The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

VOL 8. KO. 125.) MAIL HABLlRPIIAkl'M B. 1176, 14 BtTABLUMUl bkFT. 16, 1U4.



IN THE FIRST. DEGIIEK. A Ht Lotlla Uoedlutu Must Hang toy Killing Faltcatnsa. Ht. Louis, JuowU.

Thai morning at o'clock uui jury, having Peru out attic Wednesday night at o'clock, returned verdict, budlug John Dadd tjnea guilty of murder la the Drat degree, lor kiil'hg Police Officer Doran, OS Uie 7th of November last vear. Hliee le A well liuowil hoodlum, about tear old, aud bad escaped Hie day prewous to tbe hilling, with' pal, Irom He ho- gau drinking, end in Uie evening waa recognised by a police officer wfto tried to arrest him. Hbea resisted, broke sway and ran, followed by the officer. Iu in flight ho met Officer Doreu, who waa lust coming cut of a saloon eating tome luucli. Doran made no attempt to atop Hhea, not knowing what waa tbe matter, but the latter deliberately pulled a revolver and fired, killing Uie olllcer blatantly, and continued bit (light, bhortl; after be caught In a blind alley, am bu trial began last Monday.

CRUELLY, WRONGED, A Woman Marnad by Plasterer la tbs Uulso of a Juans of lb Faaoe. Last Monday II irry Hughes was arrested at bl. Joe, charged with stealing a wagon from W. J. Fultuu of Paraulle.

hiuce then it has been discovered that the woman with Dom ilucbea waa living as hit wifa is Uie victim of an outrageous deception, Tbe atury is told bv lbe Hi. Joe Gazette, aa follows: About Christina time Hughes went to the bouse of the alleged victim, who reside! with her mo her a few mllea Irom ParKVille, and persuaded bar to go with bun to Kansas Lit fur me purpose of beuig married. At the uuioa depot Uity were met by a young plasterer who bad been let lulu tbe arrangement. Hughes asked him if be knew where be could flud a justice. Tbe plasterer promptly responded that be was oue.

lire couple Urea retired into the sole room of Uie depot and were there married, aa Uie girl supposed, by a legally empowered Justice, and who was in Uie point of fad, but a man hired to serf ou this one occasion, by Hug lie. The couple Immediately cam to Hu Joseph and have been living here ever since. Hughes bas beeu employed la the sand boats on me river. Tbe womens came was Kov before tbe was married, and alia t. as young and to great extent unsophisticated, so it is not tn tbe least surprising that she was easily made me dupe of tula mau.

Hue Claims dart strict lie baa lived here be bat upeniy proclaimed to bis frieaila Uiut iney were not married, but that be bad put up a Job on the woman with whom he was living." 1 HORRIBLE MYSTERY. A Strange Odor Fervndea the ''Lone Cottonwood The Cause a Dead ltat- An excited subject of Kaiser William rutoed iuto Uie police station this morning aud swore Uiat an odor Uiut would out Innburger Hmburger, came uo from under the floor of uia housa and ha was afraid some corpse was buried under Uie building. Tbe poor German whose olfactories had fouud a repugnant odor bas lately moved iuto a buuse that for years bas been known under the poetic appellauon of llic Lone Cottonwood. Tbe bouse bas always borne a bad repu a' lop, and hat been Uie scene of many midnight orgels, In a uich wiue and fast womeu played an hilarious part. In v.ew of lit past record it was thought by uie polite Uiat possibly tome stranger bad been treated to a dose of Benderism, and a policeman was detailed to visit the buuse aud investigate the cause of me bad smell.

The floor was torn up and Uie dirt slightly disturbed by the officer, hut noibmg dead was fuuw' aud no particular odor waa discovered. A reporter visited tne house shertiv after Uie officer had quit work and asked the woman what was found. She sanl something that looked like a dead rat bad been picked up, but there was no evideuce that a victim of loul play lav buried under tbe bouse. She was considerably agitated and did not want Uie reporter to aay anything about it. The scribe left with IPelelief Uiat a little water introduced Into the household would dimmish tl.e odor materially.

THE OLD OLD STORY. Aa Illinois Slicker Drops One Hundred Dollars on Iho Freight BUI Racket The Con Men Captured, 4 One more unfortunate was chronicled among the coulideuced at the Union depot tbis morning. He was a tall, well proportioned young iariner, who had started from the home of his childhood Illinois with the Intention of gom to California, but bis knowledge ot the world was so limited that he got no farther than this city with a whole nurse. Iu fact be did not quite reach this far until two very smooth sirsDgcrs played Uie old freight bill and eold bund racket upon him to the tune ot $100 even, aud left the tram at Grand ave. He was on the Missouri Pacific and did not discover the real state of affairs until they had left the train, and it was on us wav to Uie Uuion depot.

Then he wailed, but It dtd not bring back his friend or bis money, am) he finally bunted up an officer aud related the facta. From bis description it was the opinion of tbe officers that tile confidence men were none other than Tom ODnen aud Bill Sullivan, both of whom ara well known. Thev were driven off the platform last evening by Detective lesson, Uie first time they have been aen here since UBcien was arrested bv Depot Master Rodgers and fined To, a few weeks since. Tbe matter was reported at police headquarters and in iess than lit teen minutes after Brlen and Norton were under The young man identified them and they were locked up. Morns will go before the grand jury and indict the men.

He be will stay and prosecute them if it takes every dollar be has and a portion of bis fadier's wealth. O'Brien and Norton feel rather tore over the matter as the penitentiary looms up clearlv before them. Morris has not yet recovered his $100. leterestlog Kxerelsaa at the Com, i i ineneaauent Lat Itveulug. The 1sik college cutnmeDuioeiit lust evening was sp.cudid success.

Follow--log was tne programme of excrcisee) Musio end luvocauou, followed by salutatory address and essay bv Mi, Auus Fainter, Only Oue Lite" wai the title of Uie essay and It gsve evidence of tbe most careiui study end research ou Uie pait of the author, and was received with applause by me large audinuce Expresaiou, an oialiou bv M. IHndnisn, ws au able production. A. Mead Lei tvood read an excelleul essay ou i'uoiic Dl'iiiton. Chat.

J. Goodman's recitation, was received with apuiauso. bainuel 8. Doliv Interested amt amused tlie audience with the Meal Man' an oration. Alter tome mure splendid isuslo T.

M. ILlLiian delivered a aiusierly ora-Uon on Mosaic of the Mind." Mary U. Davlon1 essav. Night Bring Out Uie Mara, was full uf poetry, pathos. Wit Slid good cominou sense.

In an oration entitled ndercnrrente 1 Edward V. Higgiua distinguished Imoself an orator aud an able leasoner. Music again enlivened the occasion, (ter which Lapsley A. McAfee delivered oration entitled Annus Mirabllls. True Greatueas1 au assay, won for Mist Maud V.

Baker great applause and a warm place iu Uie bearltof uiauy of ber hearer. J. J.Croswhl to' oration, Only a wsa well received. i After some umre good music Miss Mat-tie 8. Dolly read a Ine production, eni titled From Another Htundpotnt." it was Uie work ot br own brale, end elicited the greatest apeJaasu, aud to Miss Dolly wiuawsrded the prizo for the best Donald B.

McLeod's oration and vale-1 dit-torv were also rece'ved with favor and applause. Comorotnises was tbe aubjeat ot 111 orsUuu aud took the prize offered it) Vital department, -Music, followed by Uie benediction, con-1 circled the Vxerclses of the evening, end all expressed themselves as royally entertained. repe GreneliAW Muifi Worse. For several dava past there bae been a decline in Creuslinwa condition, and several unfavorable symptoms have developed. An abscess has appeared oq botli anna, and U'w baUeut submitted to a luucc for relief.

It I thought the alia ess was caused bv injecting Impure morphine Into bit arms which poisoned tbe blood. Hit wound atlll pains him badly, and altogether, be la tn a bad condition. Thera will, be no eessiou of the probate court in tbta city until June 13. Thomas, tic in ua who was cut at Cams eroii a Inn niguta since, ia improving rapidly. 1 1 Charles Austin had Louis' Phillips ar rested this afternoou, cborgluv him with stealing a valise different articles of wearing apparel valued at $23.

Hirsh B. Maeurn has tiled papera in 4 damage stilt against Norton Tbayer, asking $.,000 lor Injuries received by falling down stairs while in Uie employ of the dm leudant. A Recollection of Lake Travel. buffalo Express. Our traveling cuinpauion was a Canadian.

a lolly fellow, who loved a joke, a good story, eared God, admired Uie ladies, aud waa withal an abomnablu stammerer. We hadnt been long aboard when tba captain called our attenUun to remark bla looking individual seated at Uie other end of the cabin, whom be do-dared was Uie ugliest looking mau tlmt ever Hvrd; whereupon our friend from over tbe Hue offered to bet the drink be bad teen a worse ooe in the ate or age. The bet was taken, and off be started to Had bis men and bring bim. up for comparison. He found the fellow, who was a bit ot a nag, as sn Intolerable liomelv man Is ltd.

to be, and with tbe promise of a nip, be readilv gained hit assent to tbo trial. As Uioy entered Uie cabin Kanuck with an air of conscious triumph, turnod to direct attention to his champion, when be found him trying to insure success by making faces. Sr-st-st-et-op I said he, no move of that. Htv just as God Almighty made you. You ca-ca-can't be beat.

And be wasDt. 11 Canine Encouragement. In tbe second race of tiie spring trotting meeting at West Side park, Jersey, City, last week. Kato won third beau 8be broke at the alert, and appeared to have no better chance to win than in the other heat; but just aa lbe borsea started, a white doir named Jack, owned by Tbomat Golttur, which liad been atabled with Kate, rushed on to the track. He bad broken hit chain in the stable.

Aa if he had teen that Kate was losing, he rushed to her aide barking encouragement. 8be settled fDlo a trot and with him at her beds gained ground, training everv oerve until she got to Uie half pole. At this point be fell behind. atid Kate atones began to lute ground, Tbia did not meet with Jacks views. Ho sprang unce mure to her side, and lcapiug and parking, pushed ber to tbe ton of lir strength.

Ladies wared their band kerchiefs and men awuag their halt in excitement. Kate, in a Hue burst of speed, woo by a neck, with Jack In Uie lead, aud seemingly betide bimself with joy. The novel sight waa greeted with extravagant manifestations of delight on tlie grund stand. Old horsem*n said they bait nerur scon ueb an exhibition before. i Tbe Weather To-Days Uchtenburra oSssrvatlona towiav: Mltl- niuiii, MM maximum, sv; ma 02 4 e.

at'; 10 a. IV; lu 13 72T 1 p. If; p. ts; Jd, 47. let Aneroid baromotor I a m.

29.76: 12 I p. 29.74. Kumi CUy Uti Stock ksrftsi Clfcf Htock Yir4t 1 Friday, Jui 'J, p. UM. Gotti wRacotpu, 3,715.

Th msrknt 1 nant 1U buyers and sellars lrou to due apart vlewk 0. natlra ablptriog 19 nattra butebera 4 nty 1R iMtita ton Imllan tieora and Rraa Tiaa airM 84 ttraia atocr Hoga (tocalpta, 8.176. Tha market to da waa acUva at abuut Mtardaa pnoea. I 1 1 OPEN IS a OF THE TRIAL EX-COLLECTOR (WEES. Of J.

W. Dunlap Take Hie Beat aa Hpeelal Judge The Case Beglue Wllk Ike Argument. ua Demurrer Home Knotty Legal Felote Inrolved Pro-ceediog In the Case to Nouu. The Green case was called at 11 oclock this morning, Special Judge J. VV.

Duultp presiding, aud Uie case opt-ued with arguments uuou demurrer filed by the plaintiff to tuirieen ot me iudictmiole. These are the seven, flu, I ug him guilty of fraud Iu cdl.e, aud all, charg ug him with oblaiumg money under lalse pretenses. ORIKN WAS REPRESENTED I by Messrs. Fceke A Yeager. Tbe llrst class of ludiciments taken up were those charging Green with fraud ip office, Mr.

Ieake the argument He said that as Uie air indictment were all drawn Iu almost the same language, the demurrers wera Lbe taine, and any out would answer for Uie purpose of Uie arguy ineut. He therefore look tbe case of W. Armour, whose tax was raised fiotf $J00 to $290. 1 he demurrer seta forth that the indictment ie lusutfic.eut, for the reason that It does not tel forth that Armour Is or waa Uie owner -of Uie properly upon which the tax was collected, or. that Armour ever asked Greeu in his propsr office where he would have Uie facilities for knowing es-actly what Armour really did owe.

furtherance up that the manner of the overcharge IS NOT A FELONY under the laws of the state of Missouri, nor does this Indictment cover the section (Rev. titat. 1333) under which it Was drawn, but is at most a misdemeanor and be bould not be held to answer to It. lu bu aueecli. Mr.

Peake quoted from both the general and revised statutes extensively, and made a strong point on tbs coDsirucUon of section 1407, revised statutes, which apecilicallv sets forth that any collector of the public revenue who shall collect taxes wbeu none are due, or sball collect more Ibao is due. sball be guilty of a misdemeanor. He referred to lbe statutes of IMo which made fraud In ofiiea or the collection of illegal lees in office, a felony, and argued that as the revised statutes antedated the statutes of 1s3 and specified the collector of public revenues, it created a particular offense not in the laws before end also created a specific grade and for Uie act and the facts set form in tne indictment against Green un-quesUonablv made that Ills offense and did not make a felony of it. He then quoted several authorities upon -statutory law, showing that the clause making Uie collectors offense a mldemeauor must of necessity abrogate all preceding laws upon the subject and that Die act of 1878, known as Tn confidence act," could not be construed to abrogate the niisdemeiuor clause as it, too, specified a particular offense; and that all courts must at ail times construe the laws with direct reference to the liberty and safety of tbe citizen. Mr.

Peake spoke over two hours and the court then took a recess for an hour with Uia understanding that Uie arguments would becoutiuuedtbis afternoou. Wyandotte. The examination for the state university will be held Thursday; Juus 8, at 10:30 a' m. The nce-ssary money to entertain the Kansas editors has been raised by private subscription. Tbe Kansas City, gambling houses were pulled yesterday morning, and netted the cl.y $189 iu fines.

Mr. OConnell, who was Injured by failing through a bole in the Iren bridge aide-walk Wcdueaday evening, will sue the for damages. Board of Education. The school board met in regular session last night and approved a number of b.lis. J.

V. Brown's census report waa received showing 20,1118 school children in tbe city. Teachers were appointed for the ensuing vear. The principals will be: Central. E.

C. White; Washington, G. B. Logan; A. J.

Wuiren; Franklin, J. F. Buchanan; Lb Clara E. Hoffman; Morse, 11. A.

White; Benton, J. C. Davis; Woodland. E. B.

Densuiore; Lincoln, (colored), Parson Brown; Karnes, G. T. Johnson; Chace, Jennie llewette; Switzer, 8. Ella Smith; Sumner (colored), Grace V. Horne.

Miss Kate Burts, of Boone it visiting her cousin, Mrs. Charles Stewart, No. 1229 Cherry sL When Judge White vacated the bench in favor of Mr. Dunlap this morning Marshal Murphy took occasion to get good na-turedly even witn him for bii rebuke of yesterday. The judge forgot himself and began a whispered conversation, when he waa suddenly called to order.

lie taw the joke and subsided. Before the Green case was called in the criminal court tbia morning two men charged with grand larceny were bailed. E. Altman, charged with stealing a quantity of wall paper, gold leaf and brushes from G. M.

White, was balled in the sum of with Nicolas Quirk and Timothy Mulcahey as sureties, aud E. Dougherty, one of the Santa Fe freight burglars, waa recognized In the sum ot $1,000 each in two cases, with John Keenan aud John Boothe as sureties. Subscriptions to Tub Evening 8 tab are due to-morrow. Haye the amoQDt ready, Oram Markets. Famlahsd by French Grain Oomala-ion Marchanta, Rooms 4 and Merchant La -Jmna, Kan City.

Mo. Jt o'clock dosing. Juoe 1. Opening Highest Lowest, Closing. Wheat July Auy.

Cora Jaly Aua. Oata July Lard July Fork July Aug (For call board tea later edition.) Receipts spring wheat, can, winter, can; corn, cam oat, cars. By canal corn Hogs, 23, MO head; steady at yesterday's prices. TOLEDO MARKET. Wheat, opened, Julyin'4, till.

Closed, Julv, tl A St 6T. LOUIS, Whett, opened, July, tt Aup. $1 Cl.ised. July, Corn, opened, aly 73)Ti 73. Uod.

July, 73; Aug NEW YORK. Wheat, No. Chico, No. 2 Milwaukee, I tl 33ql Ml No. 2 red winter, tl 8SJ1 So: No.

trod, II 4t(31 4ii'L Mew Tork Stock Market. Ntw York, Juna a. m. The stork market li wok and lower; Nurihwest preferred, Lake bits A Weeiern, New Jersey C- ntral, Denver A Texas l'ae Bo leading the downward orrm-nt. Naw Yoax, Wall 12 SO Money, 3 per prtroa mercantile paper, oar's; bar allver, I exchange,; government tu chanted.

atate bouda inactive, railroad bjnda and higher: slocks lrretular and mainly -ak. Sixes extended, 1 to. 6a, mm: 4H, I 1 2Q; C. A I 81 Canada, 4Vi; Oleva. A 7 Dal.

A ItL; i. A W. AT TUB BAR. ALL PARTIES CONCERNED SAT THEY WILL HOLD OUT. i Ji 1 1TT i The Chicago Strikers still Out and Da.

terwlued to Stick for the Ural of Frteee Domaoded The Strike lq Milwaukee Further Fartloulare uf the Attack aa the Moo lulun Mea Last Night Fear tor Judg Fills. bur' no cnaNGB. I South Cuicauo, 111., Juno 2. There it so material ebauge in the situation at Iroudale this morning. All the men art till ouL President Jarratt hat not at rived aud a telegram bat been received atatmg that ha will not coma on aa ex, petted.

Corresponding Secretary Pat Cart utody, of the Iron moulders' aaaoclathail is bore aud baa just received tbe following dispatch from President Jarratt, at Pula-burgh: I My Instructions being only advisory you ard at liberty to stop, provided they ail i Mr. Carmody baa also lecehed TU FOLLOWING tgLEGEAlA from Vice President J. C. Bullock, Of Bay View, Do not work unless they sign the calcs. We are out and IU stay out uutff they all tlgo.

1 will call them out. 1 he indications now are tliat tbe meq will stay out until the manufacturer give iu. The men olaira they pave half a million Jullars in the treasury at Fltt.bufg; als that the steel and rail men will come their aid with money when they need It. I The einDluyes of the ateel rail nulls and iron rail urtila, In all making a Gout men, arp out of employment ANUTHEK ACCOUNT. Chicago, Juue 2.

The Joliet Iron Steel works had a gang of twenty non) union men, some of them colored, urn-loading Iron ore at Us docks In this citvi At the cloe of work laat evening thev got on board the Chicago Alton train to gi to Joliet. When the train stopped at the Pai Handle crossing, five or six miles one, gang of SU striking iron workers and their friends, mostly young fellows, surrounded tbe tram. Four or five jumped upon tbe eugiue, and presenting revolver. Uiy beads of the firemau aud engineer, pre. vented 'hem from atartiugthe train again.

In the meantime another detacbiuen; entered tlie tram and pulled out all tba workingmen they could recognize including half a dozen colored men and one while man. THE REMAINDER OF TUB CROWD on the outside took them, beat, kicked and stamped on them, injuring them severely. Many stones were thrown in the melee, and twenty-five or thirty shot fired. One of them took effect in the groin of Judge Plllsbury, ot the Illinois appellate court, inflicting a wound which, It is feared, will prove fatal. The rioters, after beating the negroes to their hearts' content, dispersed, emptying the chambers of their revolvers.

No arrests. Judge Plllsbury was brought back to tbis citv, and the wounded workmen taken on to Joliet. FAILURES. Bnalneaa Disaster Largely Increased Over the Past Two Weeks. New York, June.

2. The failures reported to New York for the past seven dava number 133, against 126 last week, and 14 the weeK previous. Tlie increase is in the west and south principally. New York city ia still remarkably free from business disasters. The most significant failure In the country ta that of Leonell Simpson, of Denver, Col.

This is an examplificatlon of Uie temptation afforded by too libera) credit. Geographically the distribution of failures Is: casiern states, 14; western, 42? middle. 27; southern, 89; Pacific Elate and territories, 11; New York city, 2. THE ASHLAND HORROR The Han Who Turned Stales Bxldence Cunvtcted of Maaslaughter. Cittlettsburo, June 2.

the cee of George Ellis, bue of the three men convicted of the murder of the Gibbons lamilv, at Ashland last December, and the man bv whose turning stataa evidence Wm. Neal and Ellis Croft were proved guilty ot the murder, Uie jnry at 11 tbia forenoon returned a verdict of manslaughter with a sentence to the peniten-tairy lor life. A BLOWN BOILER. An Explosion In Virginia Saw Mill Kills Several Men. Orznob C.

Jane 2. The boll-era in Edward Dickersons saw mill, Ruck-ersville, exploded yeatardav. m-Btantly killing young Davla, the engineer, and James Carpenter, colored. John Cornell. a one-armed man, had his remaining arm broken and wilt probably lose It by amputation.

Beveral other employes were seriously injured. An Experiment. CniCAOo, June 2. Tbe propeller St. Magnus, the first large craft through the Welland canal, arrived here yesterday and is chartered for Europe with a large cargo of corn on a through rate.

She is 180 feet lone, 800 tons burden. This trip Is an experiment, upon which dopends the construction of a Hue of ten similar steamers to Dly between the SL Lawrence and Chicago. A Murder. Littli Rock. June 2.

A tragedy la reported from Yell co. Lazarus Brooks and James K. McGhue, (urmeis, quarreled over a suit. McGlieo learning tlmt brooks would wit In became furtcua with passion ml finding him lu the woods hunting, killed him. The Dnokarda.

Chiczoo, June 2. A Wabash, special save The national conference of the dunkard chun-h la now being hold at Arnold, near there, and la one of Uia grandest ever held in ludiaua, 20, Odd people being on the ground. Another Frost. Chicago, June 2. Special from northern and ccutral Wisconsin Indicate Uiut summer was nsbered In yesterday morning with a heavy frost, but that no damage resulted.

For CongTeaa. Fort Watne, June 2. Hon. Robert Lowry wai nominated for congress by Uie democrats of the Twelfth district at Keudailnlle, jeaterday. lha Khedive Deollnee.

Cairo, Juna 2. The kfaedlve hat declined to entertain the pro-onl for a ministerial combination uuder l'rcghoff Pa- aba. Till; Pursue Poor Mon Uuloa Negroes uil Deal Thau Fatally A Judi From Feallae Mortally 8bot All tbo Paaaaugora Mora or Less Injured. Chicago, Juna 2, At Brighton Park laat evening a not occuired winch will probably result tu Uie death of five per-aoua. The worka of Uie Joliet Iron At Steal Co.

ara located at Brighton Park, and tbia company bad employed nonunion men. Last evening, wiiiie fitteeo workmen were ou a train proceeding Lome about 100 striker ruanen aboard tbe train, armed witn pmola, knivea, ciuba and airlpa of lrou, and commenced a uiurdcr-oua attack upon all tbe passengers. Judge l'lllibury, of Pontiac, waa abut through tbe blp and dengerouslv woauued. Pour colored non-union men were lEKKlULr AND FATALlT 11 EATEN, and many posjugera badly wounded, dodge PilLbury la judge of tbe becond dlatrict appellate court, and waa a paaaemrer ou tbe Chicago Allou train, proceeding to hta borne at Pouliac. He la unvuraally respected, ana tbe noiere certamly could Lave no aplte against him, but die hundred Infuriated iron workers belonging to the union rushed madly through tbe cart, abootmg right and left, and everybody or tlaantng them wllb knives.

ALL TI1M rASRENOIUS were more or leAa wuuuded, but none fatally cxeept Judge Plllsbury aud the four colored non union Iron workers. Judge Piliabury was brought to this city, aud physicians pruned uoauccesstully for the ball, which lodged In tbe ileum. Subsequently the judge was conveyed on Uie midnight tralu to bis borne at Pontiac, 111., to a very critical condition. 1 bo four colored men who were so terribly beaten were alto taken to their homes at Joliet, on the same train, aud wdl probably die. It Bcerna Uiat Uie object of tbe rioters was to Intimidate the scabs who had taken the plate of atrikera at tbe mills.

ben Uie evroing train brat stopped at Brighton Park station several rietcra boarded tbe cab, aud with pistols INTIMIDATED TUI ENGINEER to hold the tram till Uie murderous work was aceomDlishcd. A large force of polite repaired to Uie scene later on and arrested several rioters. Eye witnesses state that the attack, of me rioters was so sudden and eaiagCMtmt the wildest confusion and excitement prevailed among the pnssengers. Hie luG rioters dashed into the ear and coaches, YELLING LIKE DEVONS, and brandishing pistols, bowie crowbars, clubs aud all aorta of weapons. Nobody was soared from their and it seems incredible that a score of people were not killed outright, but many are seriously cut and wounded iu addition to those mentioned.

FOREIGN. Brennan, Secretary of tbo I. and League Keloaoed tuner Foretun Notes. TI1B RUSSIAN EXHIBITION. Moscow, June 2.

'lbe national exbtbi-. tion bas opened. Tbe Czar's health waa drunk with enthusiasm. 5 ICEBBRGS. St.

Johns, N. June 2. Tbe Phoenician bas arrived from Queenstown Willi's large number of emigrants, mostly German, fur the United States. Many icebergs are in the track of ocean steamships. A SOCIALIST ARRESTED.

Berlin, June 2. Bebel, a socialist, has been rearrested for contravening the law Of October. MORE THREATS. Dublin. June 2.

It is stated that Clifford Llovd, a special magistrate for Clare, bas received addiUunal letters from America warning him be will be killed if he does not quit tbe duties of office. Thirty-two meu are employed to pioteet him. LAND AGITATION. London, June 2. lbe laud agitaUon in the Isle of bays is again assuming a serious aspect.

BRENNAN REI.IASID. Kilkenny, Juoe 2. Brennan, aeeretary of the land league, bas been released. TIIS SANDOWN DERBY. Iondon, June 2.

The Sundown Derby was won by Leonora. Gerald and Mordln ran a dead beat for second. There were ive starters. a Route te Mew Mexico. Philadelphia, June 2.

A large party ot capitalists and nitno operators left here last evening in special hotel cars Via tbe Pennsylvania railroad for lbe purpose of inspecting Uie new mill and water works just completed at tbe Sierra mines, Lake Valley. N. M. Tbe route of the party Is via St. Louts Atm Kansas City, thence over Uie Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe road to Nutt, 12 miles from tne mtucs.

The party lucludrs among outers, Philip C. Garrett, Prof. E. toper, Uie geologist, Prof. B.

Silleman, of Yale col lego, J. Whitaker Wright, C. P. Mnldletoon, Bon- Iamln il. Sboi maker, John Traev, Morton i.

Faxson, John S. H.ctP's, Wm. 11. Miller and Johns Upptucolt, all of Philadelphia; F. A.

Crittenden, Chicago; John A. bleickcti, ot The Trov Times; George D. Huberts, Wm. F. fc buffer, and others from New York The gentlemen comprising the party are mostly owners of stock and the dt is taken for Uietr oau personal satisfaction.

Probabilities. Washington, June. For the Missouri vallot Local tplns followed bv clearing weather; winds shifting to norihwesterly higher barometer; lower temperature. A Missing Ex -Sheriff About a month ago John W. Francis, late sheriff ot Kny county.

Went to San Francisco to enter the railway detective service. Ho reported Tor duty, went out Into the city and bas uot been beard of since. A Church Scamlnl. The Rev. Father Gleason, of the church of the Holy Name, St.

Louis, baa been suspended by Archbishop Kcurlek, because of the allegation that bather Gleason la the father ot bis housekeeper's boy. Dlatrict Doctor. The Kanns Cllv District Medical Society met yesterday. Essai were rcan bv Dr. E.

iL Lewis, of tlna city, upon Antrono-torav: Dr. J. A. losev, of Missouri Cltv, on Idiopathic and Amentia;" lr. T.

U. Thornton, of Lees Summit, upon The Use of Water Ash In the Treatment of bcroful; Dr. laieb Winfrey, of Pleasant Hill, upon Rational Emprilcism in Medicine. The following delegate were elected to the national association meeting In Bu Paul: lr. E.

W. Schaeffler, Kansas City; Hr. J. J. Choate, Oak Grova; Lr.

J. JJ. Griffith, Kansas City; Dr. J. W.

Coombs, 1 City; Dr. K. A. Miller, Liberty. osaositor Wallace an4 Maj.

Warner Argue tbe ler the Htate War-- tier Wsulsto Know Can a I'uUsuier of Itevauaea Goaieall a Lasse tu Detail. The afternoon session opened with the speech of Fro. Atty. Wallace in real to lbe argument of Mr Peake, so Isr a the tulllcieniy of tbe iudict incut wasconuerned. Mr.

si lace took tbe ground Uiat there were but two points at issue In the subject. VIZ. I bother the charge ou tba oue count would bold good under tbe general statute, aud whether there waa auythtugin the indictment that could be properly charged uudor Uie epeciui act regarding confidence game. He UulJ that the INDIt TMENT WA AMPLY GOOD to form and Uiat so for ae Mr. Feaket objection touching Uie failure to set furU) Uiat Armour owned at lbe time, tne property upon whlih Uie taxes were paid aud Uiat tt was uot set lurlli that detuuzni wea made upon Greeu in bis own office, neither bad auy bearing vcr.

It was the $Jt) defendant was uii with swindling Armour out of and u. th ludlctmeut set lorth that Uie $JU belonged to said Armour and therefore all requisite ownership was proven and it did uot matter whetbrr Green waa in bia office or on a lumber pile in tbe street warn he gave the receipt. If It was given tn Jackson Uiat waa ail that waa required to make the indictment good. He sigurd that Green, by virtue of bla office, and the fact that be gave Ar-inour bit oUlual receipt for $JUU, when bla tax waa but $200, made a case of rilZI IUtTENOX.4 against him, aa tn law ha did, br'lliat act, faieclv aay to Mr. Armour that bit tax was $290, when In fait was but $200.

He admitted Umt bad Ute indictment charged Uefuodaut obtaining Uie wbuie amount it would have been at fault, but it did not and be took the position tlmt tn iudictment wea good ouly for Uiat port of tlie money which foiim-J the difference between tbe false and the true mounts, end bucked tna argumtut with quolaUona from several F.uulisli authorities. Taking up Fcake't argument under the misdemeanor secUon be cmlmed Uiat under Mr. Feakc's linu of aruuiueut Utero could be oue conclusion, that wau tbut an officer waa leas liable than a pnvuto citizen. In oilier word-, If a private Individual committed the crimes ehargeu in the indictment biDvoulu tent to the penitentiary, while if sn officer committed uie same aet he, bv virtue of bis office, could oulv be charged with a misdemeanor, and argued Uie error of am it an idea. He oaw no cause ior appealing to TUB X1KKCY SIDE of tlie court becauo of the large number of lndictmonts.

For if they were trde defendant bad been guilty ot all, and hence should nu mure escape punishment than a private Individual should, because be had offended and suffered before. At tbe close of Mr. VS al laces speech, Msj. timer addressed the court npon the authorities introduced by the defense. He said he saw uo reason for Impassioned oratory in discussing tht qncsUon before the court, pud be thought that wbeu the did-cuazion was (boro of Ua eloquence it waa narrowed dowu to a very small compass.

There was qo question of guilt or inno-ceusn to be discussed. That was a matter for a jury. But the question waa should tbe court Itsteu to such argumeau at bad beeu made when that argament aid In aubatauce licit the legislature ami the great heart of tlie age la ill effort to reduce puuisbmcnt tluit these said to Urn poor collectors of tbe public reveuuea: Yon mav steal vonr thousands, but yon shall only be guilty of a misdemeanor, and to tbe wretch who, driven by bla necessities, by some false pretense, secured $.10 worth of" goods to cover ius nakedness, You (hall go to the penitentiary. Hu tlieh went entendvely Into autbod-tiea touching upon lbe ease, quoting largely from the tame book used by Mr. lcake In.

bis argument and et tbe time ot going to press, was discussing in bis usual pointed and eloquent title what be termed the bare, naked question at issue Lena collector of the public revcuue commit a felony I DITCHED. I. A Q. Passenger Train Goes lata Ditch, Wounding Thirty Per. sons Keokuk, June 2.

The passenger train on the Chicago, Burlington Quincy railroad struck a broken rail near Fredcr- Dkavtlle, ve-dorday, overturning threw coaches Uie causing a general wreik. Over thirty paseugora were Injured but no lives were lost. WASHINGTON. thb star routkkw. Waahiwgtow, D.

Juue 3. Col. Bllsa began Uie opening address to the jury la the blar route esse tide muiutng. IIOUflB PROC1IDIHG4. Wabbihutoh, Juue 2.

Immediately after Uie reading of the journal the heuaO resume, 7 consideration nf tlie Alabama contested election case of Lowe vet VV heeler. Thomas (rorduo wrd Mrs. Anna Morton eolored, were licensed to marry to-day. The U. 8.

court met tint moruuifi, bui immediately adjourned until next Mou) dar. Fred. Ktateraao exercised Ida muscle on loin person to-day, and will answer to tiie charge before the recorder to-morroV. UBrivn aud Norton the confidence men were Ixiuod over to tiie grand jurv lu bonds eat b. bey were committed to jail.

John P. Duka assaulted a colorod man iu a vicious nisnutr this morning, aud waa arrssted aud given quarter at the pollca station. Mattie Woods, tried bv jury tbie afternoon ou the charge of keeping a bouse ot prostitution in forbidden quarters, wse a 'quitted. A man named Nelsou waa taken before Justiro Bacon this afternoou on the rksrga ot aasaultuig A. Binquta.

His sxsuuaoK lion was Dost poued until net: it'ursdav. A team of Lorsc bitched t'V he wagon run awar at tlie foot of GrauJ to 0a, but did no great damage. '11k horse tfere stoiq-ed hr lall'ng into a deep hole, trom which thrv were exlrtcatad with considerable difficulty. The outfit ia owned bv J. T.

VVsrd. One ot the chaiu gang escaped from the rock pile to-dsr and was afterward teen tn front of a rcstauraut on Mam st. A large crowd gave chase to the lugttive sod filially captured him near the bluff. waa tsktn hsik te the reek pile aud wiU resume work with tiie hammer. Chicago Llva Stork Market, Chicaoo, June I.

Hmis Kocsirte, ft, 914; m.rket fairly active and at tut Ksreleta, (apart, h'gbea a Ml. good to tbona 'kipyita. sieg 4 40: rowmio to hi 4- butax, MJ4M4.6U-. 1 saau IS MuS W. WUd Gaeae by tba Minton.

(Han FraucUco Call.) I i Various methods bava beet devised exterminating wild geese without avatlj uunj geese herding baa become a protest Ion as distinct ta perdiug or It) the earlv winter Uie geese appear in the grain country in myriads, traveling about iu vest Heck, 'their banger Is insatiable, and the new wueat is rapidly destroied, Dr. 11. J. Glenn, whose raueba lu Colusq county covert must of Uie arable laud lq Uiatcountr, numbering some 7J.0U0 acres, or nearly twelva square miles, egoeudj about a year in herding bis geese; He recently purchased In tbit ertv, Lir me prescut season, between $10jQ and worth of cartridge, about In uuut-ber. ot 44 caliber, lie bas constantly in' hta employ, whihi bit wheat ia growing about forty meu, all of them mounted; and nearly all aimed with Henry nlic and field glasses, who patrol bis properly during the day aud on all nights.

These men ere regularly organized Into a patrol guard. They discover with tlieit glasses toe Hooka of geese, which at a distance uf from Hod to 400 tarde looks lixq wnite blanket spread over, the greed wheat, aud they thereupon plant a bullet right in the middle of tne flock. This util expected viaitauon set Uie Hock on tint wing, and the goest-herder follows Uieni aud keep planting -bullets among them until they rise tu a great height and! disgusted, leave the vicinity. Few gees are killed, tlie object being to keep then on the wing and consequently off th wheat field. Those Uiat are.

killed ar crarled off aud shorn of the if leathers, but tbe revenue from then) amounts to little. On Dr. Glenn's ranch about 8.000 cartridges are used Lu a davj hich represents about 20,000 geese put to flight, i i i i i UttcDtimes a thick fog blows in, and this appears to be the faiuntc time for Uit geese, and they detour Uie wnest with great energy. The herders then, fearful ot shooting each other, are almost baffled, bat whun tbe fog rises the Docks aro put to flight, and for hours thereafter the air is filled with leathers aud geese, and Gleous ranch resounds with the clatter of rifles and tlie frightened cries ot Uie persecuted fowls. To pay his mea, bur am1-muuilion, and mainia-n horse, cost Dr.

Glenn some $10,000 per annum, but it saves his wheat, which ilelds $100,000, ah without the geese-taerders bad would be destroyed. lie herders become very en-pert in Uicir business, end are gene rail good shots and capital boriomen. Gentlemanly Ladles. Beaver Falls Tribune In a railroad car on the Pittsburgh A Lake Erie railroad the seats were all full, except one, which was occupied by a pleasant lookmg Irishman from Wampum, and at Beaver a couple of evidently well-bred and intelligent yonng ladles came in to proenre seats. Feeing uone vacant, they were about going into the next car, when Patrick arose hastily and offered them hie seat with evident pleasure.

But von will have noseat for yourself, responded one of the young ladies, with a mile, hesitating with true nobleness to acceDt IL Nivor mind that! said the gallant Hibernian, Id 'ride upon a cowcatcher to New York for a smile from such gentlemanly ladies. The Hadsoa ltlver Tunnel. New York Letter.) Tbe Hudson river tunnel Is steadily going on, and Is completed for twenty-two feet from tne New York shore. The cutting through of the great caslon at a depth of over sixty feet beneath the sun-face of Uie river has been accomplished slowly and cautiously. The work on Uie New Jersey side Is being pushed forward with great raplddv.

Within the last two months two hundred and ten feet of tunnel have been built, and the material becomes more favorable for rapid and successful construction with every foot of advance. About six hundred workmen are now employed at both ends. A Dog That Weigh 180 Poaadt. New York Mail and Exprsse Want to see Jmubol This wav, air. A fine animal, I tell you.

Weight I'd) pounds 0 feet long, 81 Inches high. Tbe speaker waa Mr. C. F. Webers housekeeper.

8he was found at No. 64 Buffolk St. Jumbo is a niouto eolored blood bound, with white feet anrl nose. lie goes to market with a bugs basket and carries It borne safely. He is a Hue shaped creature, and little tota of children plav with Uie dog In a tearless manner.

Eats a good deal 1 said tlie retmrter. Lest than you would suppose. He is fond of bread and water, strange to say, but Le like a dish of bones." 110R8ALE Fine kindling rhesp at Excelsior Trunk Fxrt.iry, C- 6 sml COS Dnlswnre at WANTED A good girl to eons, wash and iron lor a small family. Apply at 1117 Broadway. rKTUSON A Bargains in trunk, valla and baskets at Excelsior Trunk Factory, 04 and 60S Delaware t.

TO RENT New from barn, itdls, gram bins, lull, nir tllteeuih suit Char four inquire at 5SS Walnut st. ltte. I08T On June on small mule, balunglng I to JM. MLAMTII'N; fle.l-r will pes.a return ans to corner First end Holmes, No. tu fltO RENT Fart of new brick house, loeetei i.

in mod nclghborhoxl, one block freiu eireei cire; rent $8) per month. Apply an premises I Cherry at. Tl) RENT To a small family, l-r i-x house, southern sipcsur or will 4-room new be gentlemen, rented tor sleeping rooms Apply at 711 Eset Teuib it. lor 1 yl.ltdON A G. DEANE, photographer I pics' arr-nge 0 I can get the picture! my ihlld taken alter deetii; tend a.

byexprese. J. W. tiKlFI li use Feno it TO RENT fumlshed rooms and dean fel. Uo to Allot night tt ISIIEIIN I os slant et usiuruluhe I rooms sad two ni furnished small room at Li per ntonih at 40) Dels st.

next rtonr to 1scifio hniel. 'V ANTED R-sim and board by two young I mrn who have beel In th city a abort lime, want hoard sml lodging In a private hone with nleefsmllv, where the benrllu ol I ome-llk surroundings mey be hid; pi In a quiet resident portion of olty where Ibrr sre ou other hoar levs preferred: relereuc hauxed. note hut there poseesstag the above roquUtua aired appor. Addrm 441 this off aa au THE DRIVING ORDINANCE. The Cenetltutlonallly ot the Ordinance Against Lewd Women Riding In Open Bugglee Called Kato Question.

Counsel for Nellie Black and Flora Kimble, whoso case was continued from yesterday, delivered a rather lengthy argument in defense of bis clients, before the recorder to-day, and presented some appropriate, well-grounded points in defense of bis cause. The prosecuting attorney sustained hit side of Uie argument well and a decision was rendered adverse to tbe defendants. Defendant's counsel held that the ordinance under which the arrests were made was UDconstltuUocal, the offence charged being that of riding through the streets in an open buggy. The prosecuting attorney bowed very conclusively thut the ordinance aa passed bad been violated, and that was as far aa Uie mayors court had the power or dtauositlon to inquire. he constitutionality of the ordinance could be tested hereafter in the proper courts if the parties saw fit.

it la rather expocted Uiat this will be done. Understood tne Game. (Providence Journal. Some Sundays ago the attention of the congregation In a little church not far irom tlila city was distracted by the genuflections and crossings and bowings of a couple of voung men, strangers, who sat on either aide tlie chancel. Such extra devotion was so unusual that a lew uf the good people were disturbed by it, aud asked their rector if them was no way of topping it, ahotihl Uie strangers frequent tiie church.

Ills answer was: Dont trouble the voting persons; they mean all right, and look as If thev were earnest, devoted voung fellows. Well take them in, and make them out right and loft bowers. Irano- Jam bn. Tlie French appear to have a pet elo' pliant which is as laige and aomewhat more good-tempered Ilian Dio notorious Jumbo. Hit nsiue is Joseph, and he appear to he at present In very delicate health.

The plivsitians have recommended hta removal Dora tlie Iarla Jardin ties Plantes to a warmer climate. Joseph like Jumbo, It fund of children, and has a particular lane? for jam tarta. The French authorities declare it is Impossible to move so huge a crest uro with safety. From this It would seem the news of Jumboi departure baa not reached France. Lateit Chinas Prlen, Fumtfhed French Bro Grain Com1 tnlMiou Merchant, Kuom 4 aud 6, Marchauia barhaura, KaaaMlIt, Mo.t nue 8 iao Uotlnf prfrwa: Wbwt July.

$1 2s. A nf tl I2Q. Coro, Julv, 7iv. Aug. 7c.

Oats, Julv, 43M. I July H1.4J. Fork, July, tia AU; Aug ia.v74. tt Loots Live monk Market, ML Lorn, jiios 1. How cllv but lower; pigs I Ilxbt yarkmt, t7 cOA 7 best vnrkwt, ti Miw7 parkins, 7 4vi 7 butchers to fancy, I bums sinus sml rull.

tauuaOo; receipts, 4,70. shlp-ms at, j.miu..

The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)
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