Lubbock Morning Avalanche from Lubbock, Texas (2024)

a a Experience Of Members Of Class 44E At LAAF Varied Class 4413 Thursday was getting orientated, filling out questionfires, getting settled in barracks and in general Preparing for their final course of training as aviation cadets, aviation students or student officers. Members of this newest class to Air; begin training at Lubbock Army field have come from colleges and universities all over the country where they were students or members of college training detachments. The largest. state groups are from the middle west with Illinois, Ohio and Iowa the leading states. The only member of.

the new class from the Lubbock area is student officer Capt. Gwen T. McPherson of Lubbock route 3. Cap-. tain McPherson attended Texas Tech from 1937 to 1941, entered air crew; training and graduated as He was a nevigator instructor at Turner, Maxwell and Kelly fields, receiving promotions prior to entering pilot Mira training.

His father and mother, and Mrs. W. McPherson, live near Lubbock. Honors for the most active service in this war go. to Lt.

Richard H. Olson, who was a. crew member of one of the bombers that brought General MacArthur, and President Quezon Island to Australia. also helped carry supplies to the embattled Dutch on Java before that island fell. His squadron was to have been stationed in the Philippines but after Pearl Harbor it was held.

in Australia. For a time they were attached to a naval task force. Forced Down Engine trouble, on one occasion, caused the bomber on which 01- son. was bombardier to make: a forced landing in the Fiji islands. The officers were taken off but the crew was attached to' a New Zealand, Air.

force squadron until vessel was dispatched to take them to Australia. Then they became a part of the famous Bombardment group and Bombardier Olson won the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Citation" Cross and the Presidential for daring: and Coral. accurate Sea bombing durNew Guinea and battle; Guadalcanal. attacks of He was wounded over Time Killing HEADACHE BC) the Pain Soothes the Nerves. and nerves upset by minor pains, respond promptly to the quick-acting effectiveness of Also relieves neuralgia and muscular aches.

Use only as directed. Consult a physician when pains persist: 10c 25c sizes. Dr. C. C.

Carter Rectal Diseases 202 South Houston Lamesa, Texas HAVING RADIO TROUBLE We can repair or furnish: substitute tubes for any radio made. EDWARDS SUPPLY CO. 1302 Are. Dial 4557 McKINLEY PLUMBING Phone 4504-2335-19th J. R.

McKINLEY Manager SIGNS Daniel Sign Display Dial 7891 2235 19th 9891 DIAL TIP PS Dyers 1517 College Ave. Laddock, Teras E. K. SNIDER Phone 4860 2426 201h 61reet New In Lobback, But 10 Tears Sales and Service with BUSINESS MEN'S ASSURANCE CO. Lite, Accident, Realth, Hospitalization FINE SHOE REPAIRING ONE DAY SERVICE WOODEIN'S SHOE SHOP 1110 Arenan Phone 4812 BEN'S CAFE NO.

1-913 13TH ST. NO. 2-805 BROADWAY BEN RINARD. "WE NEVER CLOSE" tomerican Crystal representative Sugar company, farmers of Lubbock county Thursday night at the office of the counagent that due to the present shortage of sugar United States every effort should be made to put as much acreage as possible into the raising of sugar beets this county. Knapp pointed out that the grower of beets in this area should realize net profit of about $6 per ton and should raise, on an average, about 12 tons acre.

If the farmers of the entire South Plains will plant one. thousand acres of beets, Knapp said his company would place a field man in this area to assist the growers with their planting, cultivating and harvesting problems. County Agent Jason C. Gordon introduced H. M.

Bainer of Amarillo, agricultural agent for the Santa Fe railroad, who in turn introduced the speaker. Sugar Beet Growth In Territory Urged H. E. Knapp, manager of the Kenneth Dixon (Continued From Page One) soldiers' appreciation. Soon news-hungry staffers from other outfits heard of the "Daily News Summary" and asked Dunn to extend its circulation to their units.

In a few weeks every Allied organization won the entire island, which is about 150 miles long and 50 miles wide, was reading Hank's gleanings. One especially satisfied subscriber, Lt. George Butfalo, read the summary, each night to the gun battery in their widely scattered emplacements over the battery communications system. A special service officer of another group read to assembled. air and ground crews each evening.

Every unit posted copies on bulletin boards. Paper Shortage, Too When hit by the same problem which pesters publishers back a paper shortage, Hank printed an SOS: "Send us the paper and: we'll furnish you as many copies as you need." Within a week six. thousand of mimeograph paper appeared. Whenever Hank was away, Mac over the job, parking the radio by his cot and notes late at night and early in the' morning. So after General Doolittle commended Dunn for his and he has moved to a higher headquarters job not long ago, the paper became Mac's baby.

Pappy Claims Feelers For Vice President HOUSTON, March 16. (A) Senator W. Lee: O'Daniel (D Texas) asserting that the Democratic National convention will nominate a vice presidential candidate "who can pull the most votes for the President," said today that he has "approached" to become President Roosevelt's running mate and that he has "turned 'em down." He did not disclose who suggested that he run on fourth term ticket. In an interview with the Chronicle he said that: The soldier vote is impotent in Texas as a result of numerous amendments. Washington needs top-to-bottom housecleaning.

There is. little question that President Roosevelt will be a candidate for re-election. Wendell Willkie probably will run as an independent it he fails to win the Republican presidential nomination. Flier Who Fled From Bataan Crash Victim ATLANTA, March 16. (P) Ma- jor Damon Gause, American flier who escaped from the Philippines in a 22-foot boat after escaping from the Japanese trap at Bataan, has been killed in a plane crash in England, Atlanta relatives were advised today.

Osborne Major Gause and Capt. Lloyd of Los Angeles, whom he met in the Philippine jungles, escaped from the enemy-held islands in August, 1942, reaching Australia 52 days Jater. General MacArthur decorated Gause with the distinguished Flying cross. Four Dallas People Die In Car Mishap DALLAS, March 16. (P) persons were killed instantly Four a fifth was critically injured when the car in which they were riding left the highway and crashed into a tree here early today.

The dead, all of Dallas, were listed as: I Mrs. Roy B. Barbara Russell, Russell; 21; 16; his Edward wife, Arville Stinne, 18 and. Miss Jimmie Lois Roach, 16. Donald Corcoran, 19, of was gravely injured.


Kennedy, Route 8, on birth of a daughter weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces at 4:20 o'clock Thursday afternoon in St. Mary's hospita). The father is a landscape gardener. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Sanders of Levelland on birth of a daughter weighing 8 pounds at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. in Lubbock General hospital. The father is an operator at a gas refinery. and Mrs. W.

W. Swaring. en of Spur on birth of a son at Thursday in Lubbock General hospital, The father is a personnel. clerk in the army at San Francisco. Army's Needs (Continued From Page One) Military subcommittee.

Col. Francis V. Keesling, explained that certain young men important to industry, are given deferments until others can be found to take their places under so-called "'replacement schedules." When the schedules fail to prothe the replacements, he continued, draft boards have no alternative but to take older men and pre-war. fathers. Might Have Been Delayed Had the schedule machinery not bogged down, he said, the induction of fathers prior to last Feb.

1 would have been delayed. He added, however, that the fathers probably would have been drafted later, anyhow. "I think the committee should get the facts," he added. Labor turnover, from causes other than "has not been' stopped," Keeling declared, "The War Manpower commission is not able to keep men employed in industry or to prevent turnover," and "something must be done to get Cassino Fighting edge. Writing from the outskirts of what was until yesterday a goodsized Italian town, Lynn Heinzerling.

of the Associated Press said Allied troops fighting through the "didn't jumbled remains of Cassino today know whether they were standing on a former street, a former a park with rubble or the town fire station." An officer said he doubted there were many German soldiers in Cassino proper when the avalanche of explosives struck it terday. During day, he said, yes-. the Nazis normally retired to caves' on the slope of Monte. Cassino. Some German prisoners were reported taken after bombardment ceased, but heir was no indication of the number.

While the Cassino attack was going forward, American troops captured two enemy strongpoints southwest of Carroceto on the Anzio beachhead and held them against repeated strong German counter-attacks. (Continued From Page One) in earnest on Cassino's southern Death Shaves Demos' Strength In House WASHINGTON, March .16. (P) Democratic House membership fell to the lowest point since President Roosevelt took office in 1933 with the death today in New York district. It cut the party's House strength to 216 seats, including the one filled Andrews next of week Alabama when elect be sworn in. That is only six more than the will have when Rep.

elect Gillespie of Colorado takes office. Children's Shoes To Be Released By OPA WASHINGTON, March 16. (P) -The Office of Price administration announced tonight that about 5,000,000 pairs low-priced children's shoes will be placed on sale ration-free from May 1 through May 20. Business Corner Here Sells For $70,000 One of the largest local real estate deals in several months went. into the, records Thursday with the $70,000 purchase by George S.

Berry and R. O. Bennett of five lots the southeast corner of the 1300-block on the north side of Broadway at Avenue L. George Benson 'and Arnett, The property was transferred by sr. 'The lots are 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of block 116.

Berry, 4 Lubbock attorney, said; "M.r. Bennett and I feel a statement of our intentions at this time would be premature." Bennett operates the Bennett Motor 1008 Avenue J. Now located on the lots are hotel in a wooden structure, a barber shop, a a shoe shop and a magazine stand, a cleaning plant and a jewelry store. War In Pacific (Continued From Page One) day Japanese offensive on Bougainville trying to cut off the Rabaul raiders at the source, has cost the Japanese. 1,200 soldiers.

Ten Japanese have died for every American. On the second anniversary of General MacArthur's arrival in Australia from Corregidor, AP War Correspondent Murlin Spencer wrote that the Southwest Pacitic commander is military position than evebeller fore" but "ho still doesn't have the great force which would be quired to launch an immediate re- attack to drive the Japanese from their In Philippine positions." northern Burma, Chinese speeded up their advance down the Hukawng valley, capturing a village 12 miles south Walawbum: This brought thein near the entrance of Mogaung valley leading railroad, to the Mandalay-Myitkyina primary supply source for Japanese Army forces in North Burma. Huge Food Supply Is Put Away In Texas COLLEGE STATION, 16. (P)-. Texas homemakers canned 199,000,000 containers of food in 1943, Mildred Horton, vice director of the extension service of Texas A.

and M. college said today. The average Texas family added 181 containers of home-preserved food to the pantry, Horton said at a statewide food preservation conference Dr. M. W.

Lamb, nutritionist at Texas Technological college, Lubbock, urged families to can fruit juice and vegetables and less jelly and pickles. More Than 21,000 Japs Outside Centers WASHINGTON, March 16. (AP) -More than 21,000 of the 112,000 people of Japanese ancestry removed from the West coast to relocation centers two years ago are now living and themtary selves of outside the centers, SecreMore than Interior Ickes the said today. said, have granted indefinite 19,000, secretary leave to establish homes in communities scattered from the eastern boundary of the exclusion area to the Atlantic coast. On seasonal leave, mainly as farm workers are between 2,000 and 3,000 others, white an Army battalion composed entirely of Americans of Japanese.

has already served in the Italian campaign. 3.8 Black and directed. White Cleanse Skin Soap. with PROMOTE BLACK and WHITE OINTMENT HEALING ACNE PIMPLES (externally caused) EASE ITCHING -BURNING RELIEVE with White antiseptio Ointment. Black Use and SORENESS only SAVEI SAVE! SAVEI Buy your fur before the new excise tax.

Trade in your old fur coat. 3 ways to pay. See Opal Johnson, now at the Sweetbriar Shop. This X-Ray view of a man's feet shows result of wearing shots toe short and 100 wide, Note spread of malt loc bone causing preware at end of tor. Our X-RAY Shoe Fitting Service Reveals the Cause of Foot Troubles If you've never had "loot trouble" in your life, you should be and careful! Remember, it takes only one pair of misfitted shoes to' start serious foot ailments that may bother you for years.

Why take chances, when our X-Ray Fitting Service makes certain that the shoes you buy fit properly? If you already suffer discomfort or pain from foot troubles, a Free X-Ray Foot Examination may reveal the cause. Chances are we can put your feet hood Fisting la back on the path to foot health with in noon iasportant because it the right size and style of or met bealthy foot da suggest other corrective velopment. Prevents. measures. and crowdiog This service costs you nothing, yet plies tender bones, Moria mi may save you or some member Enchla of your you abocs to fit son your child's family from years of needless suffering.

correctly. Buy Broadway 1205 Sones Roberts More Shoe Store Bends! (TEX.) MORNING AVALANCHE, 14-F's For Essential Work Is Proposed WASHINGTON, March 16. (P) -The suggestion was advanced before a House military subcommittee today that worked out whereby men clansed as 4-F under Selective service could be used in essential occupations in a manner similar to that adopted for conscientious objectors. Chairman Costello (D-Calid asked Lt. Col.

Francis V. Keesling, Selective legislative representative from service, plan would help the situation. be Keesling "distasteful" said such a step but would encour. or age many 4-F's (those physically. service) mentally to seek unfit for military essential work.

GOVERNOR OF ALASKA WASHINGTON, March 16. (P) -Ernest Gruening was nominated by President Roosevelt today for another term olds govern.or of Alaska. His term expired Feb. 7. FRI.

MAN. 11, Blood Of Native Has Safeguarded Lives Of Millions NEW YORK, March 16, (P)-A blood specimen taken from a black African native named "Asibi" 17 years ago has protected millions of people world from yellow the Rockefeller foundation reported today. The specimen was taken in 1927 at the foundation's yellow fever laboratory at Lagos, West Africa, and injected into an arhesus covered from the yellow fever, but monkey from India. rethe monkey died. Raymond B.

Fosdick, president of the foundation, said all the yellow fever vaccine manufactured during the past seven years "derives from the original strain of virus obtained from this humble native. "Carried down to the present day from one laboratory animal to another, through repeated tissue cultures and by enormous multiplication, it has afforded immillions of people in many countries. Russian Front (Continued From day of the sensational breakthrough. To the southeast Gen, Rodion Y. Malinovsky's Third Ukraine Army captured Nova thus reaching the lower Bug river 20 miles northwest of imperiled Nikolaev, and only 75 miles from the major prize, the Black Sea base of Odessa.

The remnants of the three man divisions the BerezNegovatoye pocket, from 45 to 60 miles northeast of Nikolaev, now have been liquidated after a three-day fight, said the broadcast-communique recorded by the Soviet monitor. Many prisoners and much booty were declared to have been seized. Decline In Cotton Consumption Noted WASHINGTON, March 16. (AP) bureau reported today that cotton totaled consumed during February 811,274 bales of and 106,846 bales of linters, compared with 879,572 bales. of lint and 98,259 of linters in February last year.

Cotton consumption for the seven totaled months ending with February 5,908,170 bales of lint, and with 759,714 bales of linters, compared of 6,502,880 in of lint and 784,493 riod corresponding pelinters the a year ago. Raise In Salaries Of Congressmen Proposed WASHINGTON, March 16. (P) -A -suggestion that salaries of congressmen be increased from $10,000 a year to $15,000 was made in the House today by Rep. Celler (D-NY). During debate on the annual appropriation bill for the legislative branch, Celler said he was but tempted that to would offer the amendment he not do so at this time.

"Buy A War Bond TODAY" News Briefs lain and awarded the Purple Heart. was commissioned after being sent this country and givopportunity to take pilot training; opportunity that' he had sought for many months. Another student officer, 1st Lt. William A. Thompson is the fifth generation of his family to enter the Army.

His father is now on General Stilwell's staff. in China and Lieutenant Thompson, who comes from El Paso, owns the Potrillo ranch at Palma, N. M. As a rancher it was natural for him to the cavalry and he was an instructor at the cavalry school at Ft. Riley, Kansas for more than a year before transferring to the AAF.

Alcan Work Lt. William B. Sigler was one of the Army engineers who directed work on the Alcan Highway before he entered flight training as a student officer, He spent seven months in the Alaskan wastelands. Lt. Keith L.

McClatchie also served in Canada and Alaska. He was an engineering officer at- Fairbanks and Nome in 1942 and part of 1943. Willet O. Wewlander was working as civilian on Johnson island in the Hawalian group when the attacked that station December, 1942. Theodore C.

Johnson was a I. fingerprnt technician for the F. B. and C. C.

Connor, was an amateur speed driver. In 1932 he reached 113.38 MPH in a "sooped-up" Ford on a dry lake bed in. Southern California. 'He decided to do his flying a little higher above the ground and entered college ing with the' hope of becoming a combat pilot. Many members of the class have brothers, uncles: and fathers overseas, and most of thein have close relatives in service.

Only. few in this other than the student officers have seen prior service themselves; however. Starving Europe (Continued From Page One) Baden along with newspapermen and Red Cross workers, fared less badly. The food there was fair, they. said, and: they were treated respectfully.

The repatriates disagreed in degree about German morale, Those who saw Germans in France said their morale was low and they were discouraged. Only the young and arrogant Nazi soldiers had full I faith in Hitler. But in Germany itself, said Taylor Henry, chief of bureau of the Associated Press in was high, bolstered by desperate fear. He added that there probably would be no repetition of the 1918 German collapse, but that the Germans would have to be beaten down by force of arms. Paris Only Shell its is a hollow shell of former glittering self, Barlerin of New York, former Swiss consulate, worker, reported.

Nineteen passengers from the exchange ship were taken late today to Ellis Island for further questioning by the immigration and naturalization. service of the department of justice. spokesman for the department, who stated. more would be taken to Ellis before the entire passenger list 'is cleared, explained was no question of those detained being disloyal, but that most of them were. without sufficient proof of identity or lacked sufficient.

credentials. Nazi Aerial Trick (Continued From Page One) were puzzled by the order to fly over the convoy. The Army and Navy operated under a joint command in this campaign while the airforce operated separately and some men blamed the lack of coordination for the affair. It should be pointed out that frequently. in amphibious attacks or sea-air battles friendly planes are often shot down by our own people when they dive to attack enemy bombers.

Tired Aching Tender Feet! Your feet may be so swollen and inNamed that you think you can't 50 other Your shocs may feel 88 16 they are cuttinz right into the flesh. You feel sick all over with the pain and torture: Fou'd circ anything to get reller. Tro or three applications of Moone's Emerald Oui after a good hot foot bath and in fifteen minutes the pain and soreness disappears. No matter how discouraged you hare teen, it Jou have not tried Emerald Oil then you have something to Icar. Get bottle today at Mark Halsey or any good drug store.

Adr. A Littlefield negra probably be formally charged this with drunk driving and transpor: tation of liquor after he and other black wrecked ani! their car and an Idalou ear Wednesday night east of Lubbock. The negro probably will 'be' charged with drunkeness, officers. indicated. Occupants of the other.

car were Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Abernathy of Idalou, who were uninjured.

Two cases of liquor were! broken and spilled on the highway. Snowbound With Only Eggs To Eat OURAY, March 16. (P)! Sixty miners, with only 45 dozen to eat, have been snowbound since Monday at the Treasury tunnel mine near Red Mountain pass in. Southwestern Colorado. The heaviest snowfall in years blocked the road over which the men usually drive 12 miles to their homes in Ouray each night.

BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS You can't count on luck in buying a DIAMOND In fict, you don't need to. The finer quality diamond can speak for itself. All you need do is to compare its much greater brilliance and beauty and you'll see why It will pay rou to buy the better quality diamond, If you will drop in, we will be glad to of show. you diamonds. the difference In the quality feel There 1s no obligation.

Please that you can come in without the thought that, you must anyHone buy, Illustrated--Brilliant blue- diamond set in Engagement ring with two cut diamonds, $215. Matching wedding ring with three diamonds, $40. Member--American Gem Society Our Reputation 1s Our Greatest Asset de Lubbock's Oldest Bros. JEWELERS CASH of CREDIT Pre-Easter Sale BLOUSES SLACKS SUITS DRESSES price COATS Jumper Dresses and Skirts. tops for the Spring Swing! 2 price HATS price one-half DRESSES Special Group for $600 Values to $16.95 dress shop 1014 BROADWAY.

Lubbock Morning Avalanche from Lubbock, Texas (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.