldon Henry Solow, the husband of MiaFonssagrives Solow. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)
1929(12thof Tammuz, 5689): Parashat Chukat-Balak
1929: Today,“Joseph Polstein, president of the Hennessy Realty Company, a Manhattanapartment house builder is on his way to Leningrad, at the invitation of theSoviet Government” as a representative of a group of New York builders who are“studying conditions in the Russian city with a view to erecting a large groupof multi-family houses of the type now being constructed in New York.”
1929: Dr.Henry Moskowitz, executive chairman of the American Ort is scheduled to addressthe International Ort Conference in Berlin today.
1930: Maxim Litvinov is named the Soviet Union'sCommissar of Foreign Affairs. Born MeirHenoch Mojszewicz Wallach-Finkelstein in 1876, into a wealthy Jewish banking family in Białystok inCongress Poland, he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1898.The party was an illegal organization, and it was customary to use pseudonyms.He changed his name to Maxim Litvinov, but was also known as Papasha andMaximovich. Over the years, his politics become more radical in responseto the increasingly repressive policies of the Russian government. He joined the Bolsheviks where he became aconfidante of Lenin. Litvinov carriedout a variety of diplomatic missions for the Soviets after the RussianRevolution. As Foreign Minister,Litvinov was a key participant that led to recognition of the Soviet governmentby the United States in 1933. Litivinovsought to create an anti-fascist alliance with western powers during the1930’s. When the British and Frenchcaved in at Munich, Stalin decided to work on developing relations withHitler’s government. To that end, heremoved Litvinov since it would not due to have a Jew negotiating with the Nazigovernment. After the Nazis attacked theSoviet Union, Litvinov was sent to Washington to negotiate a Lend-Lease thatwould provide the arms the Soviets needed to meet the Nazi onslaught.
1931:According to a report Ralph Hayes gave to Winthrop W. Aldrich, the chairman ofthe distribution committee of the New York Community trust today, theUniversity of Jerusalem received $11,383 from the trust during the first sixmonths of 1931.
1932(16thof Tammuz, 5692): Sadie Strauss (nee Katz), the widow of Erwin Katz and motherof Howard G. Strauss passed away today in New York City.
1932: CarolineRauschkolb, the widow of the late Frank Rauschkolb and mother of Abe, Benny andLeo Rauschkolb passed away today in New York.
1933: CardinalPacelli issued a concordant known as the Hitler Concordant. Hitler described itas” unrestricted acceptance of National Socialism by the Vatican."Cardinal Pacelli later became Pope Pious XII. In its spirit all teachingpriests were to greet their students with "Heil Hitler, praised be JesusChrist." (editor’s note: There isnot space to review the pernicious effect of this agreement but consider thefollowing When Einstein was told how Pius XII directed a Polish priest to keepsilent about the murder of Jews, because of the Concordat the Holy See hadsigned with Nazi Germany "obliged the Church to tread softly", hereplied "There are cosmic laws, Dr. Hermanns. They cannot be bribed byprayers or incense. What an insult to the principles of creation. But remember,that for God a thousand years is a day. This power maneuver of the Church,these Concordats through the centuries with worldly powers... the Church has topay for it.")
1933: In Germany, two-hundred Jewish merchants arearrested in Nuremberg and paraded through the streets.
1933(26thof Tammuz, 5693): Seventy-year-old SirHarry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson, 1st Viscount Burnham GCMG, CH, TD, JP, DL, aBritish newspaper proprietor and a Liberal Unionist politician who sat in theHouse of Commons between 1885 and 1916 when he inherited his peerage passedaway today.
1933: InLondon, 500,000 march against anti-Semitism. This may be seen as part ofcompanion piece to a rally held in March 1933 at Madison Square Garden in NewYork City. The demonstration in Londonwas certainly not representative of British public opinion or policy. Many of the movers and shakers in GreatBritain were impressed with thecleansing effect that the Nazis were bringing to Germany, marking them aspro-German, anti-Semitic or both.
1934: InRochester, NY, Ben Krasnow, “a commercial artist (sign painter), and to theformer Gertrude Goldstein from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada both of Russian Jewishparentage” gave birth to Robert Alan "Bob" Krasnow the musicexecutive who re-vitalized Elektra Records. (As reported by Ben Sisario)
1934: TheCourt of Appeal today quashed the death sentence passed by the District Courton Abraham Stavsky on June 8 for the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, prominentlabor leader and member of the Jewish Agency Executive of Palestine. The AppealCourt found that the evidence was insufficient.Thousands of supporters of Stavsky, who dodged a date with the hangman,reportedly danced in the streets of Jerusalem as they celebrated a victory forthe Revisionist faction of the Zionist movement.
1935(19thof Tammuz, 5695): Parashat Pinchas
1935: InShanghai, “the Municipal Council, after an investigation, said today that thereports of ritualistic murders in a Jewish cemetery were false.”
1935(19thof Tammuz, 5695): Ninety-year-old German native, Rabbi Joseph Kahn, the husbandof Rosalie Kahn and father of University of Michigan trained civil engineerMoritz Kahn who is credited with the creation of “pre-case reinforced concreteships where were used by the English Admiralty in W.W I” passed away todayafter which he was interred at the Woodmere Cemetery in Detroit, Michigan.
1935(19thof Tammuz, 5696): Seventy-eight-year-old Minnie Ranshohoff, the “daughter ofJulius and Duffie Freiberg” and the wife of Dr. Joseph Ranshoff with whom shehad had five children, passed away today.
1936(1st ofAv, 5696): Rosh Chodesh Av
1936:Birthdate of Harvey David Luber. The Chicago native became a first-ratephotographer, a leader of the Little Rock Jewish community and a great friend.
1936: “EarlPeel, who was Secretary of State for India” has been name to a chair “acommission that is inquiring into the unrest in Palestine” the other members ofwhich are Field Marshall Sir William Birdwood, Sir Horace Rumbold “who has afluent command of Arabic and has been Ambassador to Constantinople” and“Reginald Coupland, Professor of Colonial History at Oxford University.
1936: The Palestine Post reported that sinceaccording to the 1935 Official Palestinian Report on Migration certainprofessions became overcrowded, the government had restricted the admission tothe country of all those belonging to the medical, legal and engineeringprofessions. [Editor’s note: This seemingly innocuous ruling came at a timewhen educated Jews were trying to leave Germany.] Arab snipers shot at Britishsoldiers patrolling the Nablus Road in Jerusalem. Lengths of railway track werefound removed near Tulkarm. Arab hawkers asked for police protection in orderto be able to sell their wares. They complained that the general strike broughtthem ruin, starvation and death. Several more prominent members of the Arab"National Guard" were interned at Sarafand
1937: Today,The American Citizen Members of the Arab National League and “a group ofAmericans interested in the Far East question” including Professor Elihu Grantof Haverford College and Dr. Leland W. Parr of the George Washington MedicalSchool urged President Roosevelt “to take no part in the Jewish-Arabcontroversy.”
1937: Today,William Green, the President of the American Federation of Labor issued “anindignant statement to the press” expressing his opposition to the proposedportioning of Palestine and accusing the British of “cool persecution of theJews.”
1938(21stof Tammuz, 5698): Forty-five-year-old Julius S. Berg, the Manhattan born son ofMorris and Celia (Weinstein) Berg who was wounded at Arras, France in May of1918 and who went to serve in both houses of the New York state legislaturewhile being married to Rose Schram passed away today.
1938: “TheHenlein newspaper Die Zeit” reported today “that two more important industrialconcerns owned by Jews – the Boemish-Krumau engine works owned by Ignatz Spirohis sons and the Nestomicer sugar refinery owned by Dr. Bloch-Bauer – areleaving the Sudeten German area for Prague which will cost 400 Germans and 199Czechs to lose their jobs.
1939(4thof Av, 5699): Dutch sculptor Joseph Mendes da Costa passed away. “Best known for making sculptures andornaments for buildings” Mendes da Costa was a member of “Ars et Labor” whichwould become the Dutch version of Art Nouveau.
1939: Britishpolicy on Palestine--particularly the latest decision to cut off legalimmigration for six months, beginning Oct. 1--came under heavy fire in theHouse of Commons tonight. The opposition Laborites contended that the decisionto suspend immigration was proof of failure of the government's new policy.
1939: Birthdate of Judy Chicago. For over four decades Chicago has been aleading educator, artist and shaper of the feminist movement. One of her most famous works is themulti-media history of women in Western Civilization entitled “The DinnerParty.”
1940: “TheBreeze and I,” a popular song with English lyrics by Al Stillman “first reachedthe Billboard magazine charts today and lasted 9 weeks on the chart, peaking at#2.”
1940:Ten-year-old David Judah Lawrence, the future alpine skiing race arrived in NewYork aboard the Pan Am Yankee Clipper thanks to the visas given to him and hisfamily by “Portuguese consul Aristides de Sousa Mendes.”
1941:AJewish ghetto at Minsk, Belorussia, is established.
1941: Today,marked the celebration of the 50th anniversary of City Park duringwhich Felix J. Dreyfous “received a golden bowl filled with fifty park-grownroses “ at a time that Dreyfous was celebrating “his 50thconsecutive year as member of the park of board of commissioners” which he nowserved as President.
1942: Thefirst detachment of the U.S. Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAC’s) begins basictraining at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Among this group of volunteers are twelveJewish women: Ruth Ginns, Beatrice Berg, Carolyne Casper and Jean Korn fromPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania; Kathryne Goldfluss, Rose Ross and Joan Stronginfrom New York, New York; Bee Rosenberg and Ruth Spivak from Chicago, Illinois;Rita Fink and Isabel Bayley of Buffalo, New York; and Elizabeth Morgenstern ofSeattle, Washington.
1942: The Jewsof Kleck tried to revolt as the Germans circled their town. Only a few hundredescaped. The 1,000 remaining Jews were shot dead.
1942: InCologne, “Jewish children and some of their teachers including Erich Klibanksy”were deported to Minsk today.
1942: TheGermansmurder 1000 Jews at Kleck, Belorussia; 400 flee into forests. Two from thelatter group, Moshe Fish and Leva Gilchik (from nearby Kopyl), will form apartisan group;
1942: The Jewsfrom Kowale Panskie, Poland are deported, to the Chelmno death camp.
1942: InWarsaw, Rabbi Alexander Zusha Friedman, a “leader in Agudat Israel, called onthe people not to oppose the Germans with force.”God will not permit his peopleto be destroyed. We must wait and a miracle will certainly occur." AgudatIsrael, like many groups in the Judenrat, were afraid that any"violent" opposition would mean the liquidation of the ghetto. http://jewishhistory.org.il/history.php?search=warsaw
1943(17th ofTammuz, 5703):Tzom Tammuz
1943(17th ofTammuz, 5703): Five hundred slave laborers are murdered at Czestochowa, Poland.
1943:Overtwo thousand Jews are deported from Holland to Sobibór.
1943: TwoJews escape from Sobibór
1943: GeneralLeslie Grove, the director of the Manhattan Project acknowledged J. RobertOppenheimer’s importance to the program to build the Atomic Bomb when he issueda written order to the Manhattan Engineer District commanding them to approveOppie’s security clearance regardless of any negative information that mighthave been gathered.
1944: “SinceYou Went Away” a film about the U.S. home-front in WW II, produced by David O.Selznick who also wrote the screenplay and with music by Max Steiner wasreleased in the United States by United Artists.
1944: As oftoday, almost all of the Jews of Rhodes “had been captured and were being heldin improvised concentration camps” while they were being robbed of theirvaluables and their homes were being looted by the Nazis. (Editor’s Note: “Atthis point one should mention the humanitarian stance shown by the Turkishconsul, Selahettin Ulkumen, who intervened to save not only Turkish nationalsbut whole families as well, even at the remotest proof of their Turkishcitizenship. He managed to save from the Nazis approximately 40 Jews who wouldhave otherwise been led to death. For his acts, he was awarded after the Warthe title of "Righteous among the Nations" by Yad Vashem.”)
1944: The mostfamous plot to kill Hitler failed. This event has been romanticized by variousrevisionists. The plotters realized that they could not win the war. Theythought that with Hitler gone, they could at least negotiate a peace treatywith the West. The plotters were not only incompetent, they were delusional aswell. [For more about people who really worked to opposed Hitler see therecently publish “Red Orchestra.”]
1945: LaurenceAdolph Steinhardt began serving as the United States Ambassador toCzechoslovakia following his service as U.S. Ambassador to Turkey.
1946:Birthdate of Israel Carmi (Weinstein) the native of Egypt who perished in 1968at the age of 22 when the Israeli Submarine Dakar sank.
1947: “Morethan 4,500 unauthorized Jewish immigrants who were deported from Hafia,ostensibly to Cyprus, are being returned to France, informed quarters indicatedtonight.”
1947: Today aHaifa court order three Americans – Captain Bernard Marks, the skipper of theExodus, Arthur Ritzer the ship’s cook from Brooklyn and Cyril Weinstein, aseaman from New York – “held under $4,000 bond each for trial within fifteendays on two charges, ‘abetting persons to illegally immigrate to Palestine’ and‘being members of the crew of a Haganah ship which carried 4,700 illegalimmigrants into Palestine waters.”
1948: SamuelRothberg, who has just returned from Palestine “where he made a survey on thesettlement of Jewish displaced persons” said that the “extension of the trucein Palestine has proved disadvantageous to Israel” since among other things, ithas disrupted Israel’s economy because of the country’s limited manpower.
1948: “Jewishsources said today that 1,500 Jewish men women and children” have left Sofia,Bulgaria
1949(23rdof Tammuz, 5709): Fifty-nine-year-old Polish born “trade union official NathanSchedletzsky, a member of the “Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America” and the“business agent for the “Pants-makers Local No.8” passed away today in New YorkCity.
1949:Birthdate of Jean-Louis Cohen, “a French historian of architecture andurbanism.”
1949: Israel's19-month War of Independence ended. The government of Syria signed the last offour armistices, which marked the end of open warfare. The cessation ofhostilities did not bring peace since the Arab states refused to come to gripswith the reality of the existence of Israel.
1950: HarryGold, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia pleads guilty to spying for theSoviet Union by passing secrets from atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs. Gold’s Jewish pedigree provided fodder foranti-Semites who sought to make being Jewish and being Communist (or disloyalto America) one and the same thing.
1950: “TheMen” directed by Fred Zinnemann, produced by Stanley Kramer, written by CarlForeman, with music by Dimitri Tiomkin was released by United Artists today inthe United States.
1950: InIsrael, doctors employed by the Health Ministry will go on strike today unlesstheir demands for increased pay are met.
1951: AbdullahIbn Hussein Jordan's King was assassinated in Jerusalem. He was attendingFriday prayers at a mosque when he was killed by those who were afraid he wasnegotiating with Israel. His grandson, Hussein, became the next King of Jordan.The assassination influenced the young king
1951: “The Lawand the Lady” a comedy directed and produced by Edwin H. Knopf was released byMGM today in the United States.
1953(8thof Av, 5713): Erev Tish’a B’Av observed for the first time during thePresidency of Ike Eisenhower.
1954(19thof Tammuz, 5714): Herman Mantell, the husband of Carrie Mantell passed awaytoday after which he was buried at Springfield Gardens in Queens County, NY.
1954: United States Senator Joseph R. McCarthyaccepts the resignation of his aide Roy Cohn.Roy Cohn was the chief counsel of the Senate Committee that McCarthyused to conduct his investigations that smeared people, ruined lives andunearthed no “Communist conspiracy among those he paraded before the televisionlights. All of those right-winganti-Semites seemed to lose sight of fact that McCarthy’s chief henchman wasone of those “New York Jews.”
1955(1stof Av, 5715): Rosh Chodesh Av
1955(1stof Av, 5715): Sixty-nine-year-old Edward S. Siskind, the Russian born Jew whowas the first person of his faith “to participate in athletics at Fordham, aJesuit university” where played baseball, football l and basketball and coachedthe football team in 1918, passed away today.
1956(12thof Av,5716): Eighty-three-year-old Jassy Rumanian native and a partner in AronBrothers, Elia Aron a manufacturer of hats and caps for boys and men who at theage of 15 came to the United States where he “was an organizer of the association that published the JewishDaily Forward and raised three children – Leon, Sidney and Frieda – with hiswife Molly Segal Aron passed away today
1956:Birthdate of Miami Beach, FL native and NYU educated composer and musicprofessor Michael Gordon, the husband of Julia Wolfe and co-founder of the Bangon a Can music collective and festival.
1957(21stof Tammuz, 5717): Parashat Matot
1957(21stof Tammuz. 5717): Seventy-year-old Etta A. Talheimer, the San Frisco borndaughter of Minnie and Jacob E. Thalheimer and the wife of William Flatow, Sr.with whom she had three children passed away today.
1957(21stof Tammuz, 5717): Seventy-eight-year-old New York native and Columbia trainedcardiologist Dr. Alfred Einstein Cohn, “an authority on the human heart and oneof the first physicians to make electrocardiograms” who was the husband ofRuther Walker Price Cohn passed away today.
1958: At theNew Montefiore Cemetery in Pinelawn, L.I., “Rabbi Nissin Telushkin, honorarypresident of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council recited the prayers for the dead” whenfive hundred people gathered at the gravesite of Vladmir Jabotinsky, “Zionistleader an founder of the Jewish Legion during WW I to mark the 18thanniversary of his death.
1959(14thof Tammuz, 5719): Forty-eight-year-old “Morrie (Morris) Aronivoch, theSuperior, Wisconsin major league outfielder nicknamed “Snooker” who played sixseasons with the Phillies, Reds and Giants after a successful collegiatebasketball career at U of Wisconsin-Superior and served with the U.S. Army inthe Pacific during WW II passed away today shortly before his “his third anniversary.”
1959:Birthdate of Samuel Israel III, the New Orleans born incarcerated hedge fundmanager who was the subject of Octopus” Sam Israel, the Secret Market andWall Street’ Wildest Con by Guy Lawson
1960: The headof the Physics Department at the Israel Institute of Technology, Kurt Sitte, isarrested for espionage.
1961: “TakeGood Care of My Baby” a song written by the Jewish team of Carole King andGerry Goffin was released as a “45.” (If you know what the number means, youprobably grew up in what some called the golden age of Rock and Rool)
1961: The WestEnd production “Stop The World – I Want To Get Off” a musical created byAnthony Newley who “was Jewish through his maternal grandmother.” Opened today.
1962: Pope John XXIII sentinvitations to all 'separated Christian churches and communities,' asking eachto send delegate-observers to the upcoming Vatican II Ecumenical Council inRome. Vatican II would result in an improvement in the relationship between theJewish Community and the Roman Catholic Church.Of course, there are those that would that anything would have to be animprovement over Pope John’s predecessor, Pope Pious, the Pope of theHolocaust.
1964: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held today in Brooklyn for f Dr. Herman Bernard,the husband of Sally Birnbuam with whom he raised four children – Rudolph,Alfred, Beverly and Joseph Bernard and who was the “treasurer of the BrooklynZionist Region.
1965: Lyndon B. Johnson nominates Abe Fortas to theSupreme Court. Fortas was a close friend of Johnson’s; one of the few peoplewho could speak frankly with Johnson.Fortas was “nominally” Jewish, and he warned Johnson that the AmericanJewish Community would not see him as the right person to hold what, since thedays of Brandeis, had become “the Jewish chair” on the High Court.
1966(3rdof Av, 5726): Sixty-five-year-old Warsaw born “Rabbi Zvi Eisenstadt, a memberof the presidium of Agudath Israel and of the Union Orthodox Rabbis who livedin Tel Aviv during WW II and came to the United States in 1946 where he raisedhis son Joseph with his wife Reisi passed away today.
1967(12thof Tammuz, 5727): “As he was hard at work on the final revision of his latestbook,” fifty-eight-year-old linguist Morris Swadesh passed away after sufferinga heart attack.
1968(24thof Tammuz, 5728): Parashat Pinchas
1968(24thof Tammuz, 5728): Eighty-six-year-old Abraham Bitensky, “who retired in 1942 aspresident of the Abe Bitensky and Brothers, rayon and silk convertors” and thebrother of Isaac Bitenksy passed away today in Far Rockaway, Queens.
1969: In anevent that transcended national, religious and all such boundaries, NeilArmstrong walked on the Moon today.
1969: Inresponse to Nasser’s War of Attrition which was the Arab response to Israel’sattempt to negotiate a peace after the Six Day War, Operation Boxer began witha series of crippling air attacks.
1969: Israelicommandos successfully finish their attack on Green Island by completelydestroying the island fortress. Thepress hails the attack as an Israeli Navarone, after the fictional island inthe movie “The Guns of Navarone.” Butthe casualties were not fiction. Notonly were they real, they were higher than expected. The Israelis learned from the mission andwent on to improve the functionality of their units.
1971: Nessim(Max) Cohen, the Moroccan born Israeli boxer who is he French middle weightchampion, was in New York to promote his upcoming “bout with Emile Griffith, afive-time world champion.
1971: Syriaand Jordan’s armies exchange fire over the common frontier. This would prove tobe prelude to a Syrian attempt to seize Jordan, part of Syrian PresidentAssad’s goal to create a Greater Syria.In one of those strange twists, Israel moved tanks towards the area ofconflict which Washington’s way of letting the Syrians know that they shouldback off and leave Jordan alone.
1972(9thof Av, 5732): Tish’a B’Av
1973:Palestinian terrorists hijacked a Japan Airlines jet en route from Amsterdam toJapan and forced it down in Dubai.
1973(20thof Tammuz, 5733): Fifty-three-year-old CCNY graduate and Ph.D holder from theIllinois Institute of Technology Dr. HerbertH. Hyman, the husband of Ruth Hyman with whom he had two sons – Mark andDavid -- who was “a senior chemist andassistant director of the chemical division of the Argonne (Ill.) NationalLaboratory” and who had “worked on the atomic bomb” suffered a fatal heartattack today in Chicago.
1974: InWashington, DC attorney Albert Foer and Esther Safran Foer, the daughter ofHolocaust survivors gave birth to Columbia educated writer and editor of The New RepublicFranklin Foer, the brother of Jonathan and Joshua Foer.
1976: Todaymarked the start of what would become the Good Fence Policy along the borderwith Lebanon. The hope was that the medical treatment of Lebanese citizens inIsrael and the beginning of trade between South Lebanon and Israel would starta new era of relations between the two countries. Like so many other peaceinitiatives this one died at the hand of terrorism.
1978:Birthdate of Elliott Yamin, born Efraym Elliott Yamin, who is an Americansinger known for his hit single "Wait for You" and placing third onthe fifth season of American Idol.
1980: The United Nations Security Council votes14-0 that member states should not recognize Jerusalem as the capital ofIsrael. This is another reason that Israel tends not to trust the UN. In 1947,as part of the partition vote, the UN said Jerusalem would be governed by aninternational body. When the Jordaniansattacked Jerusalem and expelled the Jewish population from the Old City, the UNdid nothing. During the 19-yearoccupation of the city by the Jordanians Jews, of whatever nationality, werekept out of the city. The UN didnothing. But now that the Israeliscontrolled the whole city and it was open to Christians, Moslems and Jews, theUN acted to support the Arab view of the City of David.
1981: The administration of newly electedRepublican President Ronald Reagan suspends sales of F-16 fighter jets toIsrael.
1981(29th ofTammuz, 5739): Seventy-nine-year-old Joseph N. Katz the founder and boardchairman of Empire Kosher Poultry Inc., passed away today http://www.empirekosher.com/history/
1983; TheIsraeli cabinet votes to withdraw troops from Beirut but to remain in southernLebanon. The Israelis had gone into Lebanon because the PLO occupied thesouthern half of the country and was using it as base to attack Israel. The government of Lebanon either could not orwould not remove the PLO so Israel was forced to act or accept the fact thatArafat’s terrorists would have permanent base on Israel’s northern border.
1983(10thof Av, 5743): Ninety-year-old Nina Dorothy Jessel, the daughter of EdithGoldsmid and Sir Charles James Jessel passed away today in Harrow, Middlesex,England.
1984: “BestDefense,” produced by Gloria Katz who co-wrote the screenplay was releasedtoday in the United States.
1986(13thof Tammuz, 5746): Ninety-year-old Cambridge educated “British literary scholar” Joan Bennet (a.k.a. Joan Frankau) “the daughter of London cigar importer ArthurFrankau and writer Julia Frankau” and the wife of Cambridge literary historianHenry Stanley Bennett whom she married in 1920 who “was awarded the Rose MaryCrawshay Prize by the British Academy in 1963 for her book Sir Thomas Brown:His Life and Achievement” and “as one of the expert witnesses in the LadyChatterley Trial, helped counter the arguments of the prosecution by confirmingLawrence's reputation as a novelist, that the work was more than a descriptionof sexual encounters, and that Lawrence's repeated use of ‘four-letter words’were justified by literary intent” passed away today.
1987 The Los Angeles law firm of Kadison, Pfaelzer, Woodard,Quinn & RossiThe Los Angeles law firm of Kadison, Pfaelzer, Woodard, Quinn& Rossi which had been founded in 1967 by “several prominent attorneysincluding “Morris Pfaelzer, the husband of U.S. District Court Judge Mariana R.Pfaelzer” “went out of business” today.
1988:“Midnight Run” a comedic “buddy movie” directed and produced by Martin Brest,co-starring Charles Grodin, featuring Yaphet Kotto and with music by DannyElfman was released today in the United States.
1989(17thof Tammuz, 5749): Tzom Tammuz is observed for the first time during thePresidency of George Bush.
1991(9thof Av, 5751): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av
1994: Israel’sShimon Peres visits Jordan, the highest-ranking Israeli official to do so.
1994: “TheClient,” the movie version of the novel with the same name directed by JoelSchumacher, with a screenplay co-authored by Akiva Goldsman and music composedby Howard Shore was released in the United States today.
1995(22ndof Tammuz, 5755): Seventy-two-year-old Ernest Ezra Manel, the Frankfurt bornson of “Henri and Rosa Mandel, were Jewish emigres from Poland” the WW IIresistance fighter who survived and escaped from concentration camps and whoidentified with the ideology of Leon Trotsky passed away today.
1996: During the 1996 Summer Olympics, theartistic gymnastic events in which Kerri Strug competed opened today at theGeorgia Dome.
1996(4th ofAv, 5756): Raphael Patai passed away.Born Ervin György in 1910, Patai, was a Hungarian-Jewish ethnographerand anthropologist.
1997: The Sunday New York Times book sectionfeatured reviews of Egypt’s Road toJerusalem: A Diplomat's Story of the Struggle for Peace in the Middle East by Boutros Boutros-Ghali, FritzLang: The Nature of theBeast by Patrick McGilligan and Inventing Memory: A Novel of Mothers and Daughters byErica Jong.
1997:A conference “The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years After Their Discovery” openedin Jersualem.
1999:Roman Bronfman and Alexander Tzinker formed the Democratic Choice faction.
2000(17thof Tammuz, 5760): Tzom Tammuz is observed for the first last time during thePresidency of Bill Clinton.
2001:After premiering at the Seattle International Film Festival, “Ghost World,” with ascript by Daniel Clowes who had a Jewish mother and Terry Zwigoff, the son ofdairy farmers who also served as director was released today in the UnitedStates.
2001:“America’s Sweethearts,” a comedy directed by Joe Roth, written, produced andco-starring Billy Crystal and featuring Alan Arkin was released in the UnitedStates today.
2002:As a reminder that Jews were not the only victims of the Nazis, we mark thedeath of concentration camp survivor and art Jan M. Komski.
2003: At the Lincoln Center Festival, Israel’s Gesher Theatregives its opening performance of its adaptation of “The Slave.
2003: JewishWomen International's first-ever international conference on domestic violencein the Jewish community held its first meeting in Baltimore.
2003(20th of Tammuz, 5763): Rabbi BezalelRakow, “an orthodox rabbi who headed Gateshead’s Jewish community” and who “wasthe chair of the Council of Torah Sages of Agudas Yisroel of Great Britain”passed away.
2004 (2nd of Av, 5764): Temple Judah mournedthe loss of Rabbi Ed Chesman who passed away unexpectedly while vacationingwith family in Florida.
2004: Ariel “Sharon called on French Jews toemigrate from France to Israel immediately, in light of an increase in Frenchanti-Semitism (94 anti-Semitic assaults were reported in the first six monthsof 2004, compared to 47 in 2003). France has the third-largest Jewishpopulation in the world (about 600,000 people).
2005: “Israel's Parliament easily voted downthree bills today aimed at delaying the withdrawal of Jewish settlers from theGaza Strip…”
2005: Ernst Zündel, a 66-year-old whitesupremacist and internationally known Holocaust denier who was deported to hisnative Germany from Canada in March, has been charged with 14 counts of hatecrimes, a court in Mannheim said.
2006(24th of Tammuz, 5766): Charles Bettelheimpassed away. Born in 1913 he “was a French economist and historian, founder ofthe Center for the Study of Modes of Industrialization (CEMI: "Centre pourl'Étude des Modes d'Industrialisation") at the Sorbonne), economic advisorto the governments of several developing countries during the period ofdecolonization. He was very influential in France's New Left and considered oneof "the most visible Marxists in the capitalist world."
2006(24th of Tammuz, 5766): Ninety-year-oldFrank Reginald Nunes Nabarro “a leadingauthority on solid state physics” who was Professor of Physics and DeputyVice-Chancellor of the University of Witwatersrand passed away today.
2006: The following were among a total of 43Israeli civilians (including four who died of heart attacks during rocketbarrages) and 116 IDF soldiers were killed in the Israel-Hizbullah war: Maj.Benjy Hillman, 27; St.-Sgt. Rafenael Muscal, 21, of Mazkeret Batya; St.-Sgt.Nadav Baeloha, 21, of Karmiel; St.-Sgt. Liran Sa'adiya, 21, of Kiryat Shmona;St.-Sgt. Yonatan (Sergei) Vlasyuk, 21, of Kibbutz Lahav; Maj. Ran Kochva, 37,of Beit Hananya.
2007: Under the direction of Lauren Reece, TheFootlighters ACT II performs "The Diary of Anne Frank” at the HerbertHoover Library in West Branch, Iowa.Making this a Jewish as well as community even, Rabbi Portman of AgudasAchim in Iowa City will conduct an outdoor Shabbat Eve services on the groundsof what was Herbert Hoover’s boyhood home.
2007: The Crown Prosecution Service announcedthat Lord Michael Levy was not to be prosecuted in connection with the socalled "Cash for Honours" affair and that there were to be no chargesagainst him.
2007: World premiere of David Zellnik’s “Ariel Sharon Hovers Between Life and Deathand Dreams of Theodor Herzl” at Theatre J in Washington, DC.
2008: Fast the 17th Day of Tammuz,5768
2008(17th of Tammuz, 5768): Israelimathematician Michael Maschler best known for his contributions in the field of“game theory” passed away today.
2008: TheWashington Post book section features a review of Debra Winger’s memoir, Undiscovered.
2008: TheSunday New York Times book section features a review of Rapture Readyin which Jewish author Daniel Radosh explores Christian pop culture.
2009: In upstate New York, Marilyn and LesterMilton Bornstein gave birth to Michael Scott Bornestein who gained fame asMichael Oren the author who served as Israel’s ambassador.
2009: At the 18th Maccabiah Games, thebasketball competition continues as Brazil plays Germany, the USA playsArgentina, France plays Mexico and the hometown Israelis tip off againstCanada.
2009: In an interview given today, Rabbi EricYoffie, president of the Union of Reform Judaism said that the vast majority ofAmerican Jews back a settlement freeze.
2009(28th of Tammuz, 5769): Mark RichardRosenzweig an American research psychologist who found in animal studies onneuroplasticity that the brain continues developing anatomically, reshaping andrepairing itself into adulthood based on life experiences, overturning theconventional wisdom that the brain reached full maturity in childhood passedaway at the age of 86.
2009: Amidst the controversy surrounding theplanned screenings of “Rachel,” a film that investigates the death ofanti-Israel activist Rachel Corrie, and its invitation to her mother, CindyCorrie, to speak afterward, the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival BoardPresident Shana Penn resigned from her post, citing “healthy differences on howto approach sensitive issues,” with five months left on a two-year term.
2010(9th of Av, 5770): Tish'a B'Av: 1,940thanniversary of the destruction of the Second Temple; 1,875thanniversary of the fall of Bethar.
2010: A judge at Tel Aviv District Family Courttoday rejected a request for a gag order on the contents of a box containingmanuscripts written by Franz Kafka. Eva Hoffe, the Israeli woman who inheritedthe documents, was asked to pay court costs to the National Library andattorney Ehud Sol, the manager of the estate of Kafka's close friend Max Brod.
2010: Elena Kagan, President Obama's SupremeCourt nominee, won approval from the Senate Judiciary Committee on a nearlyparty-line vote today, her next to last hurdle before gaining a lifetime seaton the high court.
2011:Anat Cohen, an Israeli jazz clarinetist, saxophonist and bandleader, isscheduled to appear at the Berman Center for the Performing Arts at an eventsponsored by Detroit Jazz Festival & The JCC Stephen Gottlieb MusicFestival.
2011: Medical residents announced an indefinitestrike today as they continued organizing protests throughout the countryagainst a deal being drafted between the Israel Medical Association and theFinance Ministry to end the doctors' strike.
2011: Reportsthat an Israeli killed in the New Zealand earthquake in February was anintelligence agent were wrong, Prime Minister John Key said today..
2011: An affiliate of Leonard Blavatnik’s AccessIndustries “acquired Warner Music Group for $3.3 billion.”
2011(18th of Tammuz, 5771): Sixty-eight-year-oldMyra Kraft, the wife of Patriots owner Robert Kraft whom she married while astudent at Brandeis and with whom she had four son and whose philanthropy wasone of the things that led to her being chosen as “one of the 20 Most PowerfulWomen in Boston” passed away today.
2011(18th of Tammuz, 5771): Eighty-eight-year-oldportrait artist Lucian Freud, the grandson of Sigmund Freud and the brother ofClement Freud pass away today. (As reported by William Grimes)
2012(1st of Av, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Av
2012(1st of Ave, 5772): Thirty-year-old “AriEphraim Rubin, vice chairman of the Jewish Defense League died of aself-inflicted gunshot wound” today.
2012: Fresh from her triumphal performance in Des Moines,Iowa, renowned soprano Sarah Jane McMahon is scheduled to return to TouroSynagogue in New Orleans this evening for the fifth in a series of musicalprograms devoted to works by Jewish composers.[For more about this and other happenings in “The Big Easy” see theCrescent City Jewish News http://www.crescentcityjewishnews.com/
2012: “5-Day Kosher Bike Trek” a 420 mile bike ride thatbegan in and offers Kosher food for all riders is scheduled to end today atSanta Fe, NM.
2012: As it marks it last Shabbat weekend in its downtownWashington Avenue location in Iowa City, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host apotluck supper before Friday services.
2012: Six months after premiering at Sundance, “The Queenof Versailles,” a documentary about David Siegel’s private residence directedand co-produced by Lauren Greenfield was released today in the United States.
2012: The tearful funerals of the five Burgas airportsuicide-bomb bombings were held in the course of today, drawing hundreds — andin some cases thousands — of mourners. Two sets of childhood friends and anewly pregnant woman, they were blown up on Wednesday at the start of what wassupposed to have been a vacation, on the bus that was taking them from theirplane to the airport terminal in the Bulgarian Black Sea resort.(As reported byIlan Ben Zion)
2012: After premiering in NYC four days ago, “The DarkKnight Rises” featuring Ben Mendelsohn as “John Daggett and Alon Abutbul as“Dr. Leonid Pavel” was released to the theatres in North American and theUnited Kingdom.
2012: A suicide bombing that killed Israelitourists in Bulgaria this week bore hallmarks of Iranian-backed Hezbollahterrorists but the U.S. Defense Department has not yet concluded who was behindit, a Pentagon spokesman said today. The attack on a bus carrying Israelis at aBulgarian airport, "does bear the hallmarks of Hezbollah," GeorgeLittle, the Pentagon press secretary, told reporters.
2012(1stof Av):Moshe Silman, the homeless man who set himself on fire at a TelAviv rally last weekend, died this afternoon at the Sheba Medical Center at TelHashomer after succumbing to the burns which covered over 90 percent of hisbody.
2012: A Muslim husband and wife convicted of planning aterror attack against Jews in Manchester, England, were jailed today. ShastaKhan, who was convicted of preparing for acts of terrorism and two counts ofpossessing information likely to be useful in an act of terrorism, wassentenced to eight years in prison. The 38-year-old hairdresser, who hadpleaded not guilty, will serve four years minus the 350 days she spent onremand. (As reported by Miriam Shaviv)
2013: “More than Carnival,” a season endingsummer concert is scheduled to take place at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.
2013: The Maccabeats are scheduled to performfor a second day at the Hampton Synagogue at West Hampton Beach.
2013: “The geeky numbers guy who turned theelectoral vote counting into a national obsession with his FIveThirtyEight blogis leaving the New York Times for thesports network” (As reported by Forward Staff)
Read more: http://forward.com/articles/180844/geek-is-gone-nate-silver-to-dump-new-york-times-f/#ixzz2ZctSzkcr
2013: A leading minister confirmed Saturdaythat Israel would release Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the renewal ofpeace talks, but said that the government is not bound to a settlement freezeas a precondition for the resumption of negotiations. (As reported by MichaelShmulovich and Ricky Ben David)
2014: TheNew York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Falling Out of Time byDavid Grossman and Friendship by Emily Gould
2014: Carole Glauber is scheduled to talk aboutthe photographers in her exhibit “Israel in Light and Shadow” at the OregonJewish Museum and Center for Holocuast Education.
2014: As of 1:30 a.m. Israeli time, networktelevision reports on the fighting between Israel and Hamas show pictures ofGaza but show no pictures of rockets falling in Israel or Israelis"running for their lives"
2014(22nd of Tammuz, 5714: Thirteenmembers of the Golani Brigade were killed today as they fought the terrorirstsin Gaza including Captain Tzafrir Bar-Or, a commander in the Golani Brigade,32, of Holon; Major Zvi Kaplan, a commander in the Golani Brigade, 28, fromKedumim;
Gilad Yaakobi, 21, of Kiryat Ono; Sergeant OzMendelovich, 21, from Avtalion; Nissim Shon Carmeli, 21, of Ra’anana (“In lifethey were loved and admired; they were swifter than eagles, they were strongerthan lions.”)
2015(4th of Av, 5775): Ninety-four-year-oldPennsylvania born pilot Lou Lenart whose colorful career included “saving TelAviv” on May 29, 1948 when he and three other fliers conducted “a forty minutestrafing and bombing raid on a column of Egyptian tanks, trucks and troops”that would have been in the Jewish metropolis the following day were it not forthis act of daring-do.
2015: In Jerusalem, the OU Israel center isscheduled to present a special lecture from Rabbi Herschel Schachter, the RoshYeshiva at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), YeshivaUniversity.
2015: Archaeologist announced today that“thanks to a high-tech solution, a charred parchment scroll discovered by theshores of the Dead Sea bearing verses from the Book of Leviticus” has beendeciphered for the first time. (As reported by Ilan Ben Zion)
2016: At Temple Israel, in Memphis, TN, RabbiFeivel Strauss is scheduled to present “When Will We Find Peace?” in which heexplores “the 17th of Tammuz – Tzom Tammuz” as a part of the programthat “explores how observing the holidays enrich Jewish lives.”
2016: While working at “Freedom Square, themakeshift booze and nosh area just outside the Quicken Loans Arena” inCleveland, 58 year old Joan Rosenthal described preparing platters of pierogisfor those attending the Republican Presidential Convention. (As reported by RonKampeas)
2016: ZviDance, the Israeli dance troupe led bychoreographer Zvi Gotheiner is scheduled to perform at the Doris Duke Theatre.
2016: UK Jewish Film is scheduled to host thefinal screening of “Labyrinth of Lies” a film “based on the investigations thatled to the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials” at the Cineworld in Manchester.
2016: Dr. Suzanne Schneider of the BrooklynInstitute for Jewish Research is scheduled to lead another session of “PrimoLevi: Memory, Meaning and the Holocaust” in which she examines the life of theItalian chemist turned “witness to evil” whose writings provided newperspective on the Holocaust.
2016: Eightieth anniversary of the birth ofHarvey David Luber, of blessed memory.
2017: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host thelast two screenings of “Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New YorkFixer.”
2017: “A Woman’s Life” and “The Pot and theOak” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Film Festival.
2017:”Sports attorney and former WashingtonSenator's broadcasterPhilip Hochberg; Documentary FilmmakerAvivaKempner(The Life and Times of Hank Greenbergand an upcoming filmabout Moe Berg); and authorFrederic J. Frommer(You Gotta HaveHeart: A History of Washington Baseball from 1859 to the 2012 National LeagueEast Champions) are scheduled to take part in “Fielding Dreams:Washington’s Jewish Ballplayers.”
2017: After five days, the North AmericanJewish Choral Festival sponsored by the Zamir Choral Foundation is scheduled tocome to an end today.
2017: Today “Britain’s National Archivesreleased records showing Winston Churchill’s attempts cover up a Nazi plot tocollaborate with the members of the British royal” who in this case was theDuke of Windsor, the German’s candidate for the throne if they had beensuccessful. (As reported by Times of Israel)
2017: “Keep the Change,” “a documentary about acommunity of adults living on the autism spectrum: is scheduled to be shown onthe opening night of The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival presented by theJewish Film Institute.
2018: World premiere of “Footprints” whichincludes a presentation of work by “Dafi Altabeb, the recipient of the 2012,2013, and 2016 Excellence Award for young choreographers from the IsraeliMinistry of Culture and the 2014 Rozenblum Award for Excellence from theMunicipality of Tel-Aviv…”
2018: In South Euclid, Ohio, the MercuryTheatre Company is scheduled to host a production of “Joseph and the AmazingDreamcoat,” as part of the celebration of “its 50th anniversary.”
2019(17th of Tammuz, 5779): ParashatBalak:
2019(17th of Tammuz, 5779): TzomTammuz is postponed until tomorrow because of the rules concerning refrainingfrom observing minor fast days on Shabbat.
2019: In Edmonton, Jonathan Scheinman isscheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Beth Shalom Synagogue.
2019: The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival isscheduled to host screenings of “Before You Know It” and “Golda.”
2020: “The first of a series of planned free seminars on cybersecurity isscheduled to be held for the benefit of the Jewish community under thedirection of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans” today.
2020: The UnitedHolocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host the “2020 Arthur and RochelleBelfer National Conference for Educators” which is a “virtual event.”
2020: As part ofits virtual July celebration webinars, the Streicker Center is scheduled tohost Adeena Sussan, “the Sababa Chef.”
2020: The JewishMuseum of Maryland is scheduled to host a live digital program on “PreservingHolocaust History through Artifacts, Archives and Research.”
2020: Online,via Zoom, Dr. Shari Rabin, assistant professor of Religion and Jewish Studiesat Oberlin College, is scheduled to discuss Jewish immigration to the UnitedStates around the turn of the 20th century and its ramifications oncontemporary American life
2020: FormerCamp Newman executive director Ruben Ruben Arquilevich (now V.P. of URJ Camps,NFTY and Immersives) is scheduled to about how to recreate the magic of camp athome to give kids meaningful experiences this summer as part of the Osher MarinJCC Pivot series.
2020: The 11thAnnual Axelrod Jewish Film festival is scheduled to host a screening of “TheCrossing” the film that “tells the story of the adventurous 10-year-old Gerdaand her brother Otto, whose parents are in the Norwegian resistance movementduring the Second World War.”
2020: AsIsraelis awake, they are confronted by the reality that according to the HealthMinistry, the number of Coved cases has surpassed 50,000 which has led theDefense Minister to commit more IDF troops to help specified localities to copewith the pandemic.
2021: East Bay Jewish film fest teams, Israeli Consulate and AWider Bridge are scheduled to present “The Signe for Love,” a 2017 Israelidocumentary about a deaf gay man raising a baby with his deaf friend.
2021: The Centerfor Jewish History is scheduled to present a workshop “Creative NonfictionWriting for Genealogists.”
2021: Convictedsex offender and former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein was flown to Los Angeles and taken to the TwinTowers Correctional Facility
2021: The UnitedStates Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host Piecing Together One Family’sHolocaust History Global Film Screening and Live Discussion.
2021: TheWilliams Theatre is scheduled to present a performance of “Divorced.”
2021: TheStreicker Center is scheduled to present author Joshua Greene lecturing on“From Nazi Prisoner to Wall Street King: The Indefatigable Siggi Wilzig.
2021: The ParkAvenue Synagogue in New York is scheduled to host a lecture by author JudyBatalion.
2021: TheIllinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a discussion of Mandela’s Way:Lessons for an Uncertain Age as part of its One Museum, One Book Club program.
2022:LSJS isscheduled to host a lecture by Rabbi Harvey Belovski on “ContinuousRevelation,” which is part of series “Why Rabbis Argue: The Genesis and Geniusof the Oral Law.”
2022: The JewishHeritage Museum of Monmouth County is scheduled to present kinescopes of thesitcom “Stanley” followed by a discussion the Buddy Hackett sitcom led by BarryJacobsen.
2022: OnNational Hot Dog, the Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host a talk bySteve Marcus, the creator of its new exhibition “Steve Marcus: Tog Dog ofKosher Pop Art.
2022 BostonJewish Film is scheduled to present a screening of “Carol of Bells” at the WestNewton Cinema.
2023: LockdownUniversity is scheduled to host a lecture by Trudy Gold on “Edward VIII: AWasted Life?”
2023: The SummerInstitute “Teaching the Holocaust” sponsored by the Iowa Jewish HistoricalSociety is scheduled to continue today.
2023: YeshivaUniversity Museum’s Director Gabriel Goldstein is scheduled lead “a guided tourof The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries, illuminating the lifeand impact of the multifaceted luminary and great Jewish sage across continentsand cultures through rare manuscripts and books.”
2023: InCoralville, IA, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host its next Seniors Chavurah.
2023: Areception marking the New York premiere of Orit Ben Shitrit’s videoinstallations and paintings, curated by Maureen Sullivan is scheduled to takeplace this evening.
2023: Hundredsof anti-government protesters are scheduled to continue their march onJerusalem which they plan to reach tomorrow..
2023: The Museumat Eldridge Street is scheduled to host an in-person book talk and signing withDaniel Wolff, author of How to Become an American.
2024: Those onthe Poland 2024 tour are scheduled to attend “morning services with the localcommunity, followed by Kiddush and lunch and a walking tour ofKazimierz,the heart of Jewish Krakow, and its extant synagogues and other site.
2024: InColumbus, OH, as part of “No Tie July” Tifereth Israel is scheduled to hostHawaiian Shirt Shabbat where congregants can “have a staycation” when they weartheir “favorite Hawaiian shirt to services..”
2024: LockdownUniversity is scheduled to host lecture by Professor David Peimer on “ContemporaryIsraeli TV: "Fauda" the Series.”
2024: The EdenTamir Center is schedule to host the “Season’s Final Concert” which will be “EnsembleMillennium/Toscanini Quartet, Ensemble in Residence and Friends”
2024(14th ofTammuz, 5784): Parashat Balak
For more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/
2024: As July 20th begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters callingfor Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 288 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time.)